InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hell's Angel ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hell's Angel Part two.

By: Pinky

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters in this story except Anne Marie.

Inu-Yasha and Kagome walked into the elevator and waited for it to reach Kagome's floor. "Ok. Well I'll see you tomorrow." Kagome said.

"Alright." Inu-Yasha said waiting for her to get off of the elevator so he could go home. Before she stepped off she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran off to her door waving as the elevator doors shut leaving a very shocked Inu-Yasha alone.

' Why did I do that?! I'm sending out the wrong signals!!' Kagome thought, as she was getting ready for bed. "Fuck!" she yelled just before stepping into the shower.

"Hey! Keep it down, down there!" she suddenly heard from above her.

"Inu-Yasha?!" she yelled back.

" NO! It's Santa Clause! Idiot!"

" Hey. why don't you come down here and talk to me. I'm not tired, and I'm bored. Do ya want to? It'll be easier than yelling at me through the vent."

" Fine I'll be right down!"

"Ok! Dress comfortably! When I start talking nothing can stop me!"

" See ya in a minute!" was the last thing she heard from him. ' What did I just do?! Oh well' she thought getting dressed. Ding, Dong. She heard and went to answer the door. "Hey." She said taking in his appearance. He was wearing black silk boxers that contrasted his white very well toned chest and arms. ' Oh shit I didn't know that he wouldn't wear his shirt. Damn he's hott.'

"Hey" Inu-Yasha said looking her up. Kagome was wearing pink cotton panties with a rose on the front. And a matching spaghetti strap tank top. 0

"Wanna come in?" she asked stepping aside. Not knowing that he was thinking the exact same thing that she was. "Lets sit down. And we can talk over a bottle of wine." ( 3 hours later)

"So when I was 14 my dad came home drunk one night and decided that I needed to be " Deflowered" as he put it. So that night after he was done and gone I took a shower, packed my stuff and left. I've never been back. If I were to see him I think that I would kill him. And I don't want to hurt my mom and half brother like that."

"Man, that sucks. but I kind of know how you feel about the living on your own since you were little part. When I was 14, my Dad died trying to protect my mother from assassins, she died from grief not long after that. Then my bastard of a half-brother kicked me out, with nothing. I've had to make my living on my own since then."

" Who is your brother?"

" Sesshomaru."

" Isn't that the name of the guy we robbed?. Wait a minute we robbed him didn't we. And that's why you didn't go in and made me and Sango do all of the work. I gotcha. I'm pretty smart. Mmm hmmm." Kagome said drunkenly getting up to get their 9th bottle of wine for the night.

"Yup." Inu-Yasha said taking his glass of wine.

* * * * * * *

The next morning Kagome found herself wrapped in strong warm arms lying horizontally on the couch. "Hmmm?" she said following the arms to the sexy body of Inu-Yasha, then to his peaceful sleeping face. (They didn't do anything but fall asleep ok?)

" Morning." He said opening his eyes. " I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful."

"How long have you been awake?"

" About umm. 2 hours?"

" Oh." She said looking up at him. ' he just laid there, and held me for 2 hours.' Inu-Yasha lowered his face, and Kagome raised hers to meet his. just as their lips were about to touch. the phone rang.

" This is Angel. talk." She answered. " No. ok. Ya. maybe later. No. Tell him not to call me anymore. Fuck you. Ok. Love you too. Ok. Buh bye." She said as she hung up her phone.

"Who was it?" Inu-Yasha asked annoyed that their moment had been ruined.

"My little brother." She said relieved, and maybe just a little disappointed that their moment had been ruined by Sota, her little brother. "My ex boyfriend is bothering my family about my whereabouts. Well he wasn't even really my boyfriend. he just one day decided that I was his woman and I didn't have any say in it. so I left my old town without any traces."

"Oh, ok. Well I've better get gone, we have a meeting today. Got to get ready for it. It's for the leaders only. You should come." Inu-Yasha said getting up.

" Ok. When does it start?"

" In about 3 hours."

" At the warehouse?"


" Ok I'll be there."

"See ya."

" Ya. Bye." Kagome said shutting her door behind him. ' I can't fall for him.' She thought climbing in the shower. Twenty minutes later she was stepping out feeling a lot better. "Hmm. what should I wear?" she asked herself looking through her clothes. She ended up choosing a pair of loose fitting booty shorts, and a baby blue halter to match. She looked hott. For shoes she chose a pair of blue sponge flip-flops. " Ready to go." She said stepping out of the house. 'I have two hours. I'm gonna get my self a car.' She thought to herself walking towards the nearest new car shop. "I'll take this one she said looking at a silver convertible Mercedes. Oh and I want a vanity plate. I want it to say Hell's Angel. When can I take it? I have 1