InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Into the night ❯ Setting the plan ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“I'll do it,” Sarai answered Naraku.
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“My legs are killing me….” Kagome was sitting by the fire with InuYasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and Kilala. Shippo was feasting on the fish they had caught that day. Sango was stroking Kilala's fur, and Miroku was cooking the remainder of the fish.
“Well,” Miroku added, “we did walk far today, but we didn't find any trace of Naraku.” Everyone sighed.
“At least were all together,” said Sango, “and that's what really………”She stopped only to find the hands of a certain monk stroking her butt. “ Miroku……” Slap!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She took her hands from the monk's face only to reveal her hand print on his face. “You're such a pervert….” She got up and walked off.
“Please,” Shippo said as her jumped on InuYasha's shoulder, “don't let me grow up like that..” Kagome and InuYasha nodded.
I think this is where I left the mirror. Sarai thought. She was at a desolate place where no flowers grew. It was near a place where an eruption of Mt. Fujj had occurred long ago. Where could it be? She looked around. I'm sure I left it…….There! She ran over to an old deity, long abandoned by mortals. She opened a door to find a mirror lying on the ground. It was a mirror, rusted by time, and untouched for years. Around the mirror itself, was the body of a Dragon and its claws were holding up the mirror. She spoke into the mirror, “I call upon the Sacred Elder and his daughter. Long may they live in peace with my master's kingdom.” Suddenly, an eye appeared in the mirror
What is it that you asked of us, Honorable Sarai, the half demon priestess? A voiced echoed in the deity.
“Sacred Elder,” Sarai said, still hating that the Elder had call her what she really was. “I ask you daughter for help. May I request an audience with her?”
I can't. He replied. She is out hunting again, and trying to find you. She said she has a bone to pick with you. What did she do this time?
“Tried to attack a villager again….” said Sarai.
Ahhhhh…. He said, and I see your upset with me calling you what you really are, Huh? Let see, a half demon……..
“I think I better go…” Sarai butted in, “I go see if I can find her. Thank you for your time, Great and Powerful Elder.”
Certainly, I always love talking to an ambassador. The eye had vanished, leaving the reflection of Sarai left. She got up and left the deity.
Huh? She pondered for a moment. Where could she …
“Looking for me…..” a voice behind her said. Sarai looked around to see a women standing behind her. “So……What do you need me for?”
“Hey!” asked Kagome, “Does anyone know where Sango went?”
“After Miroku pulled that little stunt,” replied InuYasha, “who would want to?”
“InuYasha….” Kagome said. InuYasha looked at Kagome, worried look in his eyes. “Sit, Boy!” InuYasha plummeted to the ground. “Maybe, she just needs time to her self.”
“Hey, Guys!” yelled someone from afar, “Come and check this out!”
“It's Sango!” Kagome yelled. Everyone ran to where the heard the voice. They saw Sango in front of a deity.
“What is it?” asked Miroku as they all arrived at the shrine.
“I don't know.” answered Sango, “But it has something written on it.” They all stared at the strange writing
“This deity is dedicated to the Demon Priestess and the realm of the Night Kingdom,” read Shippo, “Who is the Demon priestess?”
“A woman that is borne of a Demon and a woman with sacred powers.” Everyone turned to see a woman walking toward the shrine. “Sorry, I didn't know anyone else visited this shrine.” She was a woman of about eighteen, with black hair down to her shoulders. She wore a blue kimono with and green ribbon around her waist.
“Are you the Demon priestess?” asked Miroku
“No,” she said, “I am not. Anyway, my name is Yuuki.”
“Mine's Kagome,” Kagome said, “and this is Miroku, Sango, Shippo, and InuYasha.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Yuuki said, smiling, “The sun is starting to set. If you want, you could spent the night at my shrine. It would be an honor to my tradition.”
“Tradition?” asked Sango, puzzled.
“Yes.” Yuuki answered, “It's a tradition for those who come to this shrine and are not scared of the thought of a Demon priestess, to be accepted into the shrine of protection.”
“Sounds important…” said Kagome. “Let's take her up on the offer.” InuYasha dragged Kagome over to the side
“Kagome,” InuYasha whispered, “Don't you remember?”
“Remember what?”
“It's the night of the new moon.”
“I forgot about that” Kagome remembered that InuYasha turned to a mortal on the night of the new moon. “What does one more person knowing your secret going to do to you.”
“But…Kagome!” It was already too late. The others had accepted the offer and had set out to the shrine. They are really going to regret this. InuYasha thought. Oh well. I not going to like this. Little did he know, that, lurking in the shadows, hid the Demon priestess, and that InuYasha was to get a little family reunion.