InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Insueka Comagotchi?????? ❯ I Have Lost All Control ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4
I Have Lost All Control
I had lost all control of my body I knew my friends were freezing. But I could not stop. All that I tried to hold within me got the better of me. Then something happen, the room that I was in started to freeze. I was worried there was no way I could stop. So I forced myself to talk.
“Everyone get out of here before…before you….you all free…freeze. I can't….control…my powers…please get….out…..NOW!!” My eyes closed and my hair blew in the freezing wind.
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Sesshomaru's POV
Damn that Insueka demon. Why do I feel like this? Damn it all!! I growled as I paced my room. I clutch my fist lightly. Why does that woman make me feel like this? I was so angry at myself and then I looked outside my window, it was snowing.
“But its clear outside. How could this be happening?” I asked the emptiness of my room. I then realized something. That day I had held Insueka in my arms, the moon was out and so were the stars. Could it have been Insueka's powers? But hoe could she control the weather? But isn't the weather controlled by your emotions? Damn could this be her doing? I am so confused. But either way I could not get her out of my mind, Insueka.
“Lord Sesshomaru, Lord Sesshomaru?” I quickly cast her name aside from my mind and turned to find Jaken running into my room.
“What is it Jaken?” I asked in my usual cold, emotionless tone.
“Milord, that village that you half-breed brother stays at is in ice. Many of the villagers are frozen.” I looked at Jaken confusingly.
“And you are telling me this why?” I said turning my back.
“You should care!!! Insueka's body is trapped in the ice. She created the snow from her inner emotions. Her emotions were to strong for her to control her power, all the control she once had has vanished.” Inuyasha yelled while walking into my room.
“What are you doing here?!” I growled, though I began to worry about Insueka and how she lost all her control.
“I cam here to tell you. Insueka loves you dumbass, and her heart aches because she is unsure if you could love her back. Only you can bring her out of this, Kagome, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango are trapped in the ice. I'm the only one that escaped.” I saw my brother's era flatted to his head.
“I know that Insueka loves me, but I am Sesshomaru…..”
“God damn it Sesshomaru, throw down your fucking pride and open your arms to love, Insueka's love. She needs you and I know that you love her back, though you don't want to admit it. Sesshomaru please, the one I love is trapped in that ice.” I sighed hearing that my brother was right. I so love Insueka, and I'm the one who caused her this pain. But I caused her pain, why does she still love me? I sighed knowing my heart won over my pride.
“Fine take me to her.” Inuyasha nodded and smiled.
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Keade's Village
Inuyasha and I walked toward the hut. The hut was pure ice. The ground was slippery due to the ice. But as we neared the hut the door opened and the ice was shooting out. We quickly evaded the ice. Once the ice has stopped, Inuyasha and I ran into the hut.
Though the hut was usually small the back was opened and there was a hallway of ice. As we walked through the ice covered hallway we saw the frozen villagers looking like statues. I saw there was a door at the end and four bodies guarded the door. Inuyasha ran up, I followed.
The four bodies were the members of Inuyasha's group, his wench, Kagome; the monk, Miroku; the demon slayer, Sango; and the fox demon, Shippo. Their bodies we frozen on the ice door, Their bodies still as stone, eyes were closed, but Kagome's right hand was left hand was spread out on the ice. Inuyasha laid his right hand over hers.
“Damnit, how could all this have happened so fast? How can I get everyone out of the ice?” I heard my brother yell. But also I heard a little whimper from him.
But then the door started to defrost and Kagome's body fell into Inuyasha's arms. The others feel to the ground. I saw the door started to defrost. Then I turned and saw the statues of the villagers defrosting.
“Inuyasha, get your friends and the villagers out of here. I'll go ahead for Insueka.” He nodded and ran out of the hut with Kagome in his arms. I proceed to find Insueka. I stood in the entrance of the room. Then in the back of the large ice covered building, on an ice alter laid Insueka's body.
I began to walk toward her but then I stopped when I heard a sound behind me. I turned and saw the doorway freeze with ice once again. I heard Inuyasha yelling. When it closed I looked back at Insueka. As she laid on the ice alter a glowing blue ball floated above her chest. As I continued my way back to her, a large spear of ice came out of the ball and came straight at me. But before I could dodge it, it pinned my shoulder to the wall. Which there my hands and feet were frozen to the wall.
Then as I struggled to be free needle like pieces of ice were being shot at me. I could not dodge them so I was hit with every needle. I did not yell out in pain. But then the needles became larger and pierced through my armor and skin, I yelled in pain.
But I was determined to get to Insueka's side. She was suffering and I to help her. I felt the ice melt at my feet and hands. I fell to the cold ground. I got back to my feet slowly, I some what struggled.
~Third POV~
He slowly began to walk toward Insueka's alter. But then the ground suddenly the ground became slippery. Then arrows of ice were being shot at him from the blue ball. He tried to dodge but he fell to the ground and landed on a large icicle that went straight into his right side.
He yelled in pain. He stumbled baldly to get to his feet. He held his bloody right side. His face had cuts and blood escaped from them. His robe was covered in his blood. He slowly reached the alter where Insueka slept. But he then fell forward after reaching it. He grabbed Insueka's hand and then fell unconscious. The ice orb fell back into Insueka's body.
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Should I be mean and end the chapter here?
Or should I be nice and continue?
Let me think….
………………………&# 8230;..
……………………….< /div>
Ok ok ill be nice for once. Here is the rest of the chapter.
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~My POV~
It was so cold. My body felt numb. My heart felt like ice. But something warm held my hand. The air felt so thick. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw that I was in a room of ice. I saw my breath like a cloud in front of me.
I saw my dress was light blue and felt like ice. I slowly sat up. I looked at my hand and saw Sesshomaru's over mine. I gasp as I saw him sitting there unconscious in a pool of his blood. I slid off the side of the ice alter and held his hand close to my chest. When I slid off the alter I was at his side. I pulled him into my arms and cried.
I did this to him; I had hurt him and my friends. Oh Sesshomaru, my love what have I done? You are barely alive. How could I have done this to you? Oh my love, my life, please live. I began to cry into his hair. But with each tear that feel onto his body his cuts began to disappear.
Then the ice room Sesshomaru and I was in began to defrost. I held him closer to me.
“I love you….Insueka…..” I heard him whisper in his poor condition. My body tensed.
“What…..did you just say? I heard him laugh weakly. He grabbed my hands and held them close to his face. He kissed my hands; I felt shivers run up and down my spine. The he brought his lips to mine. But he did not kiss me yet. His lips were less then a inch away from mine.
We haven't kissed yet and I'm out of breath. I heard his breathing was harsh. He was holding something back, I smiled.
“I said that I love you, Insueka Comagotchi.” My eyes widened. Then the moment I have waited for. His lips were on mine. My eyes drifted shut. But all the ice disappeared and Inuyasha and the group were starring at us. I felt eyes starring. I opened my eyes. I parted my lips form Sesshomaru's and laughed. The most amazing thing that happened today was while I was laughing, Sesshomaru started laughing along with me. I was to happy to stop. I looked at Inuyasha after I stopped. He and the others looked shocked.
“Sesshomaru, laughs?” Shippo asked stunned. I just smiled. I made the man I was deeply in love with laugh.
“Everyone laughs, Shippo. Like everyone smiles and cries. Though some people never done both. All you have to so is lift their heart to make them want to laugh, or smile.” Kagome nodded, she understood. I felt so happy, I then looked up toward the sky and smiled. Finally I melted the cold heart of Sesshomaru and I had his love. You were wrong Naraku.
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How was it everyone? Did you like it? Please I hope so. I liked this chapter a lot in my own opinion. Sorry for not updating in a long time. I couldn't find my notebook. But I found it and here is the chapter. The other chapter will be up tomorrow or the day after. Please review. And no flames.
Amberlee- I'm sorry it took forever for this chapter to come up. It's just I been making up new stories and stuff but I will try to update this one more often. And happy birthday!! And thank you for the reviews. ^_^
Bmb- thanks for the review. Please I hope that u will continue reviewing it.
Aki_Kokoro- I hope u liked this chappie! And thank you for the review.
kuramika-chan - yeah im sorry about the spelling issue, but thank you for the review. And I will try to make the chapters longer.
hi-chankurara- hey I updated lol. And I will get right onto my yu yu hakusho one. Lol.