InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Itoshigo ❯ Drifting in the Ocean ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Drifting in the Ocean

“Ahhhhh……I love the ocean. Don’t you Souta?” Kagome asked her little brother.

“Uh-huh. It reminds me of Dad.” Souta answered dreamily.

“You know, Dad told me that there are mermaids in the ocean.” Kagome smiled to Souta.

“Really?” He turned towards his sister, “Tell me what he said.”

“He said that they live deep beneath the ocean and sometimes come up to take a peek.” Kagome looked out at the sea, “Ever since he told me that I always looked out to the ocean to see if I saw one. He told me that if I did see one I should wave to be polite.”

“Wow. Did you ever see one?”

“No. But I still look. Wanna help me look?”

“Yeah!!!” Souta stepped up onto the wooden railing of the ship to get a better view of the ocean. “There’s one!!! Oh wait. That was just a dolphin.”

“Just be patient and keep looking.”


“Kagome-sama, Souta-sama. What are you doing?” Their butler asked looking at them weirdly.

“Hey, Hibiki. We’re just looking for mermaids.” Souta answered with his eyes glued to the ocean.

“Mermaids, huh?”

“Yeah. Dad told Kagome. And she told me about them. She told me that if I look I might see one and if I do I should wave to it to be polite.”

“Kagome-sama, you shouldn’t fill his head with such stories.” Hibiki said looking at the back of her head.

“Dad said they were real and I believe him.” Kagome said calmly without turning around.

“I know you miss your father, Kagome-sama. But that doesn’t mean you should hold on to childish dreams. At one point you’re going to need to grow up.”

“Whatever.” Kagome said calmly.

Kagome then sensed a change in the waves.

“A storms coming. A big one.”

“Nonsense. Look at that sky. The waves are perfectly calm. What would make you say there is a storm coming?” Hibiki asked .

“The waves changed. We should head back to Ko-rauairanda before it hits us.”

“More nonsense, but I’ll tell the captain to be on the look out. I really don’t know where you get these ideas, Kagome.” Hibiki said turning to leave.

“It’s just a feeling I have. Of what Mother says, Father was the same way.”

“Yes, your father was a daydreamer, always staring out into the ocean. I guess that explains you being so head strong to the sea.” Hibiki left to console the captain.

“Sis? Do you really think it’s gonna storm?” Souta asked, innocent eyes turned up to his sister.

Kagome just looked out at the water silently. The ocean was uneasily still and the smell of rain hit her nose and the wind started to pick up. It was then that she was sure she was correct.

“Souta, go inside.”, Kagome said without turning around, “Tell mom that a storm will be here soon.”

“Okay, sis.” He climbed of the railing and ran to his mother’s cabin.

Kagome was positive her mother would believe her and inform the captain. Her mother always had full faith in her. She had always told her that she shared her father’s love of the sea and nautical intuition. Kagome could tell by the way her mother talked of her father that she missed him dearly. It also upset her that Souta had never had the chance to know his father. He was a great man of the sea. He was captain of the legendary ship Kiyasumeni-kan. According to her mother, her father fought many brave battles and was know for his swordsmanship. He met her mother when he saved her from a gang bandits. He fell in love with her knowledge of things that usually remained unbeknownst to women, especially a princess. Her mother had fallen for her savior for his rough, care-free, adventurous attitude. They had received her father’s blessing and were married onboard Kiyasumeni-kan. They had many adventures aboard that ship and many romantic starlit nights together on that ship. Kagome always loved to hear her mother talk so affectionately of her father. It mad her feel special to have part of such a great man in her.

Because of the many stories she was told, Kagome had an endless love for the sea. She had also taken classes on sword-play and was told that she was almost as good as her father. Many people found it absurd for a princess to be skilled in sword-play but, Kagome found it absurd not to be. Her mother was proud of her and was told that her father would have be elated to no end. Whenever she was told that she’d swell with accomplishment.

And now another talent obtained from her father was proving useful. As dark clouds billowed out over the horizon, Kagome walked briskly to her mother’s cabin to ride out the storm in.

As the sky darkened and the wind started to blow more fiercely, the crew stumbled and hurried in order to prepare the ship to ride out the storm. The storm had approached quickly and the deck of the ship was already getting pounded by rain. The crew had procrastinated in their actions and were now attempting to correct their mistake.

Kagome looked out the window of her mother’s cabin and saw that the efforts of the crew were proving to be fruitless. With a sudden burst of impulse and determination, she ran out the door and onto the deck, picking up wherever the crew was more lacking. She could hear her mother screaming for her to come back inside. She knew her mother trusted her but her maternal instincts had taken over. Kagome refused to yield as she helped three crewman steady a rope that was connected to the mast. The sea waters washed harshly onto the deck of the ship soaking everyone on deck. Cold and wet, she refused to relent as her father’s will told her to grip tightly to the rope. As the she and the men continued to pull on the ropes, a giant wave crashed onto the deck completely submerging all that lie on it.

Kagome’s will refused to let her let go of the ropes, but her hands did not comply. Her body was thrown over board by the force of the wave.
She felt weightless as she fell away from the ship. She tried to scream, but it didn’t get far due to the storm. She just stared wide-eyed, arms outstretched, as the ship flew upward and was tossed mercilessly by the storm. She was knocked out in impact as she hit the water. The last thing in her sight was the water distorted shadow of the ship as she surrendered to the ocean’s grasp on her.

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YATTA!!!!! My first chapter of my first ficcie. Hehehehehe…..I feel so accomplished. I would like to thank my muse for showing up. I’ve been feeling creative all day so I decided to tackle this fic that’s been sitting at the back of my documents. I hope to get the second chapter up soon. Oh yeah!!!!!!! The name of the ship is just two Japanese words I stuck together from my Japanese dictionary. They are Kiyasumeni- for peace of mind and kan- love of peace. Oh yeah I didn’t disclaimer at the top so I have to do it here:
Disclaimer: They keep reminding me that I don’t own InuYasha. *pouts* Oh well I’m fine with my Inu-chan plushie. =^-^=
There we go… any other notes??? I don’t think so. Pleeze review my fic. It will help encourage me.
I need all the encouragement I can get. =^-^=.
Arigatou Watashi no tomodachi-tachi!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Peace, and Pocky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~ JA NE!!!!!!!!!!!!!