InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha and Kagome: Lovers or Haters ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4

Kagome woke-up to a bright and beautiful morning. “I had the oddest dream.” She said to herself.

Kagome’s Dream

Inuyasha had just run off to be with Kikyo. Kagome sat at the bass of a tree by the well, crying. It was dark and the trees danced in the wind while Kagome cried. “Inuyasha!! Don’t leave me here! Please don’t leave me alone!” Kagome choked between tears. “Don’t! Please, don’t leave me!! I LOVE YOU!!!” Kagome shouted. “Gods I love you so much, Inuyasha!” she screamed. “I love you.” She whispered. As soon as she said that, her whole dream suddenly changed.

It wasn’t dark anymore but it was mid day with a blue sky. There was no wind but a slight breeze that made the grass in the prairie dance. Kagome stood and walked into the sunlight. Her tears were dry and her face glowed. She was wearing Miko robes with bamboo thong sandals. Kagome looked behind her and saw Inuyasha with Sango and Miroku by his side. Inuyasha made his way over to Kagome and cupped his hands around her neck. He brung her towards him and whispered “Don’t worry Kagome. I’m not going anywhere.” He then pulled her lips into his for a passionate kiss. “I love you too, Kagome.” He said as his eyes stared into her blue-gray pools. Kagome practically melted.
“Don’t ever leave me, Inuyasha.” Kagome said with hope in her eyes.
“You should know I’d never do that, baka.” Inuyasha chuckled.

End of Dream

Kagome thought about the dream over and over. ‘I hope that would come true.’ She thought as she dressed in her school uniform. She headed downstairs to go to breakfast. “Good morning, Okaa!”
“Good morning, dear. Would you like French toast this morning or pancakes?” asked Kagome’s mom.
“French toast please!” Kagome said with a smile. She ate her breakfast and headed toward school.

Inuyasha was perched on top of a tree branch. He was sleeping in a way that made him look peaceful when the breeze blew his hair. He opened his eyes and sniffed the air. A strong demon was nearby. Inuyasha jumped out of the tree and started towards the smell. When he got close enough, he knew that it was Sesshomaru. Tetsusaiga wiggled in its sheath as it came near its twin, the Tensaiga. ‘What does he want?’ Inuyasha growled at the thought. What did he want? He never came around unless he needed or wanted something. Inuyasha had Sesshomaru in sight heading towards him.
“Hello little brother.” Sesshomaru said in a calm voice, careful not to show emotion.
“Yeah let’s skip the hellos and talk about why you’re here.” Inuyasha growled low in warning.
“I was passing by and making my way through your village. It is after all mating season, I can have a mate you know.” Sesshomaru said in a low but calm voice.
“Yeah well hurry up and make your way through!” Inuyasha said rather harshly.
“Oh, but brother, I require food and shelter for a while. That is only why I stopped by your village.” He said with a wicked grin. Inuyasha knew Sesshomaru was up to something, he just didn’t know what.

“Are ya askin’ to stay?” asked Inuyasha.
“No. I am merely telling you.” Sesshomaru said smoothly.
“Your not welcomed here, Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha said in a threatening voice. Sesshomaru walked pass Inuyasha and headed toward the village. Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga and came in front of Sesshomaru.
“I don’t want you to stay.” He said in a low voice. Sesshomaru drew tokijin and pointed it’s tip toward Inuyasha.
“I will choose where I want to stay, Inuyasha, and I’d like to stay here.” Sesshomaru said in a dark voice.
“Fine! Only stay one week ya got it.” Inuyasha yelled. ‘One week should satisfy him. It’s a good thing Kagome is gone or he might try something. Ahhhh! Baka!!! Why would sesshomaru want to mate with Kagome?’ Inuyasha growled at the thought. ‘There would be no way Sesshomaru would take a human as a mate.’

Sesshomaru walked away toward the village. Inuyasha started to worry about Kagome. He wouldn’t know how long she would stay in her time. Inuyasha ran towards the well and jumped in. He came out the other side and walked out of the well house. Inuyasha saw Kagome’s mother cleaning the dishes. He jumped onto the branch leading to Kagome’s room and went inside. Inuyasha stopped and remembered the soft kiss he gave Kagome. He could still smell her emotions change from fear to sudden excitement. Inuyasha searched the whole second story of the house and found no Kagome. He creeped downstairs and still didn’t find Kagome. When he passed the Door, A strong whiff of Kagome’s scent caught his nose. Inuyasha guessed that she was on her way to school. He went straight to the roof top of the school and found Kagome there sitting by the door. He watched Kagome from above and found that she was drawing something. Inuyasha looked closer and saw that she was drawing him.

He jumped from above her and made himself be seen. Kagome looked up and saw his hair blowing with the flow of the wind. She let a tear escape and let it fall on her drawing. She quickly wiped the wet mark from her face. “Hello Inuyasha. What are you doing here?” she asked, getting up and walked over to Inuyasha.
“I just wanna know how long your going to stay here.” He said quietly.
“Give me till the end of next week, that should be enough to get caught up with my studies.” Kagome’s voice breaking as she spoke, disappointed that Inuyasha only came because of her staying. Kagome lowered her head and walked toward her stuff sitting on the ground. She picked up her book bag and slung it over her shoulder. She then picked up her drawing and hugged it against her chest. With her free hand, she opened the roof top door and stepped inside. She then headed down the stairwell and on to her class.

Inuyasha jumped off of the roof top and headed toward the shrine. He climbed through the well and made his way to the other side. He then went to the village and into his hut. He sat down and started to think about his not so bid problem.
“Your head must hurt with all of the thinking, little brother.” Sesshomaru said as he stood in the door way.
“Shut up, Sesshomaru!” ‘He is such a jackass sneakin upon me like that!’ Inuyasha thought to himself. Sesshomaru growled low and walked out.