InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome And Her Crazy Blood-line ❯ The mistake ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: back off I know I do not own Inuyasha or anything.

~Chapter 1~

"Bye mom I have to go before Inuyasha drags me back" said Kagome. She was at her house for the night to take a break from shard hunting. Of course Inuyasha put up an argument, but when Kagome told him that she will bring extra Ramen, he let her go. Go figure.

"Oh Kagome wait, I have Strawberry Gatorade for you" called Ms. Higurashi.

Kagome took the drink and was off to the well. Her mother had poured the Gatorade into a clear container. Kagome was off to the well and jumped into the familiar darkness of it.


"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, SHE WENT HOME TO GO TAKE A REST AND BRING RAMEN" Inuyasha yelled to his companions from his spot on the ground. Ever since Kagome had gone, everyone thought they had another fight ending with Inuyasha being sat and Kagome going home.


"WHY DON'T YOU ASK HER WHEN SHE GETS HERE YOU LITTLE FUCKING BRAT" Inuyasha yelled to his kitsune travel buddy.

"Fine jerk!" said Shippo as he got a rock and hit Inuyasha on the head. "YOU LITTLE BASTARD I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" screamed an enraged hanyou. "AHHHH!!!"

While Shippo and Inuyasha ran in circles, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara watched in amusement until Inuyasha stopped and sniffed the air. "She's back," he said. "I am going to go get her so you guys can stay here" Inuyasha called running from their campsite to the clearing of the bone eaters well. He stops and sees Kagome out of the well so, he decided to just wait and watch what she does.


"It feels so good to be back here, I love the clean crisp air." said Kagome in a happy way. `So she likes it here better' Inuyasha thought merrily. "I wonder if Inuyasha has picked up my scent yet… what am I saying of course he has, he is probably already coming" she thought aloud. `Of course I got your scent'. Inuyasha crept up behind her and said in a low voice "Kagome". "AHHHH, Inuyasha don't do that." Inuyasha starts rolling around laughing "I couldn't help it you looked so funny". `Time for payback' she thought with an evil grin. "Hey Inuyasha, guess what? I am pregnant!!!!! Isn't that great!!!!!!". That stopped him from laughing and he stood staring at her in shock. "Y…your…p-pregnant!! B-but" Inuyasha's face was completely pale. Now it was Kagome's turn to laugh. She laughed so hard she fell forward on Inuyasha. "I was only hahaha kidding haha you should have seen your hahahaha face". Inuyasha blushed a little and joined her in laughing. When they stopped their laughter they noticed that they were laying on each other. They blushed redder than tomatos and got off of one another and headed for the campsite.

When Inuyasha and Kagome arrived at camp they noticed that Sango looked irritated and Miroku had a hand print on his face. I wonder what that means, eh? "KAGOME!!!!" squealed an excited Shippo launching to her for a hug. "Lady Kagome nice to see you again" "Hey Kagome" came Miroku and Sango's welcomes. "Hi guys" Kagome noticed it was pretty hot outside and she could use a drink. She set down her pack and took out the Gatorade. When everyone saw the liquid they thought that Kagome was going to try a spell that required blood or something like that. They all watched in interest as she took off the lid. They all were shocked to see her bring the blood to her lips and begin drinking it. "KAGOME" they all screamed causing her to choke on the Gatorade. "What? What's wrong? Why are you guys looking at me like that?". "YOU WERE DRINKING BLOOD!!!" her companions yelled in unison. "NANI? NO I WASN'T, THIS IS GATORADE A RED DRINK ITS NOT BLOOD!! ITS FOOD COLORING!!!!".

I end it there. I know you guys think I suck but its my first fanfic and it was stuck in my head for a while. Well I feel like suck a beginner.