InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Need You ❯ Because Of Love ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha, its characters or any quotes I may use.
Rin felt as if she was in a dream. Sesshomaru pulled back from their kiss and leaned his forehead against her. “I had to come find you” he whispered.
Rin bit her lip, “I'm glad you did.”
They broke apart when someone gasped behind them. Turning around Rin saw her mother and Sango staring them with eyes larger then planets and jaws hanging. Sesshomaru cleared his throat and Rin smiled nervously, “Hi momma.”
Miroku and InuYasha had been inside fixing the light fixture in the kitchen when Kagome and Sango came marching in; with Rin and Sesshomaru right behind them.
InuYasha, who had the misfortune to be up on the ladder, crashed to the floor when he saw his brother.
“Sesshomaru!” he snarled, “How the hell did you get here?”
“I quite miss you as well, little brother” Sesshomaru said with a smirk.
“Why are you here?”
“I am in love with Rin”
InuYasha shook a screw driver at him, “You already had you chance and you blew it!”
Rin stepped between the two brothers, “No fighting!” she said firmly and directed Sesshomaru to the kitchen table.
InuYasha turned on Kagome, “Who brought him here?”
Kagome shrugged, “I think….he brought himself.”
“Really InuYasha” Sesshomaru interjected, “You're acting as though you're still a child.”
“Sesshomaru!” InuYasha yelled, “Think about it. This is just weird! You want to date your niece! That's messed up!”
Sesshomaru didn't even blink, “And you're married to the reincarnation of your last girlfriend who tried to murder you. Your wife is 150 years younger then you and technically isn't even born yet in your time. Don't talk to me about messed up”
InuYasha clamped his mouth shut and growled.
The doorbell rang and Kagome left to answer it shaking her head.
A woman with blonde hair and light blue eyes stood on the porch step.
The women smiled when she saw Kagome, “Oh good. I'm so glad you all got back safely.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow, “Do I-”
“Rachel!” Rin came up from behind Kagome and gave the woman a hug.
“Oh Rin. Thank God you're alright.”
Kagome held up a hand, “Uh…what's going on?”
Rin smiled, “Rachel is Linda's sister. She's a psychologist.”
“I see.”
“Actually” Rachel said slowly “I'm a little more then that.”
Rin titled her head, “What are you talking about?”
“I know where you're really from. And I'm the one that helped you get back through the well” she said in a rush.
Kagome's eye widened, “How did you-”
“A dear friend of mine told me. I think you know her. Her name is Adena.”
InuYasha watched at Rachel suspiciously.
Kagome had practically dragged the women into the kitchen and announced she knew Adena.
Now he sat at the table with Kagome on his left, Rin on his right. The woman called Rachel across from him and his blasted brother on the other side of Rin. Sango and Miroku stood leaning against the counter; eager to hear what Rachel had to say
InuYasha put a hand to his head and took a deep breath. It was just too much.
First Sesshomaru showed up claiming he was in love with Rin. Then some women popped in and said she knew Adena. With that thrown in his lap, he couldn't fix the light in the kitchen. And to top it all off; he hadn't had any coffee.
“So, you know Adena?”
Rachel laughed softly, “I'm sure this comes as quite a shock.”
Rin nodded numbly.
“MOM!” Kit suddenly screamed from upstairs, “YANNA TOOK MY DOLL!”
Kagome started to get up but Rin stopped her, “I'll take care of it.”
She got up and walked out.
As soon as she was out of the room InuYasha growled at Sesshomaru.
“First,” he said darkly, “We need to discuss something.”
He waved his hand casually at Rachel, “You can tell your story in a minute.”
Rachel raised an eyebrow in amusement as InuYasha literally dragged Sesshomaru into the living room.
Everyone else crowed in the doorway.
Pushing the demon down on the couch InuYasha stood before him, arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.
“Sesshomaru” he growled.
“What are your intentions with my daughter?”
Everyone including Sesshomaru fell over.
InuYasha didn't budge, “I want to know what your intentions are with my daughter” he repeated firmly.
Kagome would have started giggling if it weren't for the fact InuYasha was indeed serious.
But over all, the situation was rather comical.
InuYasha stood over his older brother, trying to look intimidating as he interrogated him about dating his adopted daughter. While Sesshomaru just sat on the couch, pushing himself as far away as he could get from InuYasha, and looking very much like a teenage boy meeting his girlfriend's father for the first time.
Sango stifled a laugh and had to leave the room.
Miroku suddenly appeared at InuYasha's side and got right in Sesshomaru's face. “I would like to know how long you plan on keeping her out at night. Also where you'll be going and who with.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and had to follow Sango into the kitchen, coughing wildly.
“Why should I have to explain my actions to you?” Sesshomaru asked coolly.
InuYasha and Miroku exchanged glance.
Sesshomaru blinked in shock.
“What are you doing?!” Grandfather cried as he burst into the room.
“I can't believe you two!” he shook a finger at Miroku and InuYasha “How could you even think of doing this” he pointed to Sesshomaru, “WITHOUT ME?!”
Sesshomaru sweat-dropped.
Miroku and InuYasha grinned evilly, “Welcome aboard!”
All three men stared at Sesshomaru intensely and he felt like squirming; but of course he didn't.
“How can he date her?” Grandfather muttered to his two colleagues “He doesn't even have a Social Security number”
“Forget his Social Security number” InuYasha shook his head, “He's like 800 years older then her. Isn't that illegal?”
The three men looked up to see Rin standing in the doorway, shock and panic in her eyes.
“What are you doing?”
Miroku and Grandfather started whistled innocently then bolted out of the room.
“Cowards” InuYasha muttered before turning to Rin, “Uh, we were just talking to Sesshomaru. Seeing as we're going to see more of him I thought-”
“I believe the term the monk used was `interrogation'.”
InuYasha scratched the back of his head nervously, “Heh…”
Rin just rolled her eyes and sat next to Sesshomaru; he greeted her with a slight smile and took her hand.
“Where is everyone?”
“In the kitchen” Sesshomaru answered.
“Oh, why?”
“`Cause they're all cowards” InuYasha growled and walked over to the kitchen; sticking his head in he shouted.
Kagome glared, “InuYasha…..”
InuYasha gulped and ducked back into the living room.
Rachel watch in amusement as everyone filed into the room. Kagome and InuYasha sat on the couch with Gramps. Miroku in the armed chair with Sango on his lap and Rin and Sesshomaru were seated comfortably on the love seat. (There's some irony…..) InuYasha started to go over to the smaller couch but Kagome grabbed one of his ears and pulled him back.
Yelping slightly he glared at his wife and rubbed his ear, but made no more attempts to separate Rin and Sesshomaru.
Rachel chuckled slightly and leaned forward in her chair.
“I guess you're all ready for an explanation to what happened. And why I know everything.”
Kagome nodded for everyone.
“Adena…is my great-grandmother.”
Everyone's jaws hit the floor. Sesshomaru's included.
“You're a Whisperer?” Rin asked softly
“Not…exactly. You see….as time wore on after your battle with Jyrana, people began to change. They became more corrupt and greedy for power. It became too dangerous for Whisperers to walk among them. But we still wanted to help.
So we adapted.
We started to mingle with humans, and married. After about 200 years of this…we stopped conceiving on our own. And become more human like. We age, just as you do, and only the oldest retain all knowledge. Not all of our children know what heritage they come from, but all have an inner desire to help those in need.
Though some do not embrace it as well as others; most have dedicated their lives to helping people.”
“Is Linda a Whisperer?” Rin asked; her voice still as soft.
“Linda is like me. But she does not know what she is. She is not yet of age.”
Rin leaned back and led it all sink in.
“You said you helped Rin go back through the well.” Kagome said, “How?”
“Well. I didn't do anything directly. You see, when you came here with the jewel; Jyrana lost his chance to destroy us. So instead he became hell-bent on destroying humans.
The Whisperers couldn't allow that to happen, so we made it possible for him to find the prophecy that told of the power the jewel held; knowing he was a greedy creature and would pursue it. We hoped that in his mad quest to obtain ultimate power, he be distracted and we would have time to make a defense; for ourselves and for humans.
We have been watching your family because of your connection to the Jewel, but we did not understand Jyrana's involvement; until Linda brought Rin to me.
I then knew you were the child Jyrana was searching for and the only means by which we could destroy him. I had to get you back to the Feudal Era.”
“You mean you knowingly sent her into danger?” InuYasha asked.
“It was a calculated risk; we do not regret taking it. If we had not acted, Jyrana would have destroyed Rin's mind. His involvement with her memories was killing her.”
Rin shivered and leaned farther into Sesshomaru.
“Once you had returned to the Feudal Era it was imperative that you be kept away from Jyrana; that was why Adena found you. She had to make sure you two had strong enough feelings for each to win against Jyrana. You, of course, made it difficult. Both of you. Rin was always running away and Sesshomaru refused to admit his feelings.”
Rin smiled while Sesshomaru just scoffed and shook his head.
“But you came through, which we will be eternally grateful for.”
Sesshomaru frowned slightly, “I still don't understand why Adena was so angry with me for sending Rin away.”
Rachel laughed, “Would you believe me if I said she just likes a happy ending?”
Rachel chuckled and nodded, “Yes. She was angry. Because you were pushing away the one thing in life you truly needed. But, a more selfish reason played part as well. If you were to let Rin go, it would have reversed the effect your love had in Jyrana's defeat. He was killed by the power of true love. If you pushed Rin away, that bond would be broken.”
“And Jyrana would have come back?” Rin whispered.
Rin snuggled in closer to Sesshomaru and trying to absorb everything Rachel was saying. The fate of the world had rested on her shoulders and her love for Sesshomaru; and she didn't even know it till it was all over.
“I have a question” InuYasha announced loudly.
Rachel turned to him “Yes?”
“Why the hell is Sesshomaru here?”
“InuYasha!” Kagome jabbed him in the ribs but he paid her no mind.
Rachel nodded her head slowly, “You mean, how he came through the well.”
“Yeah. I thought it was Kagome's miko powers or the Shikon Jewel that made it possible to travel through the well. How was Sesshomaru able to come through?”
“Love” Rachel said simply.
Everyone fell over.
“Love?!” InuYasha stuttered, “How the hell does love fit into this?”
“The Shikon Jewel was made from the Priestess Midoriko's battle with demons long ago. Good and evil locked forever in a war within that stone. It was made from her desire to protect those threatened by the demons. It was made by love. And that love continued throughout time.
It was Kikyo's love and her want to protect the jewel that made her burn it with her body. Once the jewel was complete again, it was InuYasha's love for Kagome that made him decided to become human. It was her love to her friends that enabled Kagome to bring you all to the Modern Era. When Rin returned to the Feudal Era; it was the jewel and her unknown love for Sesshomaru that made it possible for her to go through the well. It was your love for Rin that brought you back there again. It was because of InuYasha's love for his family that gave him the power to break the spell and turned back into a hanyou.”
Rachel turned to Rin, who was held tightly in Sesshomaru's arm, “It was your love for each other that made it possible to defeat Jyrana. For only true and pure love can defeat such a dark evil. And it was Sesshomaru's love for Rin that made it so he could travel through the well.”
No one spoke for several minutes; each lost in their own thoughts of what Rachel had just told them.
InuYasha suddenly turned to Sesshomaru, “So…Sesshomaru. You still haven't answered my question.”
Sango and Kagome rolled their eyes and Miroku chuckled. “Way to change the subject InuYasha.”
“Hush!” InuYasha barked, “I wanna hear his answer.”
“My intentions InuYasha” Sesshomaru said slowly, “Are to take Rin back with me, if she wishes it, as my mate.”
Rin's face lit up and she threw her arms around Sesshomaru's neck, “Of course I wish it!”
“But she just got back here!” InuYasha protested.
If they heard him, they gave no indication as Sesshomaru captured Rin's mouth with his in a sweet kiss.
InuYasha threw up his hands, “I'm not even going to try and stop you. My head can't take this anymore.”
Kagome smiled and laid her head on InuYasha's shoulder, “As if you want to stop them InuYasha.”
She laughed softly “As if you want to.”
Kagome stood at the sink washes dishes. Rachel had left an hour ago. Sango was upstairs playing with the children. Miroku had run to the store and InuYasha and Gramps were outside arguing about what color to paint the shed.
Kagome stopped the water and grabbed a towel to dry her hands. Walking over to the window she looked out to the Tree of Ages and saw Rin and Sesshomaru sitting under it. Both looking more content the Kagome ever remembered seeing them.
“Hey, what are you looking at?”
Kagome turned around to see Sango leaning against the doorframe, “Oh, I was just watching Rin and Sesshomaru. I almost can't believe that's the same guy that used to try and kill us every chance he got.”
Sango chuckled, “Yeah. I know what you mean.”
She frowned, “They're going back, aren't they?”
Kagome nodded, “Yes. Sesshomaru could never live here. And beside, it is where Rin is truly from.”
“So you have no problem with her going with him?”
“What happened Kagome?” Sango asked softly, “What changed you mind about Rin being with Sesshomaru?”
Kagome smiled, “When I saw that he was willing to do anything for her. He came through the well, to the Modern Era, just to tell her he loved her. And confessed his feelings in front of everyone no less”
Kagome looked back out the window at the two, “How could I not let her go?”
Rin sighed deeply and laid her head back against the tree.
“Are you sure you wish to return with me Rin?”
Rin lifted her head and looked at Sesshomaru, “Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?”
“You seem to like it here.”
“It was my home for 8 years. But as much as I love this place…I never truly felt at home.”
She laid her head on his shoulder, “I belong with you.”
Sesshomaru smiled slightly, “And I with you.”
Rin slowly walked down the stairs and took in all her surroundings. It would be the last time she saw them; for quite a while anyways.
“Hey Rin” Souta greeted as he past by her with a box.
Kagome and InuYasha decided they would return to the Feudal Era as well with their family. In light of InuYasha' recent appearance, it seemed the best thing to do. Miroku and Sango hesitated then agreed to return as well. Kaede declined, saying she was too old to move to a different time again. So now Mrs. Higurashi, Souta, Grandfather and Kaede were moving back into the shrine, and Souta would takeover as primary caretaker.
Rin reached up and grasped the locket that hung from her neck. It was a gift from Linda and held pictures of both girls inside. Linda cried when Rin told her she was leaving, but said Rachel had explained it all to her and she understood.
Picking up her backpack, Rin swung it over her shoulder and went out to the well. Kagome had already taken Miroku, Sango and their children over and was just climbing out of the well as Rin approached.
She smiled breathlessly, “I forgot what a pain it was getting out of there.”
Rin giggled and gave Kagome a hug, “Thank you”
“For what?”
Rin looked serious, “For taking such good care of me. For being me here; I understand now you did it to protect me. And thank you for letting me go.”
Kagome smiled and hugged her again, “You're welcome.”
“Are we going to have to endure these petty human emotions for the rest of our lives?”
Sesshomaru's cold voice spoke up behind them.
Rin frowned, “Emotions are not petty! And why are you in such a gloomy mood?”
Sesshomaru took her hand and helped her get up on the well wall.
“Here” he said shortly, “InuYasha wants us to go through with the Jewel”
Rin placed her hands on her hips, “Don't you start it!”
“Start what?”
“You know what! You're going all `cold and icy demon dude' on me.”
Sesshomaru glared at her, “Rin, we do no have the time for this. Jump in.”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, “No?”
“I'm no going anywhere with you unless you can ask nicely. Don't think just because I love you I'm going to let you push me-argh!”
Sesshomaru simply lifted his hand and pushed her into the well.
Kagome's eyes widened, “Uh…Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru turned to her, with the biggest grin she'd ever seen.
“Did you see her face!”
Sesshomaru started laughing and he hopped up, “See you there” he called to his brother as InuYasha walked in.
Kagome turned to InuYasha and he frowned at her face, “Are you okay? What happened?”
Kagome just shook her head slowly,
“I-I just saw the strangest thing”
“You're brother. Grinning.”
InuYasha's eyebrows shot up, “He was what?”
“And he laughed. A real laugh; not one of his creepy I'm-about-to-kill-you-all-and-enjoy-every-second-of-it laughs.”
Kagome shuttered, “Never mind. It was creepy!”
InuYasha laughed and wrapped his arms around her, “My dear, I do believe Hell just froze over.”
Sesshomaru sighed deeply and sat back in his chair.
He and Rin had returned to the castle several weeks ago and Jaken greeted them loudly.
That night Sesshomaru took Rin to his room and made her his; in body, heart and soul.
A small tap brought him out of his thoughts and he mumbled a response. Rin slipped in and walked over to him. Sitting on his lap she wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her head on his chest.
“How was your visit with you family?”
Rin half shrugged but didn't answer.
Sesshomaru tired again, “Did Yanna and Kit enjoy your gifts?”
Another shrug and more silence.
Sesshomaru frowned slightly; Rin was hardly quite; unless she was ill, very tired or greatly bothered by something.
He tried one more time.
“Are they going to come for dinner again?”
This time she hardly moved.
Sesshomaru pulled back and tilted her face up to his, “Rin” he said softly, “What's going on?”
Tears filled Rin's dark eyes and she turned her head away.
Sesshomaru immediately ruled out illness and fatigue.
“Tell this Sesshomaru what bothers you.
Rin shook her head slightly and moved to get off his lap but he held her firmly in place.
“Tell me.”
Rin looked up to his handsome face, “Why do you hate InuYasha?” she whispered.
Sesshomaru was surprised. That was not what he was expecting to hear.
“Why do you ask such questions Rin? I have not done anything to my brother since we have all returned. Nor have I had any desire to.”
“Is it because he was a hanyou?”
Sesshomaru sighed deeply, “It was…in the beginning.”
Rin pulled herself free from his grasp and walked over to the window.
“But I do not harbor the same feelings now. It is more a tolerance then a hate.”
Rin covered her face with her hands and started to cry harshly.
Sesshomaru stood and walked over to her; thoroughly confused now.
“Rin, what is-”
He stopped and sniffed the air. There was another scent but barely detectable. It was very similar to his own. And Rin's.
This thought stopped Sesshomaru cold.
A pup. Rin is with child. With my child. My pup.”
Sesshomaru closed his eyes and sighed deeply; now understanding Rin's suddenly questions about his brother.
Pulling Rin close with his arm Sesshomaru leaned down and whispered in Rin's ear, “Don't be afraid Rin. I will not hate our child.”
Rin turned her face up to him; her tears reflecting the moonlight.
“You promise?” she whispered.
“This Sesshomaru promises. I will love you, and our pup. No matter what.”
Rin sighed in relief and put her arms around him, “I love you.”
Sesshomaru picked her up and carried her to the bed. He gently laid her down then lay next to her and held her in his arms, “I love you too” he murmured before closing his eyes.
And thus ends the tale of the Great Dog Demon Lord Sesshomaru and the human girl Rin Higurashi. Separated by fear and united by love; three simple words from their lips, saved all they knew.
I need you.”