InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha Marching Band ❯ Football Game of Revenge ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: No, I don't own Inuyasha. You must have mistaken.

Lildrummergrl58: Mwahahahahaha, I wrote another chapter without EvilFire4321's help -a silent pause- well, maybe her editing skills, but that's beside the point. Anyway, everyone, this is an emotional chapter, and everyone gets a lot of revenge in this one so enjoy!

EvilFire4321: -looks around- Where did my editing skills go? You hoo, editing skills, come out, come out, wherever you are.

Review Replies~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*


Inuyasha Marching Band Chapter 9: Football Game of Revenge

"That's it; no one can do that to my friend, and get away with it!" Kelli exclaimed in her fiery manner. "Hey, you guys, I have an idea," Kelli proceeded to tell Muller, Dan, Sesshoumaru, Heather, Inu, and Rich about her already planned revenge football game where Jeremy and his team will lose with a broken body.

(Rich- trumpet, cow, Junior, not in marching band)

Everyone agreed to play, and eventually went home.

The next day Jenny, Kelli, and Sango walked to school together.

"Don't worry, Sango, we'll make them pay for what they did," roared Kelli.

"Thanks," she replied quietly. As they all arrived at school, Sango went to her first period class while Jenny and Kelli went to gym. The two of them approached Nick, and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and gave them a dirty look.

"What do you want?" he asked conceitedly.

"I heard your friend hurt my friend, well, I won't stand for that," Kelli replied.

"Yeah," Jenny agreed. "We propose a competition between us, your friend, and you, where both of you must bring five more people.

"Oh really?" he asked.

"Yes," answered Jenny giving him an attitude right back.

"Here's the deal, we challenge you guys to a football game tonight, five o'clock. Be there, unless you're afraid to be beaten by a girl."

"No, way," he exclaimed while accenting every word. "I'll be there!"

With that, the two girls turned, and walked away cockily.


"Where is this guy?" Inu asked angrily. "Come on, hurry up, and get here so we can kick your asses."

"Seriously, where is he? I thought you said five?" Rich stated.

"I did, and he'll be here. He better be or I'll be able to bust on him forever."

"Hey, is that him?" Dan asked pointing to a small crowd of people. There he was, Jeremy in front holding a football with Nick and a bunch of friends following him. They slowly walked over with that `we're all that' kind of manner.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up," Kelly said getting in Jeremy's face.

Jeremy pushed Kelli back, and said, "You're going down, loser."

"Hey, you better watch what you do with your tongue when I'm around," Muller threatened slapping his fist into his hand to try to scare him.

"People, lets just get this game started," Sesshoumaru said.

Miroku walked over to introduce himself, and explain the boundaries and rules to Jeremy's team.

"Alright, let's get this game on the ready," Miroku yelled, and Sesshoumaru kicked off the ball to begin the game.

Nick waved his hands to signal a fair catch, and caught the ball. Everyone ran towards Nick, and got ready for the first play.

"Look, he's already scared," Dan, whispered to Kelli, and she laughed.

"Hike," Jeremy yelled, and stepped backwards, only to be sacked by Heather and Inuyasha.

"You guys can't get pass me!" Inu exclaimed as he bulged his chest.

"Hike," Jeremy yelled again, and attempted to throw it to Mike, but Heather blocked it. Then they tried a running play, but were killed by Sesshoumaru.

"First down, what are we going to do now?" inquired Nick.

"Were going for it," Justin replied arrogantly.

They hiked it off, and try to pass it to Joe.

"Interception!" Dan yelled, and took off to the end zone with the football.

"Touch down!" Muller yelled as their whole team ran to Dan to celebrate. As the game continued Jeremy's team continued to be dominated.

"Hey! Do you guys want some help?" yelled a tall, lean male to Jeremy's team.

"Is that. . . Tom?" Kelli questioned.

(Tom O' Conner- ex-snare drummer, monkey, Junior)

"It is him! I'm going to kill him!" Kelli yelled.

She charged towards Tom quickly, but Dan and Muller held her back.

"I'll play quarter back," he said walking over to their team. Jeremy agreed to give his position up, and handed the football to Tom.

"I got quarter back," Kelli whispered to her teammates.

Everyone knew better than to argue with the drum line section leader so they just let her go. Tom yelled hike, and the play began once again. No sooner did they hike the ball, Kelli yelled, "Blitz," and ran towards Tom with all the power she possessed. Tom went tumbling to the ground with a giant `thud'. Kelli raised her fist, and started to beat the crap out of him. Nick then jumped on Kelli to stop her. Muller jumped in to protect Kelli, and soon there was one giant fight going on that looked very much like a fight in a cartoon.

Kelli pushed Nick off her, and continued to hammer at the ex snare player while the rest of the two teams started to fight too.

"How could you just leave our drum line like that last year?" Kelli fired while banging the sophomore's head into the ground. "You were the section leader! Some example you set!"

By now, everyone else had stopped fighting, and Jeremy's team ran home, all except Tom that is. Kelli continued to punch Tom, but her swings slowed and her angry expression soon turned to tears.

"How could you? You threw everything on me. I was only in ninth grade, and first year in band!" Kelli cried still on top of the previous section leader.

"Come on Kelli, lets get you inside," Muller said trying to pull Kell off of Tom. They all helped Kell up, and went into the building to setup for marching band practice as Tom slowly got up to leave.

"Damn, Kell, what was that all about?" Inuyasha questioned.

"That's right you weren't here last year," Jenny said putting her hands to her head.

"It's a long story, come on I'll tell you about it," Heather offered directing Inuyasha out of the band room, and away from the sad girl.

They sat down in the hallway, and Heather began to explain.

"You see, last year was Kelli's first year in drum line. It was tough because even though everyone was older than she was she was more experienced, except for Tom at the beginning. Tom was section leader, but he wasn't practicing anywhere near as much as Kelli was. It's pretty bad when Kelli had never marched and Tom had for a few years, but she knew her drill better than he did. He even totally quit/kicked out; whichever came first. When he did, she got everything thrown on her, not too long before championships."

"I see, I understand why she was so upset now," responded Inuyasha.

The tale finished, and they walked back into the band room, "Inuyasha, grab your snare, and let's go," Kelli barked, and made way to the woodshop. Inuyasha grabbed his snare and went in to practice.

Lildrummergrl58: I know, I know, a very fiery chapter, but I hoped you guys liked it. Review and let me, or, um, us know. Oh, and by the way, that part about Tom leaving Kelli the job of section leader is true. He did that to me last marching band season. I now despise him like no other.