InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ In My Brother's Place ❯ Controlling the Youkai ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

This is actually the combination of the original chapters 4 and 5 with minor changes. For those of you who have read this before, it is not necessary to read it again. I thought the chapters should be longer since this story would have a lot of events later and I don't want to put too many short chapters out.

Thanks to those who reviewed!

The same note again: I refer to the REAL person when I say their name. So if I say Sesshoumaru I meant the REAL Sesshoumaru okay? And if I put quotation marks before and after that name it means the body as in "Inuyasha" would mean Sesshoumaru in Inuyasha's body. Get it? If not tell me so I'll explain. Hopefully I won't be confusing myself too.

`In My Brother's Place'

By Fenikkusu Ice

Chapter 2: Controlling the Youkai


Sesshoumaru didn't even bother to hide the small smirk that was implanted on his face as he sat outside. He could hear screams, shouts, and crashes inside the hut. Soon three humans and two youkai scrambled outside.

A few moments before Kagome had hesitantly told Inuyasha that he had gotten the lumps on his head from a fall. That was a pathetic lie really; even Inuyasha wasn't that stupid. He had narrowed his golden eyes at Kagome, closed the distance between them leaving a few inches of space, and gave her a full ice glare. He was in Sesshoumaru's body after all, so that scared the heck out of all of them.

Kagome had swallowed and hesitantly told him what REALLY caused the pain on his head. The result was he letting out a "WHAT!!!!" and him chasing Miroku and Sango around. Sango and Miroku just barely dodged the swipe of his claws inside the small hut, knocking down the furniture. Shippo and Kirara ran around avoiding getting stepped on by the three humans and the angry hanyou who was now a youkai. Lucky for Sango and Miroku, Inuyasha was still a bit disoriented from the slight damage done to his head.

Amused, Sesshoumaru stepped away from the hut and watched the whole ordeal.

Inuyasha looked VERY intimidating in Sesshoumaru's body when he came out of the hut. As quickly as he could, Miroku sneaked up to Inuyasha from behind, intending to slap a spell scroll on his right arm (AN: ? I'm not so sure what that is. You know the piece of paper with Japanese writing that Miroku uses for spells? Can someone tell me?). At the last minute, Inuyasha turned around and the spell scroll landed on. . . his mouth.

Sesshoumaru could barely hold in the bursts of laughter that threatened to come out. Inuyasha looked VERY pissed indeed. He jumped around, and tried to rip the piece of paper away. Of course his claws couldn't get near it, and he was unable to speak.

While Inuyasha was distracted, Miroku attached spell scrolls on Inuyasha's arms and legs to prevent him from moving. Had Inuyasha not try to kill them before, Miroku and Sango would have burst out laughing at the sight. "Sesshoumaru" turned red and narrowed his eyes.

Kagome kneeled to where "Sesshoumaru" lay and said to him, "They had to do that. Who knows what you would do?"

"Sesshoumaru" tried to "humph" but given the circumstances, he settled for a glare. "Inuyasha" walked to them, and smirked at his brother, knowing that would infuriate him more.

Kagome noticed that "Inuyasha" was shifting in his clothes. `Sesshoumaru is probably not used to Inuyasha's attire, that's all,' she thought. Sesshoumaru turned his attention to his or rather Inuyasha's clothes with disgust. Suddenly she got a mental picture and laughed while clutching her stomach.

Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Sesshoumaru, and Inuyasha were looking at her as if she was crazy. What was so funny now?

"Kagome, mind enlightening us?" Miroku asked.

Kagome managed to grasp out, "Imagine (choke) Inuyasha's body (hee) in (ha ha) Sesshoumaru's clothes (ha ha ha)."

Soon after a picture formed in their heads and they felt the corners of their mouths coming up. Imagine placing Inuyasha's clothes on Sesshoumaru's body, and Sesshoumaru's clothes on Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru's body in Inuyasha's red haori that was too small for him, and him not wearing any shoes, and Inuyasha's body in Sesshoumaru's oversized white kimono and in shoes! The very thought was that they would look absolutely ridiculous!

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes even further but even "Sesshoumaru"'s ice-cold glare couldn't stop the humans and kitsune from laughing their heads off. They were rolling on the ground with tears coming from their eyes and LAUGHING at his misfortune.

Sesshoumaru was now the one who was angry. `How dare they laugh at this Sesshoumaru? I'll rip their heads off.'

When Sesshoumaru got near however, Kagome managed to stop laughing long enough to shout one word. "SIT!!!!!"

Faster than you can say "dirt", Sesshoumaru slammed on the ground, forming a large crater. `THAT'S IT!!!!! I'll make all of them suffer before I KILL them, especially that miko,' he thought as he lifted his head. The effects of the spell hadn't worn off yet.

Kaede had finally arrived.


The winds blew on his silver hair as he sat on a branch of the Goshinboku tree. The smooth features on his face reflected his anger as Inuyasha mused about his predicament. He was now in Sesshoumaru's body and even Kaede at the moment did not know how to reverse the spell.

Earlier that afternoon, Kaede had returned to the village to find him on the ground with ofuda's attached to his limps, his half brother also on the ground with his face slammed on dirt, and the others slowly ceasing their laughter, wiping the tears from their eyes. Then after Inuyasha promised to not exact his revenge on Miroku and Sango, they piled into Kaede's hut and filled her in on the problem concerning the brothers. Kaede had said that Kagome must have stumbled on a spell that even she did not know about. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes in anger but he said nothing as he exited the hut. Sesshoumaru had looked as stoic as ever, but his eyes betrayed him by showing his emotions, which was slightly humorous considering the others had rarely seen Inuyasha hold in his anger.

Inuyasha mind suddenly clicked. `Hey I'm in Sesshoumaru's body now. So that means. . .' he smirked as he thought, `I'm a full blooded demon.'

He cheered up with this development as he jumped down from the tree. `Hmm, what should I try first?'

He ran as fast as he could. `Wow, I've never run that fast before.' He tried to fly as well, knowing that it was one of Sesshoumaru's abilities. He jumped as high as he could but to his dismay, he found his feet on the ground. Apparently he did not have part of Sesshoumaru's mind to know the knowledge behind this ability.

"So you enjoy being a youkai, Inuyasha?" came the emotionless voice.

"Sesshoumaru" recognized the voice immediately. "Hey Sesshoumaru, you're the half-breed now. You have become what you hate the most." He smirked as he turned around to face "Inuyasha".

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed, reflecting pure anger as he said, "True but I now possess the Tetsusaiga."

"Why don't we settle this one on one?" Inuyasha replied as he sprinted to the taiyoukai. His fingers were dripping with poison, yet another one of Sesshoumaru's abilities he wanted to try out.

Sesshoumaru just barely dodged the swipe of his half brother's claws. It was then that he realized how slow Inuyasha was to his standards. He jumped out of Inuyasha's way and brought out Tetsusaiga, transforming it. Just as he was about to swing it something unexpected happened.

Beams of purple light circled around "Sesshoumaru". "Sesshoumaru"'s eyes widened as he realized what was going to take place once again. He swiped at the beams of light but to no avail. The light dissipated and then a familiar rosary was around his neck again.

"Sit, boy," came the voice Inuyasha knew too well.

Both Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru slammed towards the ground. Sesshoumaru was unfortunately directly above Kagome so he slammed into her, while Inuyasha's face met the ground.

Sesshoumaru's eyes widened with surprise at the same time Kagome's eyes widened as well. His body was right on top of hers but that was not what surprised them.

Sesshoumaru's lips had slammed directly into Kagome's lips.


This chapter was revised.

Fenikkusu Ice