InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Incorrigible ❯ Favorite Color ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this bit of silliness… especially for the irascible monk whose behavior should be all too predictable by now. Honestly, does this surprise any of you? ::cheeky grin::
This drabble was originally posted to Live Journal on March 22, 2007.
Favorite Color
“So what's your favorite color, Miroku-sama?” asked Kagome brightly as she fell in step with the monk.
“My favorite color?” Miroku repeated, smiling indulgently at the winsome young woman.
“Yes—we all have favorites. Sango and I both like pink, Inuyasha prefers red, and Shippo likes blue best. So what's yours?”
“I'm afraid I cannot tell you,” Miroku said apologetically.
“You can't? Whyever not?” replied the girl, confused.
“Because I don't know what it is today,” the monk explained seriously.
“It changes?” Kagome asked in surprise.
“Regularly,” nodded Miroku.
“That's quite strange. How can someone's favorite switch so often?” she wondered aloud.
“Strange but true,” Miroku assured her. “It changes nearly every day.”
“And you don't know what it is today?”
“Alas, no,” said the monk with a heavy sigh.
“When will you find out?”
Miroku shrugged, “Such things are only revealed after much patience, Kagome-sama.”
“Sounds serious,” Kagome ventured. “You must put a lot of thought into your choice.”
Miroku chuckled, “Oh, one way or another the answer always comes to me.”
“Well, will you let me know when you know?” the young woman asked hopefully.
“Of course, Kagome-sama.”
“Thanks!” she grinned, and hurried ahead to rejoin Sango.
As she jogged away, and errant gust of wind rustled past, lifting the pleats of Kagome's skirt with a playful little flip. Miroku's lips curved into a pleased smile, and he sang out cheerfully. “Oh, Kagome-sama!” She turned, gazing back at him questioningly. “Blue. My favorite color is blue.”
End Note: This drabble was written for the Live Journal community iyissekiwa's contest for the Blue Theme. 250 words.