InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Inuyasha's Death ❯ Inuyasha's Death ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha's Death
Kirameki Izumi

The moon was shining brightly as Kikyo walked through a forest followed closely by her soul collectors. It was a beautiful night with a slight warm breeze, but Kikyo was thinking of other things.
"It's time Inuyasha."
The campfire was crackling merrily as Kagome pulled a small parcel out of her backpack.
"Anyone want to try my home made dumplings?"
"I want some! I want some!" Shippo said with excitement.
"I'd love some." Miroku said with a smile.
"Yes, me too." Sango said in agreement.
"It's very kind of you to make us such a wonderful treat." Miroku said as Kagome handed him a dumpling. Kagome smiled at the complement.
"It was nothing. I had some spare time."
"Kagome, this is delicious!" Shippo said through a large mouthful of dumplings.
"Thank you Shippo." Kagome handed Sango a dumpling and turned to Inuyasha.
"Do you want any Inuyasha?"
"I don't know. Don't you have any of that other stuff with you?" Kagome glared angrily at Inuyasha. Seeing this Inuyasha quickly said "On second thought maybe I will try one." He didn't want to risk getting sat. Inuyasha reached for a dumpling but stopped and sniffed the air. Then without saying a word about where he was going, he suddenly dashed off.
"Hey where are you going? Wait up Inuyasha!" Kagome quickly climbed onto her bike and followed after Inuyasha. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo soon followed after Kagome on the back of Kirara. They tried to keep up but Inuyasha was soon out of sight. They had lost him.
Inuyasha ran with an extremely quick pace as he followed Kikyo's soul collectors through the forest. He maneuvered past trees and roots with great ease before the soul collectors stopped suddenly in an open glade. In the distance he could hear the sound of a bubbling brook. There was a sweet scent of flowers hanging in the air as he sniffed for Kikyo's scent. The soul collectors began to swirl around each other in the center of glade. Performing what almost looked like a dance. The light of the moon reflected off their pale, scaly skin, causing them to appear ethereal. As they continued to dance, Kikyo's image slowly came into view, steadily growing stronger and sharper until Kikyo was standing right in front of him.
"So you came Inuyasha."
"Of course I came."
"Inuyasha I summoned you here to ask once more if you will die with me. I sense that my time here on earth is drawing to a close."
"Kikyo I… I'm not sure whether I can die with you yet."
"It's that girl isn't it? Has she become more important to you than I?" Kikyo's face flared with a look of fury. Her voice was full of bitterness and anger.
"That's not the issue! It's just…"
"Silence!" Kikyo said sharply. Her face grew softer as her anger began to subside.
"Inuyasha, I will give three days to decide on what you wish to do. I can't wait any longer than that. After three days have past, I will meet you near Kaede's village. Farewell Inuyasha."
"Kikyo I…" But before he could say another word, Kikyo disappeared along with her soul collectors.
The rest of the comrades were waiting, wondering what was taking Inuyasha so long.
"I hope he's alright?" Kagome thought painfully to herself. Just then they saw Inuyasha's form appear through the trees. He was especially quiet and appeared to be avoiding Kagome's gaze. "He didn't! And after I was so worried about him!" Kagome felt a sharp pain in her chest as she recognized the familiar look on Inuyasha's face. She had seen it so many times now that she could tell in an instant what it meant.
"Is it just me, or does Inuyasha have that look on his face?" Miroku whispered quietly to Sango.
"Nope. He definitely has that look." Sango said in confirmation.
"Ah oh. That means trouble." Shippo said as he hesitantly looked at Kagome.
"You saw Kikyo didn't you?" Kagome said heatedly.
"Is this true Inuyasha? Did you see Kikyo?"
"Umm…Yeah." Kagome turned away angrily. "I knew it. It's always Kikyo isn't it?"
The next morning, they were back in Kaede's village and no one's mood had improved. Inuyasha was still avoiding Kagome's gaze and Kagome was still acting prickly while the others were taking extra caution to not get on Kagome's bad side. She was really scary when she got angry.
"So Kikyo gave you three days to decide whether you wish to die with her or not?"
"Yeah." Inuyasha said as he gave a small glance in Kagome's direction. Her face no longer had anger in it, it was much worse. She now looked extremely depressed. He thought he saw a tear in her eye but when he glanced over a second time it was gone.
"I'm going home." she said softly and got to her feet.
"What? You're going home?" Inuyasha said in shock.
"Yeah. I just remembered I have a test to study for. It's only a few days away, so I better go home and prepare." Kagome then began to make her way towards the door and out to the Bone Eater's Well. She had to leave. The pain in heart was growing unbearable.
"You're mad at me aren't you?"
"I never said anything about being mad." Kagome said quietly.
"You don't have to say anything. I can tell. You're mad."
"Inuyasha I wouldn't push it if I were you." Miroku whispered warningly.
"I'm not mad."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!!"
"Am not!!"
"Are too!!!"
"Inuyasha Sit!!!!" Inuyasha then crashed face first into floor as the magic rosary pulled him down.
"Do you like picking fights or something! Why can't you just leave me alone when I tell you to? !" And with that, Kagome stormed out of the hut more furious than ever.
"Damn. Why'd she do that?" Inuyasha groaned into the floor.
"I told you not to push it."
"I can't believe him!" Kagome was back home and was lying on her bed as she stared angrily up at the ceiling. "How could Kikyo be so selfish? And Inuyasha, I can't believe he's even considering the thought!" Kagome frowned. "Who am I to talk? I'm being just as selfish." Kagome turned away from her ceiling gazing and put her face in her pillow. " How can he do this to me? Doesn't he know how much I care about him? But, I guess that's more the reason to support his decision. Because I understand how he feels. I can't forget either."
"Kagome?" It was her mother calling. She pulled away from her pillow and quickly placed a happy look in place of the gloomy one. Though it wasn't very convincing.
"Kagome are you alright?"
"I'm fine."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, really I'm completely fine."
"Well, I was going to ask you to run to store for me but if you're not feeling well…."
"No. It's okay. I'm fine. I can go to the store. What do you need?"
"I need some rice and some pork for tonight's dinner but we're all out. Are you sure you're alright with picking them up?"
" Yeah. I'll see you in a little bit." "Besides, maybe it will help get my mind off Inuyasha."
"Bye!" And Kagome was off and running to the store in hardly a minute.
"Let's see. Where is it?" Kagome was in the grocery store and was now looking for the rice. "Oh there it is." But as she made her way towards the rice, she pasted the isle with Instant Noodles. She suddenly thought of the time she had taken Inuyasha shopping for supplies. She remembered how she pointed out where his favorite food was and grabbed hold of his hand to guide him. He had been blushing at the time. " I can't think about that right now!" She told herself sternly. Kagome quickly bought the rice and salmon and was on her way home. As she walked home she passed a park where a group of boys where playing baseball. She paused to watch for a moment. "That's right. Mom covered Inuyasha's ears with a cap when she asked him to take my lunch to me." "Oh I don't have time for this! I have to get home!"
Kagome was entering the shrine's grounds as she noticed the hidden well. She thought back to when Inuyasha had been terribly wounded by Sesshomaru. He had asked to return home and when they arrived, he took Kagome to the Bone Eater's Well. That was the first time Inuyasha had hugged her. She couldn't take it anymore. She could feel her eyes burning with tears as she dropped the groceries and ran up the stairs. She ran past her family, who were staring after her in shock, and slammed her bedroom door behind her.
"Should we check and see if she's alright? " grandpa asked.
"It's best if we leave her alone right now. " said Kagome's mother with a concerned look on her face.
Kagome began to sob harder as she sank to the floor. Her heart felt like it was going to burst.
"I can't do it. I can't see him leave. It hurts too much. But I can't let him leave without saying goodbye first. But how can I handle saying goodbye if I burst out crying every time I think about it. What will I do?"
Three days had now past since Inuyasha's run in with Kikyo and Inuyasha was now preparing to go and tell Kikyo his decision. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were waiting near the well for Kagome.
"Kagome sure is taking long. Do you think she'll ever come back?" Shippo said with worry.
"I can understand if she didn't." Miroku said with sympathy.
"It must be so hard for Kagome." Sango said softly. Inuyasha was now walking towards them. He still had the same look on his face that he had three nights ago.
"Kagome isn't here yet." Miroku said quietly.
"Oh." Inuyasha could feel the guilt spread through him. He understood why she wouldn't come but he was hoping to see her before he left.
"Hello everyone." Everyone looked in shock to see Kagome pulling herself out of the well.
"Kagome you're here!" Shippo said with relief.
"Kagome." Inuyasha said quietly to himself.
"Of course I'm here. Why wouldn't I be?"
"Oh, that? Don't worry I'm fine."
"Well… I guess I better get going." Inuyasha said softly. He turned to look at Kagome. Kagome smiled at him and nodded in agreement. He could tell she was straining the smile though. It hurt her so much, yet she was still being supportive. He gave a small smile in return and turned towards the forest. Soon he was far off in the distance and out of sight.
"I think I'll go for a walk." Kagome said trying to sound cheerful and before they could say a word, Kagome was off towards a different part of the forest.
"Should we follow her and make sure she's alright?" Sango questioned.
"No. Kagome would probably appreciate being alone for now." Miroku said with a sad tone in his voice.
Inuyasha was running swiftly past trees as he followed Kikyo's scent. This was it. He would finally have to choose between Kikyo and Kagome. He knew he would have to make the decision some day but he still had kept trying to put it off. "Please forgive me. But this is the right choice." Inuyasha stopped running as he saw Kikyo resting against a tree. She looked up at him and began to make her way towards him.
"Have you decided yet Inuyasha?"
"And what is your decision?"
"Kikyo…I…I'm sorry but…I can't die with you."
"I see." Kikyo said softly. But it wasn't with anger; it was with a great sadness.
"Kikyo I …"
"It's alright. I understand. I didn't want to admit it to myself but there really is someone better for you than I. I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you both. Please forgive me. Goodbye Inuyasha. " And with that Kikyo disappeared into the forest. Inuyasha stared after her for a moment and turned back towards the village. As he walked further on he began to catch a scent that was drifting in the breeze. "Salt?" Inuyasha carefully followed the scent. It was in the direction of the Sacred Tree. As he drew closer he could hear someone sobbing, it was Kagome. He could smell her familiar scent now. Kagome's form finally came within sight. She was sitting at the foot of the Sacred Tree. Her head rested on her knees as she sobbed.
"Kagome?" Kagome looked up in shock as she saw Inuyasha appearing from the shadows of the trees. She quickly turned away and wiped away her tears even though she knew that it would do no good. He had already seen her crying. She hated to have him see her like this. She felt so stupid.
"What are you doing here? I thought you would have been with Kikyo."
"I saw her, yes."
"You decided to stay then?"
"I don't blame you. We still need to destroy Naraku and collect the jewel shards after all."
"That's true, but it's not the reason I stayed."
"What are you talking about?" Kagome stood up and looked at Inuyasha in puzzlement, her face still stained with tears. "What other reason could you possibly have for staying here?"
"What? Don't be stupid! I stayed because of you!"
"What?" Kagome was blushing now. "Don't stay just because you're feeling guilty, because you shouldn't. If Kikyo makes you happy you should stay with her."
"You fool I am thinking about my happiness! I'm happy when I'm with you." Kagome stared at him in shock and blushed even more.
"Really? Is that true? Because I thought that…"
"Of course it's true!" Inuyasha stepped closer to Kagome and looked into her eyes. They were still red from crying. He then said softly "Whenever you're around I feel at peace, and whenever you're not… I feel…like something's missing…like there's an empty space inside me…and that you're the only one who can fill it. No matter what I do or where I go I always see your face. I need you here with me Kagome." Kagome stared back into Inuyasha's golden eyes, they seemed truthful, and she wanted to believe them, but she couldn't quite bring herself to. "He's just saying this to make me feel better, he loves Kikyo, and he always has."
"Inuyasha I already told, you don't have to try and make me feel better. I understand Kikyo is important to you."
"Damn it Kagome, that's what I'm trying telling you! I love you, not Kikyo! I did once, but that was a long time ago!" Kagome turned away. Was he really being truthful? Suddenly, but very gently, Kagome felt Inuyasha pull her back by the arm and turn her around to face him. And before she could utter another word of protest, Inuyasha tenderly pressed his lips upon hers. All of her doubts washed away, she no longer felt an aching pain in her heart. It was amazing how something so simple as a kiss changed everything. Their lips slowly parted as Inuyasha embraced her.
"No one is more important to me than you Kagome and don't you ever think anything different." He said it so softly yet it still had so much authority. Kagome smiled.
"Thank you." Her eyes welled up with tears again, but not tears of pain or sadness, but tears of relief and joy.
"Kagome, are you alright? I didn't make you cry did I?"
"I'm fine." Kagome said as she wiped away her tears. "Let's go." Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and they began to walk back to the village. They both smiled at each other as they walked hand in hand. Knowing that they would stay by each other's side through all of the worst times, and all of the best.