InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heavenly Children ❯ angels and wishes ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Sorry the last chapter was so short. I'm truthfully sorry
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha but that doesn't mean I don't want to!
Kagome woke up in a bed that was unfamiliar to her and started to panic! She looked over her shoulder to find that all her belongings were their. But what was that sound outside of the hut she was in and how did she end up here?!
Kagome went outside to see what was going on. She didn't know where she was but as soon as she came out all of the gorgeous people she saw the other day stopped whispering and stared at her.
The next second she found that the same princess whom spoke to her the other day walked up to her.
“Kagome” the princess spoke, “let me explain to you what is going on and why you are here.” She took a breath and sighed. “Your soul has proved to be loyal, kind, and pure. That is why you can see us now. You are the only creature with a heart as pure as it is to see us. Others have to wait till they die and go to heaven before they see us, but you are an exception. You have till midnight tonight to wish upon the shikon-no-tama. If your wish is as pure as you are, then we will make you a celestial being. No one has ever received this request but you. You will still have the powers of a miko but you will be the strongest miko ever born, and you will also be a celestial being with powers almost as great as mine. You are to live here with us as long as you wish.” The princess sighed. “ My name is Princess Mayame of the Heavens. I am a celestial being as well. Everyone you see here is an angel. If you will stay here you are welcome to stay in the hut just beyond the waterfalls. You and your children should be safe and happy there.”
Did she just say that I had children! That is what Kagome was thinking.
“What do you mean “you and your children?”
“I meant what I said. You mean to say you willingly chose to mate with inuyasha and you didn't even know you were pregnant?!”
“No I did not know. I think I need to rest a little bit after receiving that bit of information, please.” Kagome said calmly. Kagome was so happy to be pregnant with him but also devastated that he still loved Kikyo.
Princess Mayame showed Kagome her new home just beyond the waterfalls.
Kagome looked around her new home once the princess was gone .
Her hut was more like a feudal Japanese castle because of the size and how beautiful it was inside and out.
The outside yard was like walking on grassy water because the grass was so shiny and it was the perfect length. She had a small pond that she could bathe in and the water was so clear you could see if the slightest bit of anything had been in it. The flowers were beautifully arranged and they were all the colors of the rainbow. It had a few vines with flowers on the outside of the hut making it look like it wasn't even there. The inside looked like it had belonged to royalty with the statues of Buddhists and paintings of celestial beings. There were two master bedrooms and seven guest rooms. There was a main room and a kitchen too. Also there was a room for tea ceremonies and praying.
Kagome went right to bed but did not go to sleep.
What should I wish on? That was the question going through her head. Then it hit her!
It wasn't the best wish for her but it would make everyone around her happy.
She tightly held the jewel in her hand and said to it, “Shikon-no-tama please grant my wish and bring Naraku to his death so Miroku's wind tunnel will be gone, let Kohoku live again so Sango will have her brother back, and ….” She took a deep breath. She didn't want this one wish to come true but she wanted Inuyasha to be happy. “ bring Kikyo back so Inuyasha can be with her and be happy.”
As soon as she said this Princess Mayame came and took what was left of the jewel. She whispered something to it and then Kagome fell asleep.
Kagome woke up in her bed to find that her nails were long and beautiful, she was about three inches taller, and her hair was reaching the back of her knees.
Princess Mayame stepped in then told Kagome that when she had made her wish that she turned her into a celestial being.
The only problem now was that Kagome could not remember how to use her miko powers!!
Kagome went to her book of miko powers and read until the sun was almost setting again.
She fell asleep reading her book trying to remember how to use her powers again. Then a huge pain coursed through her stomach, causing her to jerk up and scream. Her sudden movement caused her to……………
Sorry cliffy. I promise to continue the story by this weekend. Maybe even tomorrow, if you're lucky.