InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome, Born of Fire ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Born of Fire
By: Demonsaya


Chapter 2


Inuyasha and Miroku skipped school that day. It was an offense he knew full well his brother would punish both of them for, but had he gone, he wouldn't have been able to get a lick of work done. Not when there was an unconscious girl laying in his room, on his bed. As it was, he had to concentrate on boiling water for his lunch, which was normally such a mindless task, he would just walk away and play a little Tekken, then come back after about ten minutes. Today was different. Today, he'd let the boiling water dwindle down to nearly nothing.

Miroku was sitting at the table, examining his wounded palm. Evidentially his mind was elsewhere, too, because he didn't seem to care about the trouble Inuyasha was having to pick on him.

Inuyasha poured the boiling water into the Styrofoam cups, and passed one of them to his companion, pulling out some disposable chopsticks for them. “What the hell are we gonna tell my brother when he get's home?” The hanyou wondered, putting his face in his hands. He was exhausted, having stayed up late waiting for Miroku to show, then getting up early to help bandage his friends sorry hide up.

“I suppose we tell her that you found a new girlfriend?” Miroku joked, stirring his noodles with his chopsticks, then gave his friend a grin. “Or she could be my girlfriend.”

“Keh.” The hanyou snorted. “Don't be stupid. She fucking passed out on my balcony. If she's anybodies girlfriend, we're saying she's mine.” He shook his head, glancing towards the balcony. I'd love to know who the hell she is. And how the hell she got onto the balcony without me seeing or hearing her.” The hanyou shook his head, sighing softly.

“How about why she was hovering in the air and surrounded by flames?” Miroku offered, shaking his head. “This is unbelievable. Do you think she's some kind of magical girl?”

Inuyasha glared at his friend. “Magical girl? Miroku, don't be stupid. There's no way that girl in there is one of those damn Sailor Moon bimbo's.” He scoffed, shaking his head. “Besides, if she is, where's her fuku? Hm? I don't think Sailor Scouts fall out of the sky wearing something like a Miko garb. Weirdest damn thing I've ever seen.”

Miroku shrugged. “Do you have a better idea?”

“Not a fucking clue.” Inuyasha admitted, tearing the paper completely off his cup and beginning to shovel noodles into his mouth. “I doubt she's a demon. She doesn't have the scent of Youki on her.” He stared into his cup, frowning. “I dunno, maybe she's an angel or something.” He muttered under his breath.

Miroku snorted into his soup. “An angel? Angels don't usually have the fires of hell surrounding them. Unless she's a fallen angel? Whatever the hell she is, she's freaking gorgeous. You got a look at her before she fainted. What color are her eyes?”

Inuyasha frowned, trying to remember. He was a bit busy being scared out of his wits to pay a whole lot of attention to the girl's eyes. He frowned deeply. “I think they were blue.” He said softly.” This was definitely shaping up to be a seriously bad week. “Maybe I should call Kaede-babaa. She might know something.”

“She certainly is older than dirt.” Miroku agreed, nodding in an almost sagely manner. “If anyone would know, she would.”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Inuyasha froze, glancing towards the front door. He held his finger to his lips and crept towards the door, avoiding all the creaky floorboards. He peered out of the peep hole and gave the door frame a sniff. He glanced towards Miroku and pointed towards his bedroom. 'Hide her.' He mouthed.

Miroku ran lightly down the hall disappearing into the room and pulled the door shut. Inuyasha sighed heavily and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around his head and shoulders. Then, he opened the door, looking at his youkai teacher, Naraku. “What the fuck d'ya want?” Inuyasha grumbled, then went into a fake coughing fit. Naraku didn't have an inuyoukai nose, so he wouldn't smell the lie, or the illness.

“You and Miroku didn't show up at school today. Are you two playing hookie?” Naraku glanced past him into the apartment. He made as if to enter, and Inuyasha blocked his path.

“I'm sick, and Miroku's father beat the crap out of him last night.” Inuyasha said evenly. “And you know my brother doesn't let me have people in the apartment when he's not here...” He arched an eyebrow. That part was true. But that didn't say anything about guests who dropped in via the balcony.

Naraku glanced towards the balcony, sensing the magic that was infused with the air of the apartment. Another of the four had awoken. Only two remained. He had to find those other two. “Where is your brother right now?”

“Down at the hotel.” Inuyasha said, stepping into the hall and closing the door behind him so Naraku would quit staring into his apartment. He turned and looked at his teacher. Then, he glanced at his watch. “Shouldn't you be at school. Class starts again in fifteen minutes...” The hanyou said leadingly.

Naraku gave an evil smile. “Indeed. I suppose I'll see you and Miroku in school tomorrow.” He said, then turned, walking down the hall.”

Inuyasha breathed easier when he was gone, and turned, entering the apartment in time to hear a feminine scream. “Shit...” He grumbled, throwing off the blanket and closing and locking the door. He made his way to his apartment and found the girl pressed against the opposite corner of the room from his friend, who was laying in a pile in his closet. Inuyasha leaned against the door frame and arched an eyebrow. “You didn't.” He said directly at his friend.

Miroku looked up and his hand twitched. “It's a curse.” He said, smiling at his friend. “And it was completely accidental. I was merely trying to make sure her heart was still beating.”
“My ass.” Inuyasha walked into the room and glanced at the girl. “You okay, wench?”

A strange look covered the girl's face. “Wench?” She asked, pulling herself to her full height of about five feet. “That's an awfully rude thing to call me.”
The hanyou rolled his eyes, hauling his friend off the ground. “Yeah, well, I'm an awfully rude person.” He sat down on his bed, looking at the girl, his face rather irritated. “So, now that you've dropped in, quite literally, who are you, what are you, and where the hell did you come from?”

The girl looked at him, her face untrusting. “I don't think I wish to tell you.” She said stubbornly, then flopped to the floor in her corner, her hakama bunching around her ankles. She eyed the boy from the corner of her eyes, trying not to notice that he was probably the most attractive male she'd set her eyes upon in several hundreds of years. His hair was long and white, his eyes bright gold, and he had two twitching dog-ears atop his head.

Inuyasha growled softly. “Look, this isn't a negotiation. You appeared on MY balcony, and have spent the past six hours asleep in MY bed.” He glanced towards Miroku, who just smiled and shrugged, seeming to enjoy the fireworks from the desk chair he'd settled into. “We carried your fat ass in here, so we deserve some answers.”

“FAT?!” She nearly shrieked, on her feet in less than an instant. She glared at him fiercely. “You have no right to demand anything of me, you foolish mortal! You're the one who summoned me in the first place! You don't screw around with objects containing magicks and expect nothing to happen!”

Inuyasha met her gaze and found himself staring at flames. Almost literally. Behind her pupils, it was almost like the flames of hell were inside her. “What the hell are you talking about?!” He snarled, getting into her face.

The girl snapped her fingers, and he was startled to find his lighter suddenly in her hand.

“Hey, that's mine-”

“No, this is MINE. My home. For hundreds of years, I have lived right here-” She pointed at the line of rubies on the side, pointing to the largest one in the middle. I have been trying NOT to be found and until today, I succeeded. You made a flame, you damn fool! Haven't you wondered why this lighter never worked?! It was to keep idiots like you from obtaining my power!”

Miroku was practically buzzing with excitement. “Are you a genie or something?! This is so fucking awesome! I knew there'd never be a dull moment in this house!” He was silenced by a glare from the girl who stood in the middle of the room.

“Don't be ridiculous.” She stood straight, her pitch black hair falling down her back in waves. “Of course I'm not a Jin. I can do similar things, but I am far different than Jin.” She looked back towards the boy on the bed.

“Ohh! I want first wish!” Miroku cried out, bouncing up and down.

The girl sighed, feeling exhausted. Her anger took a lot out of her. She supposed it were Suzaku's power reminding her that she's not supposed to bitch and moan about these kind of things. She slumped back against the wall and slid down to the floor. Not to mention her return to the physical plane after fighting it for so long was extremely draining. She closed her eyes and heard the boy on the bed talking with his friend.

“What the hell do you mean, first wish? I'm the one who called her! I get first wish!”

“But I want to wish for one of my own!!! She's cute! I bet any others are cute too!”


“WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT UP?!” She finally screamed as loud as she could, before slumping to the floor. 'My fires are running low. This isn't good. If I run into Naraku, I wont be able to put up much of a fight...' She felt two warm arms lift her up and she was settled against the bed again. She looked towards the hanyou, then glanced away. “Thank you.”

“At least tell us what you're called?” He said firmly, sounding equally tired. He pulled the blankets up to her chin

She rolled onto her side, staring at the lighter as she set it on the bedside table. “I am Kagome.” She said softly. Then, her eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep once again.

“Kagome...” He said quietly. Gently, he brushed a bit of her hair back. Then he gave a small grin, glancing towards Miroku. “What do you think we should do about her?” He asked, gesturing towards her with his head.

Miroku looked at the girl through wide eyed. “Do you think we could sell her on e-bay?”


Selooked towards the door, wishing desperately to go home, have a nice hot cup of coffee and settle down with a novel. But it was only five in the evening, and the police were still in that room. He had arrived just as they bought the body out. As he was a youkai, the human police were not particularly kind to him while questioning him.

In their mind, he was just as guilty as the demon that had done the deed.

They had scattered the forensic photographs on his desk and yelled at him, trying to get him to confess to a crime he had not committed. The youkai snorted, glancing towards the boy at the desk, another youkai. “Did the police question you already, Kouga?” Sesshoumaru asked coldly.

“Naturally. They questioned the youkai workers FIRST. Not surprising. I don't know many humans who can rip a womans heart out of her chest.” He said, inspecting his claws. “Your brother wasn't in school today.” He glanced at his boss, seeing a very irate expression on his face. “Naraku cut out around mid-day and came back just after lunch. He said Inuyasha was 'sick', but I don't think he believed him.”

Sesshoumaru nodded firmly. “Tell Naraku to stay out my business. He is my brother, I will deal with him.” He glanced at his watch impatiently, then walked towards the chief of police. “I have a family issue to deal with. You can reach me at this number if you need me.” He handed the officer his card, then headed towards the door.
“You haven't been excused yet.” The officer objected.

Sesshoumaru turned towards the man, his face deadly calm. “I have a family issue. I am not one of your bitches to order about. I have my own life that I need to get on with. If you need me for more than sitting upon my ass, call that number. Goodnight, officer.” He said, then turned, walking out the door. Fifteen hours of work on three hours of sleep. He needed a vacation.

He drove back to his apartment, taking the elevator up the stairs. Sure enough, Naraku's stench was everywhere. He reached the top floor and unlocked the door at the end of the hall. He paused, sniffing carefully. He could smell the scent of magic all over the hall. He walked in, heading straight for his younger brother's room. He paused, finding the boys arguing in the guest room in somewhat hushed voices.

“We are NOT selling her on e-bay, cretin!” Inuyasha snarled under his breath.

“But think of all the money we could make! We'd be independently rich! We'd never have to live off the fat of your brother again!”


“Who are you not selling on e-bay, little brother?”

Both boy's froze. Inuyasha turned towards his brother and took a deep breath. “It's a long story...” The hanyou breathed, shaking his head. “Don't fly off the handle, but there's this girl-”

“You ditched school because of a GIRL?!” Sesshoumaru had him by the throat and against the wall in under a moment. “What did you do, Inuyasha?! Where is she?!”

Inuyasha tried to hush his brother, tried to get him to lower his voice. But his demonic hearing could already hear the movement in the next room, and evidentially, so could his brother. They barely had time to move, when the girl they were talking about walked in.

Kagome took in the sight of the room for a long moment. She glanced at the boy who'd called her, his friend, then the one who had the one who'd called her against the wall. “Could you guys keep your testosterone induced Machismo down a bit? I'm trying to sleep.” She said wearily.

Sesshoumaru stared at the girl in shock. Magic was coming off the girl in waves. He looked towards Inuyasha and dropped him. “What have you done, Inuyasha? How in the name of hell did you get an Elemental into this house?!”

Both younger boys looked from Sesshoumaru to Kagome in confusion.

Sesshoumaru looked the girl directly in the eye. “Fire spirit? Jesus effing christ...” He put his head in his hands. “Get her out of here.” He shook his head. “I want her gone in one hour, I don't care how or why, but she'd better be gone.”

Kagome's face twitched. “I would. But I can't.”

Everyone looked at her in shock. Inuyasha felt a strange pang in his chest. Why were girls always so desperate to get away from him?

“Elemental spirits such as myself are bound to the one who summoned them. He-” She pointed at Inuyasha. “Accidentally pulled me from my home. Until he dies, or the Shikon no Tama has been summoned and used, I am stuck at his side.” She sighed. “And with Kagura active, that leaves two in hybernation. Sango, and Ayame. Spirits of Earth and Water. If He get's them first...” She ground her teeth together, and fisted her hands.

Sesshoumaru flopped down, looking exhausted. Everyone in the apartment looked tired. He glanced from the girl, to his brother, to his brother's friend and then sighed. “I cannot think about this until I have gotten some sleep. We will discuss all of this tomorrow.” He cracked his neck and stood once again. “Fire spirit-”

“My name's Kagome.”

“Kagome, then, you may rest in my brother's room. It's a wreck, but it's the next nicest room in the house compared to mine. Inuyasha you can stay in here with Miroku.”

“If you don't mind-” Kagome raised her voice. “It is best that the person who called me is close. I will rejuvenate faster if he is.” She said evenly.

Inuyasha turned an indescribable shade of red. “But-what?!”

Sesshoumaru shrugged. “Fine, whatever. I'm going to bed. I'm running on three hours of sleep and I can't think straight. Maybe I'll wake in the morning and all of this will have been a really bad dream...” He muttered, disappearing.

Kagome looked at Inuyasha and bowed. “I shall wait for you.” She said, then left the room.

Miroku sidled up to his friends side. “Just broken up with one girl and already got another, man, I'm impressed.” He elbowed his friend lightly in the ribs. “Go on, man, don't keep the girl waiting!” He pushed his friend from his room, then closed the door, laughing merrily at his poor friend.

Inuyasha stood in the hallway, beet red, trying to decide if this week could really get any worse.


AN: Another chapter done. Hope everyone enjoyed. Heh. Inuyasha gets to sleep with the pretty girl. Mind out of the gutters, hentai's they only just met! As you all know, please review if you read this far, you're more likely to get another chapter! Thanks a bunch!