InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted House, Haunting Past ❯ Moving Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Okay, this is my 1st fic, and I'm very new at this so please don't expect too much. I'm kinda making it up as I go and I might get stuck in a few places, but I'll try to do my best and update as much as I can! I'm really inexperienced, so please go easy on me! Criticism is ok, just as long as you're nice about it... I need as much help and advice as I can get, so please R&R!!

Disclaimer: I think this is gonna be the only time I say this, so keep in mind: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA. (So please don't sue...) Oh, and while I'm at it, I don't own Nintendo either.

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Haunted House Haunting Past ch.1

Kagome sighed for what seemed to be the thousandth time as she stood in the doorway of her empty bedroom, her long, black hair pulled back into a high ponytail as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.
`Looks like that's everything...' Kagome thought sadly.
She'd been taking her time to pack, but it seemed, despite her efforts, everything was finally all ready to go and it was truly time to say goodbye to her family's shrine which she wasn't sure she could do. This place held so many memories…
It was the same shrine her grandpa had taken so much pride in and been so proud to say had been in their family for generations, working so hard his whole life of sixty-seven years to take care of it, the same shrine her parents had gotten married and raised their family in, and the same shrine she and her brother had grew up and started school in. It was their home and it had been apart of their family for so many years.
To Kagome, leaving it behind would be like leaving a piece of herself behind… which was exactly what she was doing.
Kagome glanced one last time around her old bedroom to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything before shutting off her light and leaving with the last of her belongings and heading out to the car were her mother, gramps, and little brother were waiting for her.
Since Kagome's mother had gotten a new job a few hours drive away, Kagome and her family were forced to move. After all, they really needed the money. Three part-time jobs that only paid minimum wage just didn't cut it when you had a whole family to provide for and with their dad gone...
Kagome found herself having to fight back her tears. It had only three months ago since he had died in the car accident, yet it seemed like only yesterday he had been with them. Kagome shook her head as if to get rid of her depressing thoughts, but to no success. She couldn't bare think about it… She couldn't bear to think about him. It was just hurt too much.
Snapping back to reality, Kagome wiped the tears that had somehow found their way to her cheeks before anyone saw. Setting the last box of her things into the trunk of the car, Kagome climbed into the back seat beside her brother Souta who was playing his beloved Nintendo DS, as usual with their cat Buyou curled up in his lap.
"Aren't you guys excited!?" Kagome heard her mother ask in her usual cheerful and motherly tone of voice as she looked back at her children lovingly. Though she tried to hide it, there was a lot of pain behind those eyes, Kagome could tell. The death of their father had been hard on all of them… especially their mother.
Kagome looked back at the strong woman sitting patiently in the driver's seat as her grandpa was already busy snoozing in the passengers'. What could Kagome possibly say to her? Kagome didn't think she could bring herself to lie. She was a horrible liar; there was no doubt about that.

"Yeah, sure mom," Souta answered, more than a little upset. He hadn't even bothered glancing up from his game and anyone with ears could hear his sarcasm.
Ever since their father had died, Souta had been acting out at school, even starting fights with other kids and calling the teachers names. He hardly ever spoke unless spoken to and even then he would only nod or give a short `whatever' or some other sarcastic comment. He didn't like to do any of the things he used to, like playing soccer, or climbing trees. All he did was play his stupid `Nintendo' games…

Kagome glanced over at her younger brother and sighed. She knew how he felt. She missed their dad too and she didn't want to move anymore than he or grandpa did. In truth, none of them wanted to move. Kagome knew she would miss her school and her friends, not to mention she was having to leave her childhood home…

"Look, I know you guys don't want to move, but we need this job. Grandpa is just getting too old to take care of the shrine anymore." Their mother said as the old man snorted in his sleep. "And besides," She continued as she started the car. “Aren't we all ready for a change?"

Kagome sighed again and turned her gaze to her lap, unable to bear looking at her mother's sad, grief-stricken face a moment longer. "Yeah, I guess so." She finally managed to say, though it came out no more than a whisper. She really didn't want to be a pain, but she just wished so much that they didn't have to move. Not when it meant leaving her whole life behind…

~ * ~

Hours had past as Kagome continued to stare out the window, watching the scenery pass her by… just like her life seemed to be doing… passing her by and disappearing into the distance.
The white sky was beginning to darken, filling with angry, dark clouds as it gradually started to sprinkle. Everything was dreary, and Kagome couldn't help but feel the same way. Everything went in and out of focus, until it was all just a blur. Her eyes were beginning to feel heavy, becoming almost impossible to keep open as consciousness slowly slipped into nothingness and images of the dream world overtook her mind.

Kagome found herself standing in the middle of a garden. It was beautiful and breath-taking the way colorful flowers and trees were randomly scattered along a stone path. The warm breeze smelled sweet and the sun shone brightly through the towering trees as the birds sang a cheerful song as they flew happily in the wind's soft caress.

As she wondered further down the path, Kagome came to a large cherry tree where a boy sat high in its branches. He wore an old red kimono. His feet were bare and Kagome noticed they had claws that matched the ones on his hands. His face was handsome with a strong jaw that seemed to shown a sense of stubbornness and held slight arrogance. He had naturally tanned skin and the boy's hair was an unusual shade of silver, all the way to his lower back, making it easily longer than Kagome's. Kagome also hadn't failed to notice the two fuzzy dog ears perched upon his head as they twitched only slightly when they were lightly brushed by the wind. No, he wasn't a boy, he was a demon.

Even as Kagome stood only a few feet away from the tree, he didn't seem to see or notice her there at all. He just sat there staring into the sky with those intense golden eyes that seemed so sad... Lonely... Beautiful...
They seemed to reach out to her, draw her in and she could see the inner strength and determination within their golden depths. They were just so beautiful in all their misery… Kagome could almost feel his pain… He was so alone... so unaccepted... so unloved… insecure... confused... untrusting.

Moments passed and nothing happened. Kagome
could only gaze and admire him when suddenly she noticed another girl standing below the tree. She had long raven hair that shined in the run's rays and blue-grey eyes that matched Kagome's almost identical.
In fact, Kagome would have mistaken the girl as herself if only the girl had not looked a little older. Also the fact that the girl's hair was slightly longer than Kagome's own and while Kagome's eyes were more blue, the other girl's eyes held more grey within them, her complexion also somewhat paler than Kagome's. Her face was surprisingly matured and held wisdom beyond her years, though it was obvious she was still young.

The demon boy jumped down from his perch in the
tree; his expression brightening ever so slightly upon seeing the girl. He moved closer to her and they looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment before he took the girl into a warm embrace and he held her with such passion and sincerity.
Kagome could feel the love between them. It was almost overwhelming and it made her sad and forgotten… abandoned somehow... Though she just couldn't quite figure out why... Kagome looked back at the couple when she heard the boy whisper something into the girl's ear. His voice was unusually soft and gentle as he spoke the words to his supposed lover.
"I'll always protect you..."

Kagome felt something shaking her shoulder, rudely awakening her from her dream.

"Kagome, shut up, you're snoring worse than Gramps!" her younger brother said as he sat back against the seat and resumed playing his game.

Kagome childishly stuck out her tongue at him and sighed, laying her head back down. She had a dream again about that demon boy. She had a dream about him just about every time she went to sleep. He was usually with that girl. Sometimes they'd be sitting by the river, sometimes they would sit under that cherry tree, other times the demon boy would watch as the woman picked and planted herb and plants... They were always together in all of her dreams...

"We're here!" Kagome's mother said excitedly.

Kagome yawned, wiping the sleep from her eyes and looked out her window. 'It's a lot bigger than I had imagined.' Kagome thought as they came to an iron gate that enclosed the courtyard.

All the plants were overgrown and vines clung to the bars of the gate, also covering the outside of the house. It was now pouring down rain and thundering and lightening, giving it a dramatic effect. It was really more of a mansion than a house…

By this time, Kagome was really missing her old home and regretting having to move. She knew she had to get over it sometime, but it was much easier said than done. Kagome groaned and continued to stare, sudden dread filling her as she tried to get a better look and the car approached the house.
'Wow,' Kagome thought. `It looks like something you'd see in a horror movie...'

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A/N: How'd you like it? Good? Bad? Just okay? I promise the other chapters will be much longer! Again, please review!! It would really help me out a lot even if you hated it.