InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome And Her Crazy Blood-line ❯ The blood in you ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note: You people already know I don't own Inuyasha…that is so sad.

~Chapter 2~


"Food coloring?" Miroku ask curiously in a still-in-shock voice. "What animal does this Gatorade blood belong too" Sango wondered out loud. At hearing Sango's little thought the all turned to Kagome for an answer, whom was rinsing her mouth at a nearby river at the thought of drinking blood. "I told you," said Kagome calmly. "ITS NOT BLOOD!!!" She screeched

"Sorry Kagome but it is." Inuyasha said to the wide-eyed girl. "Inuyasha is right Kagome it smells like blood" Shippo replied "Plus that has the stench of human blood" Inuyasha added. Kirara mewed in agreement.

All the non-demons in the group dropped their jaws. "H-human" squeaked a horrified Sango. "Lady Kagome, I-I did not know you drank blood" stuttered Miroku. "I..I. d-drank h-human b-blood" After she said this she did something nobody has ever seen her do, she fainted from fright. The Inuyasha group could not believe that Kagome fainted out of fear, she didn't faint when facing Naraku, or Sesshomaru, or even when Inuyasha became a full demon. They laid her down on her sleeping bag still a bit shaken.

3 hours later Kagome woke up. She jolted into a sitting position when she remembered why she fell unconscious in the first place. Everyone jumped at the action, even Inuyasha. "I can't believe I drank…. but my mom always gives me Gatorade…so does that mean that she has been giving me blood this whole time." "WHAT!?" everyone minus Kagome yelled. "YOUR MOTHER GAVE YOU BLOOD!?" said a very shocked Inuyasha. He has meet Ms. Higurashi, and she was really nice. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo all gasped. "Ok Inuyasha can you please take me home, I need to have a word with my mom" Even though Kagome was going crazy on the inside, she was trying to be calm. Trying. Inuyasha nodded and motioned for her to get on his back. Before she got on him she turned to her friends and said "Don't worry guys, I am sure she made a mistake, I hope" she whispered the last part so softly that only Inuyasha heard it. `I wonder why your mom would give you blood' Inuyasha thought to himself.


Once they arrived at Kagome's time, they headed straight to the shrine. Kagome reached out a shacking hand and held the knob. Inuyasha saw her hesitation and tried to comfort her by putting his arms around her shoulders and whispering soothing things in her ear. She instantly calmed down and thanked him for his comfort. She took a deep breath walked in and called "Hello, mom are you here?". "Yes dear I am". Ms. Higurashi stepped into the living room and noticed her daughters dog-eared friend. "Oh hello Inuyasha, what are you doing here." Kagome just stared at her mother with wide, unbelieving eyes. Ms. Higurashi gasped. "Oh, Kagome you find out didn't you" "So its true!!! Why would you give me blood to drink" said Kagome a little confused by her mother's actions. "Kagome, its time I told you that your father is…was a vampire".

Well I gave chapter two. I think its more interesting than chapter 1, but you guys are the ones that decide how good it is.