InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha Poetry ❯ Kagura's Death ( One-Shot )

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Kagura's Death
I'm frozen in a perfect moment
So many feelings swirling in the air
Feelings born that single perfect moment
I looked up to find you standing there
You said you chose to chase me
And I know that what you said you meant
Do you mean to remember me?
Is that why you followed the scent?
Sweet fragrance of the blooming flowers
Dark stench of the shouki
These scents permeate my final hour
Final time you spent with me
And when this moment is long gone
When I at last fly free
When the wind and I are one
What will you remember of me?
Will it be my loneliness?
My happy moments few?
In those precious moments
Always there was you
You I was always watching
The true reason I fought
Though you never cared for me
At least that's what I thought
Did you try to save me?
Did you reach for your blade?
Ironic that you'd set me free
When you thought it was too late
I know why you stand here
Why you've done so for a while
The thought puts me beyond fear
And gives me the strength to smile
Don't think that you've failed
That what you did was wrong
Because my sufferings pale
To know you are the one
I beg you kill Naraku
I beg you avenge my death
I beg you stop the suffering
I beg with my final breath
That you're standing there
As my freedom takes its toll
Just knowing that you care
At last sets free my soul