InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Love ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Rin-d: hey everybody I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!
so who cares?
I do so shut-up
why should I?
because he said so!
yes because I said so
that still doesn't answer her question
ya wanna know why then I shall tell you she should shut-up because I am her superior and she should listen to her superiors
oh I kinda forgot about that
yea I kinda figured
alright peoples behave all of you!! now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I have the third chapter to High School love
summary: the matchmaking begins!!!!!!!

I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it


now that Sesshoumaru is back how about a game of truth or dare!" Sango suggested.
kagome and Rin shouted.
man do we have to?" the guys asked.
the girls yelled.
to Kagome's room!" Rin yelled. The headed up to Kagome's room and when they got there the girls claimed the bed and made the guys sit on the floor.
who goes first?" Sesshoumaru asked.
about Miroku?" Sango suggested.
I'll ask Kagome. Kagome truth of dare?" he asked.
she said.
right I darer you to kiss Sesshoumaru," he said.
she stuttered.
heard me," he answered.
she said hotly as she walked over to Sesshoumaru. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and tried to pull away but Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Kagome gasped which gave Sesshoumaru the perfect chance to slip his tongue in her mouth. The others seeing this quietly slipped out of the room to finish the game without them. Kagome soon got over her shock and started to kiss back. Pretty soon an all out war of tongues had begun. They broke apart gasping for air.
did the others go?" she asked nervously.
guess they went somewhere else to finish the game," he said with a pretty blush across his face.
I guess we should go and find them," she said nervously as she started heading for the door, but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.
you want to kiss me?" he asked.
if I didn't then I would've pulled away," she said.
does that mean you like me?" he asked nervously.
she drawled out.
ok then," he said, to her he looked rather down cast but to anyone else he would look just the same. 'Thank god I have spent so much time around him' she thought.
curse I like you you big goof!" she exclaimed as she jumped into his arms, he complied by wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug.
I think we should go play some more," he whispered in her ear.
I agree," she mumbled into his chest. With that said they went to go find the others. Once they found them they were bombarded with teasing questions.
it seems that y'all enjoyed that little dare," Miroku said suggestively.
shut-up you hentai!" Sango shouted as she slapped him across the face.
who's turn been it?" Rin asked.
Rin truth or dare?" Kagome asked.
she said.
dare you to run around outside in you bra and panties," Kagome said.
Rin yelled.
dare you to run around outside in your bra and panties," Kagome repeated. Rin scowled knowing the consequences of not completing the dare.
if I must," she said defeatedly. She then headed to the bathroom and striped down to her undergarments and put a robe on. Once that was accomplished she headed outside. Everybody stood on the front porch and watched her dance around in her undergarments.
that certainly was a beautiful show," Inuyasha and Miroku said in unison. Rin ran in the house and put hr clothes back on and continued the game.
truth or dare?"
she said.
who is it that you truly admire?" Rin said. Sango blushed.
she blurted out.
that certainly calmed my nerves," Miroku said.
Sesshoumaru truth or dare?" Sango said.
he said smoothly.
I dare you to give Kagome a lap dance," she said.
fine with me," he said. He got up and proceeded to give Kagome the lap dance of her life.
DINNER IS READY!!!" Kagome's mom said.

All right how was that everybody?
good I think
it sucked
good I guess
I don't like giving other people lap dances!
oh calm down Fluffy-sama
yea it's your nickname don't you like it?
yes I like it but I don't think you should use that nickname in public
anyways please review and tell me what you think!!!!!!!!!!