InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inu Drabbles ❯ History ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Inu Drabbles
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Part7: History
Mama Higurashi passed by the living room where the news was being reported on the TV. She thought nothing of it until… “And today Professor Kantorin a history expert at the Tokyo museum has found an amazing new artifact! Professor Kantorin please?” Another man came up to the screen holding what appeared to be a cup. “Today were discovered what is to be a ramen cup dating to expire June 9th 19XX(made it up). The strange thing is that this ramen cup has markings and was in a cave that dates back 500 years ago…” Mama Higurashi sat stunned on the couch. “Kagome! I think we need to have a little talk!”