InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Her Choice ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Wow, I'm really sorry about the delay. My life has been utter chaos. It still is. I feel so bad for this chapter being so short, but I figured I need to post something, and soon. This story will only have one more chapter and maybe an epilogue. As I'm sure I said before, this is just supposed to be an exercise in writing for me, but I became a bit attached to it. Perhaps I'll write another one someday, or re-write this one a bit better.
I also am grateful for all the reviews, and apologize again about the delay. I should finish this story by early December at the rate it's going. Hope you enjoy the chapter, short though it is.
Chapter 7
The four demons stared at the priestess before them. She looked in contempt at the demons before her.
“Midoriko? Why? Why are you killing so many?” Kagome asked quietly.
“I am simply repaying the debt to humanity. It is a shame to have to kill you again,” she said quietly.
“Why did you kill me in the first place?” she whispered, overwhelmed. She stood straighter when she felt Sesshoumaru place his arm around her.
“Because the three of us could not exist in one body. It is uncomfortable enough with two. In order for me to grant your wish, you had to be left out,” she explained.
Sesshoumaru growled. “You dare say she betrayed her race when you killed her after purifying the jewel with a selfless wish. After she offered you freedom from the jewel. You are the one who has betrayed your own.”
“How dare you speak to me you filth!” She screamed. She drew a sacred arrow, and aimed at the demon.
Before she could release the arrow, Sesshoumaru had sliced through the bow with his whip. She glared at him before disappearing in a flash of light.
Kagome shook her head sadly.
“Being trapped in a jewel with demons for so many centuries must have broken her soul. I'd imagine it would do that to anyone,” She said quietly.
“That doesn't justify slaughter. She has become the demon she so despises. We must stop this, before anyone else dies,” Sesshoumaru stated.
“Hey, Kagome, let me give you my cell phone number. There are others who remember Naraku, and what you did. You don't have to face her alone,” Kouga offered.
“No, this is between me and her. I don't want anyone else to die. I'm pretty certain she's been waiting for me,” Kagome said calmly.
“Good luck Kagome,” Ayame said solemnly.
“Thanks. Come on Sesshoumaru, I want to make sure Shippou and Rin are all right,” she bit her lip. “It was good to see you guys again. Take care!”
She turned and started running towards the shrine, Sesshoumaru close behind.
Shippou laughed as he once again defeated Souta at Mortal Kombat.
“I told you that Smoke is the best!” he grinned.
“No way! Raiden is the best. I mean, he's a god! You can't get much better then that,” Souta defended.
“I think it's just a matter of who's better at controlling the characters,” Rin interrupted. “I mean, even if I used Smoke, Souta would beat me easily.”
The girl sat down and took Shippou's controller. She smiled at each other boys. “Besides, everyone knows Katana's the best!”
“No way! She's a girl!” the boys protested.
“And girls can be extremely powerful,” a soft woman's voice stated.
Shippou jumped up, and stood between the new woman and his friends.
“Who are you, and what do you want?” Shippou demanded bravely.
“I'm only here for you, little youkai. Come peacefully, and I won't hurt them,” Midoriko jerked her head towards the other two children.
Shippou glared at the woman, but nodded. “How do I know you won't hurt them?”
“I'm going to kill her,” Sesshoumaru interrupted, bursting into the room.
“My, you are fast,” Midoriko laughed bitterly. She dove for the kitsune, but only ended up with thin air. Shippou stood behind Sesshoumaru, while Kagome went to shield Rin and Souta.
“Midoriko, we're not the demons who tried to kill you. Why must you continue to kill even those who respected you? I've fought for humanity, and I still live peacefully among humans,” Kagome tried to reason.
“Demons have always preyed upon the humans. They are the source of our suffering!” she screamed.
The priestess's hands were glowing with energy. Kagome simply stood calmly, right in front of the priestess, her eyes burning with challenge.
“Then how do you explain what humans have done? The endless wars of the human world? Humans have proven to be just as cruel as any demon ever was,” Kagome argued.
“That's because demons taught them such vileness!” she shook her head, as if in pain.
“Even now, Midoriko, I want to help you. It was demons who tormented you, let it be a demon who helps you,” Kagome said quietly, reaching out her hand.
Midoriko scowled and grabbed a sacred arrow. Kagome quickly tackled the priestess to the ground. Kagome smiled sadly at Midoriko.
“Does your pain justify dirtying another's hands? This isn't your body, Midoriko. You, much like me, gave yours up to protect others. Don't do this, you can rest now,” she said quietly.
“How can I rest knowing that my sacrifice was in vain? That centuries of fighting has done nothing to help humans? Tell me that, filth!” she spat in the demi-kitsune's face.
Kagome closed her eyes and sighed. “But you have. Your sacrifice brought demons and humans closer together. Because of the Shikon no Tama, I was able to meet Inu-Yasha and Sesshoumaru. I met Kirara, Shippou, and Kouga. They're all good people, and they like humans. They work to protect humans, even from each other. Demons are able to protect humans, just as you once did,” she said softly, loosening her grip on the girl a little.
Midoriko closed her eyes as firey pain shot through her body. “Kirara… I forgot about her…”
“She's remained loyal to the Taijiyas. She watched over Sango, and all of us. She's never been swayed to evil,” Kagome said quietly, letting go of the priestess.
Suddenly Midoriko's eyes flashed black, and the room filled with a deep red light. The light grew brighter, and pulsed for a moment before dying away. As the light faded, the priestess and the demi-kitsune disappeared.
Kagome looked around the strange space she was in. Faint hints of pale color were splashed against the emptiness. Turning around in the gloom, she noticed a girl sitting down, her head touching her knees. She walked through the emptiness to the girl.
“You're Kagome, aren't you?” the girl asked quietly, not even looking up.
“How do you know who I am?” Kagome asked, sitting down next to her.
“Your story has been passed down through my family since Inu-Yasha and Kikyou. Also, Midoriko is obsessed with you,” she explained, not even lifting her head.
“And here I just thought she wanted me dead,” she said sarcastically.
“No, she only wishes to die herself. She's been forced to continue to live by the demons embedded in her soul,” the girl explained.
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked, frowning thoughtfully.
“During her time inside the jewel, the souls of the demons merged with hers. Midoriko has forced the demons in her soul to kill other demons, instead of humans. The spirit is so powerful now, that soon I'll loose my body forever…” she explained, finally looking up. She had long black hair, much like Kikyou's, however her eyes were golden showing her youkai heritage.
“Your spirit is still completely human, even if your body is not. In this place, you can purify her,” she said, her eyes taking on a faint hope.
“How?” Kagome asked, looking out into the distance.
The girl's hand disappeared into the inky blackness for a moment before emerging with a bow and quiver of arrows.
“Those are Kikyou's…” Kagome said, recognizing them instantly.
The girl nodded. “She left them for you to use. She was unable to stop Midoriko, because the two were bound in your human body. You're the only one who can stop her now,” she said, leaning her head against her knees again. “Please, I don't have long…”
A loud crackling of energy caused the spirit of the miko to turn. Kagome's eyes widened as she saw the merged souls crackling with both black and pink energy. The young miko grimaced at the contorted image of the once great priestess. Kagome drew back an arrow, trying to focus her energy on the spirit creature approaching her. Just before she could release the arrow, a dark limb knocked the bow out of Kagome's hands.
“Pathetic girl, you can do nothing without the aid of others,” the creature scoffed.
Kagome tried to ignore the sting of those words, and dived for the bow. Just as her fingertips brushed across the wood of the bow, she was dragged back by her ankle.
“Even those arrows won't save you now. You see, we never intended to kill you,” the strange voice of the creature stated, releasing Kagome's ankle.
Kagome stood, and bit back her fear as she faced the twisted spirit being. “Then what do you want from me?”
“We will use you to create another Tama. Only as the jewel did we truly cause devastation. Once more, chaos will rain down upon all, humans and demons,” the being laughed.
“No…” Kagome whispered, despair creeping up on her at their ominous words.