InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heartbreakers ❯ Love is Love ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: See Chp. 1

Chapter XI: Love is Love

Miroku woke up with a pounding headache and in a bed he didn’t remember getting into. “Oh, shit, not again. I hope she ain’t an ugo.” Miroku said sitting up fully. He looked around the room and his eyes widened. ‘Did I mess around and fuck Tinkerbell?’ Miroku thought as he looked at the deep purple and fluffy room. He wouldn't have been freaked out if the owner of the room didn’t have an unicorn fetish.

“Where the fuck am I?” He said.

“In my room.” Violet said walking into the room with a glass of water. “Here. You need it.” She said handing it to him.

“Humph. Violet likes violet. How orginal.” He scoffed before drinking down the water.
The crisp cold liquid soothed his dry throat and cooled down the upcoming fever.

Violet couldn't help but to stare at the man before her. It was him. The man her mother bashed and talked about all of her life. The man that abandoned her and her mother. She was supposed to hate him. Loathe everything he stood for, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She dreamed of the day she got to see him, her father.

Miroku set down the glass on the nightstand before he caught Violet staring intently at him. He suddenly got nervous under her gaze. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

“I’m sorry.” She softly said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Upon hearing her apology, Miroku sat up using the support of his weary hands to pull him up. "Sorry? For what?"

“I didn’t mean to lie to you. It’s just hard to find mature guys my age. So, when you took an interest in me, I didn’t know how to react.”

Miroku gave her a geniuine smile. “It’s okay." He replied. Miroku wanted nothing but to committ suicide for once thinking oh so dirty thoughts about his daughter. "Well, now you know what kind of weirdos are out there.”

“Like you.” She said with a giggle.

Miroku smiled. “Especially me.”

Violet smiled brightly. “Thanks for the advice.”

Miroku admired her smile. It tugged at his heartstrings that it mirrored his own toothy grin. Her bright eyes reflect those of his mother's. At that moment, any doubt he had about her not being his flew right out of the window. “Wow.” He whispered as he reached an epiphany he thought he would never reach in his lifetime.

“Wow, what?” She said with a smile.

“You are mine, aren’t you?”He said.

“I couldn’t be no other man’s even if I tried.” She said before getting up and walking towards the door. She leaned against the wooden threshold and fixed dreamy eyes on him. “Welcome home, daddy.” Violet said with a lucent smile before pushing herself off the door and walked out of the room.

All the events that happened should’ve made him jump up and run for the hills, but that smile she gave made him whole somehow. “Daddy.” He repeated before shaking his head. What was this feeling that washed over him in tsunami sized waves? What was this urge to want to be with her, in her life?

“Finally awoke, huh?” Jun said leaning against the doorway.

Jun's voice knocked Miroku out his daydream as he looked at her dark brown orbs.“Yeah.” Miroku grunted before throwing his legs over the edge of the bed.

“Good, because we have to talk.”

"I know."

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

Kagome sighed as she sluggishly walked down the to the parking garage. She couldn't be more happy that the day was gone. She knew once she got home she would be up to her elbows in Haggen-Dazs, listening to Marvin Gaye, and soaking into a Milk Honey bubble bath until she pruned.


She whipped around upon the sound of her name. The sight of those icy blue eyes froze her in place. "K-kouga?" She stuttered. Kagome didn't expect him and she nearly soiled herself with him two feet away from her and no one around in a dark parking garage.

"We need to talk." He simply said.

Kagome's heart pounded against her chest. Her hands immediately got sweaty. She shifted her eyes from him to the distance of her car. 'It's too far. He'll catch me. Play it cool, Kags.' "About what?" She nervously said.

"About us." He said walking towards her.

Kagome quickly got on guard. "Stay back." She said as she eased towards her car.

Kouga stopped in his tracks. "Calm down. I don't want to hurt you. I just think we need to talk."

"Kouga, we don't need to talk. It's over. What don't you get about that?" Kagome argued.

His eyes turned a steely, cold blue that told her all he wanted to do to her. "It can't be over, Kagome. Not after all we've been through!" He yelled as he walked towards her.

"Stay back." Kagome screamed as she ran towards her car with Kouga quickly on her heel.

"I just want to talk!" Kouga yelled after her.

She wasn't going to make it to her car. Kagome figured that much out the moment she started running. He was much faster than her and much stronger than her. 'Think, Kagome. Think!' She pressured herself. Kagome swung her purse around and caught him in the chin.

Kouga stumbled a bit from the blow. "Stop avoiding this, Kags. What'd you expect? I love you."

Kagome panicked as she clutched her purse in her hands. He was completely crazy, nuts, insane, and everything else inbetween. "You're crazy! Stay back." Kagome yelled, backing away from him as she dug in her purse for the pepper spray.

Kouga stalked towards her. "I love you, Kagome."

"I said, stay back!" She yelled as she gave Kouga an eyefull of the piercing liquid.

"You bitch!" He screamed as he held his eyes and staggered back.

Kagome chose the time he was disoriented to race towards her car. She ran so fast she nearly bumped into her Honda Accord. "Thank God." She said with a sigh as she looked in her purse for her keys, but they weren't in there. "Where are my keys?" Kagome panicked as she looked in all her pockets. "Fuck!" She cried as tears leaked out of her eyes.

Kagome dropped to her knees as she searched under her car and around the area for her only savior. "Please." She pleaded to no one in particular. She felt around the dark concrete floor before her hand glided across the smooth leather of a dress shoe. Kagome mentally cursed because she knew who it belonged to.

She sucked up her tears before looking up at Kouga. His eyes were blood shot and glowered her way. The menacing looking on his face would make a pit bull scamper with his tail between his legs.

"Looking for these." Kouga said as he dangled her keys before giving her a blow to the jaw and Kagome's world went black.

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

InuYasha threw his rag on the concrete as he plopped down on the bench. He dried his last car before lunch. Now, he had time to get the monkey off his back and talk to Kagome. It was something about her that made him want to take his player's hat off and begin a serious relationship. The only obstacle he had to get over was....

"Why aren't you working?" A stern, feminine voice called.

InuYasha looked from the long, lean legs that draped out of Kikyo's usual mini-skirt. His eyes traveled past her baby tee up to the scowl settled across her face.

"Chill, Kik. It's my last car."

"There's no such thing as a last car."

"It's my lunch break."

Kikyo put her hand on her hip. "My father does not pay you to break."

InuYasha scrunched up his nose at Kikyo's foul attitude. "What's up with you, Kik? I know what I did was way beyond fucked it up, but that doesn't give you the right to be a fucking bitch."

Kikyo gasped in air at his cruel words. "Maybe I am being a bitch, but if I am its because you made me this way." She said as she gave him a slight shove.

InuYasha sighed as he immediately got up from the bench. "Kiks, I can't make you who you are, and I know whoever this is aint my Kikyo. My Kikyo was nice, generous, and understanding."

'How dare he?!' Kikyo inwardly shouted. How dare he throw little nicknames and nice tid bits in and pretend like what he did wasn't the complete worst. The frustration was too much as tears leaked out of Kikyo's eyes. "Why are you doing this?!" She demanded.

"Doing what?" InuYasha said taken back by her tears.

"Running this game on me."

"Game? I'm not running game on you."

"You're trying to make me believe that I'm in the wrong. You can't just walk away scotch free from what you've done." She whimpered. "It hurts, you know. You don't realize how much you've hurt me."

InuYasha sighed. "Kikyo, I know, and I'm sorry."

"No. you're not!" She screamed as she looked away from his intense gaze.

"Look at me, Kikyo."

Kikyo turned around and looked into his sincere, amber orbs. "I'm sorry. I truly am, and maybe I don't know how much I've hurt you, but you know I would never do it on purpose. You're my best girl."

Kikyo wanted to give in to his gentle words, but she was right in her anger. Wasn't she? "How am I suppose to accept that?"

"Easy. Just...accept it." InuYasha said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Kikyo couldn't help but to cry. He was making her frustrated with his smooth words and clear logic. He was making her out to be some crazy woman when he was the one who fucked her then left her high and dry. "It's hard." Kikyo whispered. "It's too hard to know you don't love me back."

"Come here." InuYasha said as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled in her neck. "Kik, I do love you. You're most likely the only woman I've ever loved."

"But not like how I love you." She whispered as tears fell down her eyes.

"Love is love." He responded back. "Love is love regardless" He whispered.

"InuYasha." Kikyo moaned as she inhaled his musky scent and fell mindlessly into his spell.

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

"Why haven't you told me?" Miroku asked as him and Jun were now sitting at her kitchenette drinking tea.

Violet stood behind the doorway easedropping on the conversation between her mother and father. 'They look so cute together.' Violet thought.

"Because you weren't the man I wanted my child to be around." Jun said taking a languid sip from her cup.

She didn't know what that did to Miroku's feelings. He felt like scum at the bottom of the earth. "How so?"

"You were a womanizing lech. I knew that when we had sex, but I never thought I would get pregnant. I knew that I would have responsibility, and I knew responsibility wasn't your strong suit. So, I decided not to tell you or let you into my child's life."

"Who are you to decide that? She's my child, too." Miroku said. Who was he to say that? He was so selfish and was such a narcissist bastard that if he was in Jun's shoes he would've kept him away from Violet, too. 'But it still would've been nice to know I was father. Maybe that would've straightened me out.'

"I'm her mother, Miroku. I've raised her just fine without you." Jun plainly said. "I not trying to personally attack you."

"It feels like it." Mirokus solemnly said. 'Was he that bad in high school? Shit, he was way worse now. Maybe this was a sign......a very huge, enormous sign. "I want to catch up with Violet's life. I want to know all of the things I've missed."

"It's too late, Miroku."

"I have an idea." He quickly said. "How about I take Violet in every weekend?"

Suddenly, the said girl came rushing into the kitchen. "That's a great idea. Oh, please mom, can I?" She said jumping up and down in great joy.

"Yeah, can she?" Miroku said glad to have support from his daughter.

Jun shook her head. "I don't know. That's doesn't sound safe. What about her studies?"

"Come on. It'll be the weekend. She won't miss school." Miroku said.

"Yeah, I won't miss school." Violet copied.

"What about food?" Jun pressed.

"I'll feed her. I have a lifetime supply of ramen."

"I love ramen." Violet cheered.

"Where will she sleep?" Jun pushed.

"She can have my room and I'll sleep on the couch."

"See, mama?"

Jun always wanted Violet to know her father. She wanted her to know what an inconsiderate asshole he was. He didn't change no matter how much he wanted to. Maybe letting Violet stay with him every weekend will give him a small dose of reality and he will go running for the hills. "Okay." Jun relented.

Miroku eye's brightened. "Really?! Wow, I thought I was going to have to get on my knees and grovel."

"Hold on, dad. You still might have to. What's the conditions?" Violet asked knowing her mother all to well.

"There's only one." Jun informed.

"What is it?" Miroku asked.

"I will have to come inspect your house and see how your living arrangments are."

"Oh, that's fine." Miroku said. "I have nothing to hide."

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

"Look, man. You might have to hide." Miroku said to InuYasha who sprawled onto the couch with a beer in one hand and his crotch in the other. "Come on, man. Get this shit up. It's digusting in here." Miroku said picking up empty beer bottles and old pizza boxes.

"This is a good day for the apartment." InuYasha said adjusting his crotch hand.

"Why are you even here? Don't you have a job." Miroku said as he grabbed a broom and began to sweep.

"I'm taking a long lunch break away from Kikyo."

"Oh, what happend last night? I think you owe me money."

"What money?"

"We had a bet remember." Miroku said sweeping the dust and trash into a dustpan.

"Oh, yeah, we did." InuYasha said before sighing. "The night went horrible. Kagome turned into this completely different person which was weird and Kikyo turned into this completely different person which was weird, but a nice weird then it change back to regular weird."

"I can't believe you finally fucked Kikyo." Miroku said reading through InuYasha's babble. "And then said Kagome's name and made her mad."

"Wha..? How did....?" InuYasha said completely astounded.

Miroku shrugged. "It's a gift. The only thing I got from my mother." He said changing the full trash bags before placing them by the door.

"Yo, what's up with this maid shit you're doing."

"I was tired of living in this digusting ass apartment." He said looking around the place to see what improvements could be made before the weekend. "I might put plastic on the furniture." He whispered to himself.

"What broad has got you so whipped that she's got you cleaning?"

Miroku blushed. He help but to at the thought of the angel that saved him from damnation. "Yeah, she's pretty special."

"Well, she better have beer flavored nipples for all of the work she's got you doing." InuYasha said as he got off of the couch and stretched before he started feeling pressure being applied to his neck.....heavy pressure. He opened his eyes to see Miroku's hand wrapped around his neck. "What the fuck, man?" InuYasha strained.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that." Miroku growled.

InuYasha seriously didn't know this man infront of him. Miroku was always a laid back lazy slacker. He had no morals and not much of heart yet he was practically choking him just because of a little joke. "Calm down, man."

"Take it back." Miroku pressed.

"No, and you better let go of my neck before I make you regret it." InuYasha threatened but the last thing he wanted to do was physically fight his friend. It always ended badly whenever they fought, more so on Miroku's part since he was the one usually in the hospital.

"Not until you take it back."

"What's your deal? She's just a broad. Bro's before ho's remember." InuYasha joked triyng to lighten the situation. 'Don't make me fight you, man. Don't make me.'

"She is not just a broad and she is defintely not a ho'. That's my fucking daughter!" He burst out. Miroku did not know where this certain rage was coming from all of sudden. All he knew was that it burnt him up to hear anyone, including his best friend InuYasha, talk about Violet. Noted, InuYasha didn't know nor has ever met Violet and he did not meant any harm. The joke was purely innocent but Miroku just couldn't control himself for some odd reason.

InuYasha's eyes widened. "Wait a minute! Did I just hear you say daughter?"

Miroku sighed before releasing. "Yeah, man."

"Why didn't you tell you had a freaking daughter?"

"I just found out today." He said before plopping down onto the couch.

"Rule number three, dude." InuYasha shook his head."Rule number three." He repeated.

"I know." Miroku responded.

"Always wear a condomn." They said in unison.

"Well, if you know the rules..."

"This happend before you and me ever met. I was still in high school. I had to be about sixteen years old." Miroku said before sighing. "I don't know how to really handle this."

"I say don't claim the kid until you get some DNA tests."

"I'm positive she's mine. She looks just like my mom."

"Well, that's unfortunate." InuYasha whispered.


"Nothing. Look, I have to get back to work and face Kikyo."

"Good luck." Miroku said.

InuYasha chuckled. "Looks like you need it more than I do." He said as he grabbed his coat and left.

Miroku sighed as the apartment filled with silence. "I guess he's right."

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

Kagome could taste the stale taste of tape as he it was pressed against her dry lips. Lack of moisture was taking a toll on them. She opened her eyes but they were only met with darkness and she heard the sticky sound of her eyelashes brushing against the waxy substance of the duct tape. She could vaguely hear footsteps before they got louder and closer to the ground.

'He's coming down a staircase.' Kagome observed. Maybe she was in a basement.

"Kaggy. Kaggy. Kaggy." Kouga cooed as he ran his fingers through her smooth, silky locks. "What am I to do with you? I tried to be civil. I tried to allow you in to my life and into my heart, but you kept rejecting me and using me."

Kagome began to mumble obscenities that she knew he couldn't possibly hear.

"I know. I love you, too." He said before kissing her tape covered mouth.

Kagome closed her eyes in digust and horror. She never thought Kouga was such a psycho. He had a nice wife and a beautiful son and she could understand his infidelity, most men weren't monogamous, but in the end this was all her fault.

"Now, since I love you so much. I will give you one chance to save yourself. Just one."

Kagome then heard the jingle of a landline telephone.....maybe rotary.

"I will let you call one person who you think will help you."

Kagome immediately thought of Sango. She was at work, but she could leave a message. 'Sango never checks messages.' She could call her mother, but she probably would think it was some cruel joke. Kagome probably could call the principle at the school.

"And you can't call the principle. That's too easy."

"Asshole." She mumbled.

"Come on, Kagome. There's got to be someone out there who cares."

Kagome then thought about InuYasha. Would he even believe her? Would he even come after the way she treated him last night. It was a long shot, but it was also the only one she had.

"Are you ready?" Kouga asked and Kagome nodded. He then took the duct tape off of her eyes and mouth.

She was in basement. She couldn't be in Kouga's basement since Ayame was a stay at home mom and school was out so his son would be home.

"Stop trying to analyze, Kags. You're an elementary teacher, not a forensic scientist."

"Aren't you going to tell me where we are?"

Kouga chuckled. "I seriously doubt that. Now, give me the number."


Kouga dialed the number and waited for the ring. "Let's hope they answer."

'Please, InuYasha. Pick up of the phone.' Kagome pleaded.

(·.·´¯`·)»*«( ·´¯`·.·)

InuYasha wiped his brow as he finished one of the many cars in the wash. If he didn't take a long lunch he would probably be done by now.

"Hey, buddy. I need my car dried." Some guy in a dark green Acura yelled.

InuYasha sighed as he grabbed his towel and headed towards the car. He then heard his cell phone go off. He put one finger to signal the driver to hold on before he pulled out his cell and answered it. "InuYasha speaking." He answered. Nobody responed but he heard shuffling. "Hello?"

"InuYasha?! Is that you?"

"Yes, this is he. Who is this?"


InuYasha heart stopped. It couldn't be. "What do you want?"

"I need you're help!" She pleaded. She seemed so distraught and desperate.

"What's wrong?"

"I've been kidnapped and I need your help."

"Kidnapped?! Is this a joke?"

"No, It's not! Why would I joke like this?"

"I don't know. Maybe because you're a slut." InuYasha said repeating her hurtful words from last night.

Kagome sighed. "InuYasha, please don't go there. I really need your help."

"Why would you call me?"

"You're the only one I know who could save me." She softly said.

InuYasha sighed. Kagome sounded like herself. Soft and innocent. "Well, where are you?"

"I don't know."

"Well, how am I supposed to find you?"

"I don't know! I just know you can."

InuYasha felt pride swell up in his chest. She needed him and by God he was going to save her. "Alright. You can count on me."

Kagome smiled. "Thank you."

Kouga looked at her loving expression and rage rushed through his veins like poison. He never known her to look so sweet and innocent. He then snatched the phone away from her.

"Stop!" Kagome shouted.

"Shut up." He said before taking the phone and hitting her in the head with it.

InuYasha could hear her distress and he could hear her assailant. "Hey!" He yelled through the phone. "Leave her the fuck alone!"

"You want this bitch alive? You got five hours." Kouga said before hanging up the phone.

"Shit!" InuYasha cursed before throwing his phone to ground and breaking it into the pieces. How did he end up in this situation? He was fine two minutes ago. InuYasha couldn't walk away now; not with Kagome's life in his hands.

"InuYasha! Why aren't you working?" Kikyo said. "You can't just use your anytime minutes just anytime."

"Look, Kikyo. I have to go."

"Go? Where?"

"I don't know where." InuYasha strained.

"You can't. This is our busiest hour. It was your decision to take the long lunch."

"I know, but you I have to go. Kik, you gotta cover for me." InuYasha pleaded.

Kikyo wanted to give in to his calm, warm eyes. They melted any force shield she wanted to keep up to make her seem tough even though with just one of his looks, she was puddy in his hands. 'No, I have to be strong. I can't let him keep doing this to me. It can't be healthy.'

"InuYasha, if you leave, then you won't have a job to come back to."

InuYasha was stunned by what she said. He looked at her unrelenting eyes and knew she was dead serious. Well, he was even more serious. "I guess you can consider this my two week notice." He said before taking off his jumpsuit and running off.

"I really mean it, InuYasha!" Kikyo yelled after him. She then stomped and pouted when her plan didn't work. "Damn it!" She shouted.