InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Introduction ❯ The Matter at Hand ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: The Matter at Hand
Category: Drabble
Author: Megami
Rating: G ( K )
Challenge: Introduction
Words: 262

"I don't suppose that InuYasha will consent to speaking in the near future," Miroku
chuckled, casting a meaningful glance to Kagome out of the corner of his eye.

The time-traveling miko sighed, tearing her eyes away from the back of the stonily silent
InuYasha's haori. "Probably not," she agreed. "Not when he's dead set on pouting like this. It
hasn't been this bad since Kikyou..."

The self-satisfied smile on Miroku's face withered as Kagome trailed off the end of her
sentence, awkwardly dropping her attention to her toes. She rubbed at one of her eyes, muttering
something along the lines of "allergies," and said nothing more.

The hanyou up ahead stormed on as if nothing was amiss behind him.

It was up to Miroku, then, to ease the tension. It was his duty as a monk, after all, to
ensure the well-being and all around happiness of those around him. "It is probably for the best
that InuYasha remove himself from our conversation. He would simply be in the way of
discussing the matter at hand."

Kagome blinked and looked up. "‘Matter at hand'?"

"Why, yes, dearest Kagome-sama!" the monk plastered on his best smile, just for her.
"The name of our first born is an important issue. If we don't bestow upon him the perfect name,
then his first impression upon introduction will be – "


InuYasha clutched at the hilt of Tetsuseiga as he raged at his felled companion,
unconcerned with the potential damage his fisted blow may have caused. "Houshi! What did I
tell you about that kind of stuff, eh?"