InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou of my eye ❯ Ask Dr. Mirokou ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! Sorry it's been a little while since my last update. I was busy. So once again, please update. And I will try to make them longer, Ok? Oh! And check out my fan art! I don't think it's half bad. And I don't own Inuyasha and Co.
“Can you get Rin in here Jaken?”
“Yes Milord.” Jaken grudgingly went to find Rin. Lord Sesshomaru had started to favor that mortal girl. Why? It wasn't like there was anything he could get from her. Jaken found her in the courtyard. She was lying on the ground feet up in the air. She was using a stick to doodle a heart on the ground. She was starting to write her name in it when Jaken interrupted her. “Lord Sesshomaru wishes to speak with you.”
“Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin righted herself. She wiped dirt off the front of her dress. She fixed her bun. Why was she going to all the trouble to fix her self up? It's not like Lord Sesshomaru would notice. He led her back to Sesshomaru's chambers. “What do you think Lord Sesshomaru wants?”
“I have no idea.” Jaken said flatly, putting a cap on her sprit. He really didn't know what Sesshomaru wanted with this girl. “Ah Rin there you are.” They had arrived at Sesshomaru's chambers. “Rin, I need you to do a few things, can you do that?”
“Yes Lord Sesshomaru!” Jaken shivered. Waaaaaaaaaay too peppy. Rin pulled a piece of paper and a pen (A.N. I don't care if they didn't have pens then!) and got ready to write down his orders.
“I need you to bring me the finance papers from Mirokou, and then I'll need you to get the kitchen accounts in order. Can you get that all done by say, five Rin?”
“Yes Lord Sesshomaru!” Rin quickly wrote the list of jobs for her to get done. Jaken stood on the other side of the room grumbling about the way Sesshomaru doted over Rin. It was sick! “Good. You know Rin, you're very organized for a girl as young as yourself. I can count on you.” Rin turned bright red.
“Oh Lord Sesshomaru you are too kind.” He was to kind. He had never complemented him! Jaken had been there for, years! And this mortal girl, who had been there for a week at the most, was higher in Sesshomaru's favor then himself. Jaken grumbled. He pulled himself out of the shadows. He placed himself in-between Rin and Sesshomaru. “Um Jaken I was…” She raised her hand a little
“Shut up brat!” Rin's hand shot back down “Milord, I do not mean to speak out of turn but-”
“Then don't.” Sesshomaru gave him a look full of daggers right at him.
“Yes Milord.” Jaken eased back into the corner.
“I am sorry for Jaken's rudeness Rin.”
“Sorry for Jaken's rudeness Rin.” Jaken mimed under his breathe in the corner.
“What was that Jaken?” Sesshomaru's sensitive ears homed in on his words.
“N-nothing milord!”
“I thought so.” Sesshomaru turned his attention back to Rin. “You're very good with the accounts. In a few years you might become my full time assistant.”
“Really?” Rin's eyes light up.
“Yes.” Sesshomaru smiled at the look on her face. “And you're an amazing cook. Your Natto* was divine.”
“Oh you're just saying that. It was just Natto”
“No it was great.” Rin blushed again.
“I have to go get to work on these.” Rin rushed out of the to room.
“Wait Rin.”
“Yes Lord Sesshomaru?”
“That hair style really suits you.” Jaken continued to grumble.
“Stupid brat.”
Kikyou was on a rampage. She had to find Kagome. It had been her turn to torture Inuyasha and he didn't even notice. She had used all her best stuff. Ticks, fleas, dog whistle. (The whistle was really hard to get cause they hadn't been invented yet) All her best stuff, and all he did was shrug it off. Kagome must have drugged him to mess up her chances. Because all he did was walk around the castle giving these funny (Funny as in weird) grins. She found Kagome carrying dirty clothes in a basket. “Kagome!” Kagome winced. Kikyou was angry this was bad.
“What is it Kikyou?” Kagome placed down her load. This could take a while.
“What did you do to Inuyasha?”
“What do you mean by that?” Kagome gave a look that seemed to fain innocence. But she had no idea what she was talking about.
“When it was my day he just took everything and sat around daydreaming.”
“On your day for what the?”
“The contest, duh!” Kagome thought for a moment.
“Oh that contest! Kikyou you should be more mature.”
“WHAT! We had the whole contest to punish Inuyasha for being a jerk. You're the one who thought of it!”
“I but now I see Inuyasha isn't a half bad guy when he isn't busy being a little jerky. Now if you don't mind I have to-”
“What do you mean he's not half bad? I can't believe you're standing up for him!” Kikyou's face flushed with rage. “If you love him so much why don't you marry him?”
Kagome stared off into space. “No, you're the lucky one who gets to do that.”
“Um, nothing.” Kagome's face reddened. “I have to get these clothes clean.” Kagome tried the beeline past Kikyou but she wouldn't let her. “You like him don't you?”
“Well yeah, we friends and-”
“No I mean you like him.” Kikyou's eyes got big. “You can't like him, I'm his wife!”
”To be. You're not married yet and he's still on the market.”
“So you're saying you do like him?”
“No, I'm saying that I…” Kagome couldn't think of anything. Did she like Inuyasha in that way? “I have to go get these clothes washed she turned around.
“Oh hi Inuyasha, how long have you been here?”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*INUYASHA POV
I looked at Kagome. Gods she looked nice today. All I had to do was say something witty. She would laugh, and she would be mine.
“Hi Kagome.” No! Say something smart
“Hi Inuyasha.”
“Hi Kagome.”
“Yeah you already said hi Inuyasha, do you know any other words?” Come on! All I have to do is say something, anything!
“Nice, um laundry Kagome.”
“Thanks…” Kikyou gave Kagome an `I told you so' look and walked off. What was with her?
“Well I have to go Inuyasha. Bye” She wiggled her fingers at him then walked off.
“Bye Kagome.” Yeah, I'm so smooth. I hit my head. “Stupid Inuyasha. Stupid, stupid, stupid!”
“Inuyasha be careful, you want to keep some of your brain cells.” Rin came behind him her hands full of papers. “You say that I'm crushing, at least I can talk.”
“I'm not `crushing'.”
“You sooooo are.”
“Feh. So what are you, Sesshomaru's lackey now?”
“ I'm just helping him with a few things. He does everything around here.”
“Mirokou helps.”
“Yeah when he's not too busy groping Sango.”
“He doesn't do that all the time.”
“Hello Sango.” Mirokou leaned close to her.
I heard Sango scream Hentai and the loudest slap ever. Sango walked past huffing. A little while after a dazed Mirokou walked by.
“It was totally worth it.”
“Well… I have to get some forms from Mirokou so bye.” Rin walked off after Mirokou leaving me standing there. Me and Kagome, there wasn't anything more between us then friends, right. I mean she couldn't like me. Could she? She could get anyone, she was so pretty, and sweet
++++FLASH BACK+++++
++++END FLASH BACK++++++
Well, maybe not sweet all the time but still. Some people said that Kikyou and Kagome looked alike, be I didn't see it. Kagome had so much life in her. Kikyou seemed like a zombie. (A.N. Because she is a zombie!!!!!!) But he kept messing up. He needed advise, and he knew just who to go to
“So, you've come to me because of woman troubles Inuyasha?”
“Yeah, you're the only one I feel dependable coming to, Mirokou.” (A.N. Yes he went to Mirokou the ladies man) “Now, you say your problem is…”
“I can't talk to her. When I try my words get all jumbled up.”
“So you just need to practice, pretend I'm Kagome.” Inuyasha looked at him strangle, trying to see if he was serous. “I don't think I can…”
“Try Inuyasha.”
“OK.” Inuyasha prepared himself. “Hi Kagome, I need to tell to you.”
“Yes honey bunches?” Mirokou said in a falsetto.
“Forget it I can't do it.”
“Come on Inuyasha.”
“Ok. I need to tell you something.”
“What?” Inuyasha cringed.
“I like you a lot.”
“Eh hem.” Rin was standing in the doorway. “Um Mirokou, I need the finance paper?”
“Yeah I have it right here.”
“Thanks, and Inuyasha don't worry I won't tell Kagome, anything.” Rin winked at him then walked out.
“Well, I think well for the first session, will we meet tomorrow?”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*KAGOME POV
I had finished washing the clothes. It took forever. What was Inuyasha doing to his pants? I had started to hang them up when I heard a scream.
“I'm GOING TO KILL YOOU MIROKOU!” I sighed, putting my face in my hands.
“Inuyasha.” Kagome ran to Mirokou's room. I walked in to see Inuyasha with Mirokou in a headlock. “INUYASHA YOU GET OFF HIM RIGHT NOW!” Inuyasha just looked at me in a funny way. He got up. Wow, I only had to tell him once! What was going on?
“Kagome I need to tell you something.” Inuyasha came up really close to me. I could feel his breathe on my face. “I think I-”
“Lord Inuyasha, guess what day tomorrow is!” Sesshomaru and Rin stood in the doorway. Way to kill the moment. “It's your fourteenth birthday, and you know what that means.”
“Wait, you add five, carry the four add to and that comes to…” Inuyasha'a face paled. “NOOOOOOO!!!!!” Inuyasha fell to the ground, his hands in the air. “Not that anything but that!”
“Inuyasha don't be such a baby” Sesshomaru picked him up off the ground. “We're just going to Kikyou's palace. You do this every other year so you should be used to it.”
“You make it seem like it's fun.”
“It is fun.”
“Oooooooh. I get it, you want to be with your girlfriend Kagura?” Inuyasha made a kissing sound.
“It's nothing like that.” Sesshomaru dropped Inuyasha back on the ground. “I want you to be ready by tonight.” Rin stood in a daze.