InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ IY Viginettes; May I Have Another? ❯ April Fool's Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Note: This is a repost. Meaning it has shown up on once before, and on as well. If you see it floating about, I probably posted it, so don't assume plagiarizing immediately.
Disclaimer: This applies to every viginette in “IY Viginettes; May I Have Another?”. I, Child Of The Millennium, hereby proclaim that no matter how much I desire it, the Inu-tachi are no more mine than the ability to fly without an airplane.
"April Fool's Day"


"I feel rather mean doing this."

"Keh, that bouzu deserves it!"

"But Sango-chan..."

"You said they needed a push..."

"This is more like dropping them off of a cliff."

"Oh, shut up, bitch. She can't hit him that hard, her hands are in a rather sensitive area."

Kagome giggled, "Wandering hands. Inuyasha, you're a genius."

"I rather like this April Fool's tradition of yours. It's funny."
Bouzu - rude term for monk