InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome and the Body Stealer ❯ Kagome Plus 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

!! I do not Own any of the Inuyasha Character's & they were not my Idea, Im just a BIG-OLD fan!!.. Thanks.. Now read on! ^.^

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Title: Kagome Plus 1

* Inuyasha that Idiot.. thinks he can always have his way...*

Kagome and Inuyasha had an argument earlier that day. As always, over something very trivial. Kagome wanted to go home to study & Inuyasha said that it was dumb that she wanted to go home. Many Nasty words were said but in the end it was Inuyasha who’s Face was is the ground. Kagome told the other’s that she was going for a walk and would be back when she cooled off.

*.. If I did not care so much for him I would go home and blow up the Well so we could never see each other again.* :Growl: * T.T .. Great.. and now im hungry, well maybe I will see a rabbit of something.*

As Kagome walked she sensed a Jewel Shard.

* Hmm... maybe killing something will take my mind of Inuyasha.*


Back at ’Camp’


“Where is Kagome?!” Inuyasha Barked.

“Inuyasha, she went for a walk to cool off, give her some time.” Sango replied. Suddenly Sango turned around and Smacked Maroku.

“STAY WAY FROM MY BUTT!!!” Sango yelled. * Why.. why do I have to like the leach?!*

“ Sango?! Why do you always smack me? It’s a complement! Im just showing you how nice your butt is?!” Maroku realized that he said the wrong thing. He jumped up and ran. Over his shoulder he yelled “I’ll go get some firewood!!”

“Well I’m going to go find Kagome!.. Damn girl..” Inuyasha started to go but Sango smacked him with her Giant Boomerang.

“You will not! Give her time to chill, if you go off now you will find you face smashed into the ground so far that you would never get up.” Sango gave Inuyasha a glare that made him sit as if Kagome had commanded it.

“Fine.” Inuyasha looked up at the sky, “ I will give her till dust to return. If she is not here by then I will go get her! Happy?!”

“Yes, I am. Thank you Inuyasha.” Sango replied and started to cook the fish Shippo and Inuyasha caught for Lunch.


Back to Kagome:


“You, you have Jewel Shard’s!! Give them to me?!” A voice rang from the shadows of the forest.

“If you want them, Why don’t you come and get them?!” Kagome Yelled as she nicked an arrow into her bow.

“ FINE!!”

Suddenly an arm reached out of the shadows. Kagome let her arrow fly and the arrow cut the arm from its limb. The Demon Yelped with pain. Soon the bush’s parted and out came a wolf Demon.

* Is.. is that a wolf?.. No.. It has human arm’s and leg’s, but it had the body, head, and tail of a wolf.*

“ Well Wench, what do you think? I used to just be a Man, and a wolf. Now im both?! I already have four Jewel shards. Soon I will also have the one’s that you have hung around your neck! MUAHHAHAH”

“ It will be no problem killing you! An when you are dead, your Shard’s shall be MINE!!” As Kagome told the demon this she let another arrow fly. It hit the demon in the shoulder, the shoulder exploded when the arrow hit it. The demon fell over. Kagome let another arrow go and it hit the demon right in the head. The demon died and Kagome went to get the shards. As she reached for them something when wrong. A Shadow came out of the forest and as Kagome Gasped it entered her body. Happy that it's trap worked so well.


Hia! What did you think of the first Chapter?.. Sorry it was so short. The next one will be longer!! Promise!!! I Really Enjoy Feed Back! .. Well hope you liked it & read the next Chapter!!