InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Follow Him ❯ I Follow Him ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own anything that Rumiko Takahashi does. I won't even pretend to be that talented! But I'm going to play with her characters because it's fun!

Rating: PG
Genre: Poetry
Feedback: Please review!

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I Follow Him
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He's beautiful, I follow him
He noticed me, he let me in
Some say his smile is hell itself
But when he smiles, inside I melt
Unless he's smiling down at me
Then gives my beating silently
He's beautiful, I follow him
From moon-spun hair to rose-striped skin
I wish he would be proud of me
I serve him well, if he'd just see
I watch his girl, I feed his steed
I hold his staff--I'm all he needs!
I will follow him into Hell
For without him, that's where I dwell
I once comanded vast armies
But left when my master charmed me
"Jaken," he calls, I run faster
"What can I do for you, master?"
I follow lord Sesshomaru
There's nothing that I'd rather do.
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Author Notes: This came to me out of the blue and I realized I mostly ignore this character in my usual writings. So, unable to stand the idea of writing an entire story based on Jaken, I wrote a poem. He deserved to have the limelight for a little while, no matter how much I dislike him, lol.