InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Imperceptible ❯ Fair Warning ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this drabble… especially for the one with that indigo crescent moon on his forehead. A nod of recognition is bent towards Rumiko Takahashi for her creative prowess.
This drabble was originally posted to Live Journal on May 28, 2007.
Fair Warning
May I ask a personal question?” Kagome ventured softly. Sesshoumaru shifted his impassive gaze from the middle distance to her face, which she took as permission to proceed. “Is there some significance to the moon on your forehead?”
Kagome thought Sesshoumaru wouldn't answer, but after a pause he posed his own question. “Do humans bear marks of their lineage?”
“Yes, I suppose we do,” she said thoughtfully. “I have my father's eyes and my mother's smile. In fact,” she ticked off one finger at a time, “I've inherited Grandmother's clumsiness, Uncle Takashi's cowlick, and Aunt Saki's nose.” Sesshoumaru, head canted, waited for her to reach a point. “Sorry. I tend to ramble when I'm nervous—just like Aunt Yumi, actually.”
“That's a roundabout way of saying humans usually have family resemblances.”
“I am told I resemble my mother; she bears the same mark.”
“Your mother must be very beautiful,” Kagome replied courteously, then blanched at the inadvertent implication. “Not that I… That is to say… I never meant…” Sesshoumaru's brows arched as he watched her dissemble, then scramble to change the subject. “We have encountered many youkai, but few have such markings. Are they unique to inuyoukai?”
“To certain taiyoukai.”
“Because you are nobility?” Preferring to demonstrate, Sesshoumaru casually raised his hand, calling forth the eerie glow of his dokkaso. “Because you are dangerous—poisonous?” she guessed.
“This Sesshoumaru is not someone to be trifled with,” he purred with a predatory gleam.
“Indeed, you are not,” Kagome murmured respectfully.
End Note: This drabble was written for the Live Journal community ebony(underscore)silks' theme for Week 5—Blue Moon. 249 words.