InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome Decisions ❯ What kagome was up to. ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Inuyasha or his friends but I do own Ren she is my own character that I made up.

Chapter 4

What kagome was up to.

Get up I said get up. How do you ever expect him to except you like this if you don't know how to fight. He'll just think that you are useless now like before. But now it will be worse cause he'll have to save you every time you go into heat and every youkai in the lands if you don't learn to defend your self and use your youkai blood and miko powers. Ren told Kagome as she lay there on the grown with cuts and bruises and blood covering her. Ren shaked her head. I'm sorry kagome I know that this is hard and you just came into these powers that I awoke in you and that now that I turn you into a inu-hanyou its all over well mining I just know how it is and the way we get treated our kind and all and your so pure I just don't want you to get her. She laughs I guesse I'm treating you like inuyasha does no aren't I'm sorry. We will rest for now its is getting dark and im getting hungry. So they went and sat by the fire.They ate and talked more. Thank you Ren. No problem kagome you almost have it by then of this week you will be able to use all your powers and then we can go to your friends. That is if you want me to come with you. Yes Ren I do I mean you help me through this you saved my life you're my friend and I want you to meet all my other friends. Ok then kagome get some rest we got a big day tomarrow. I know you perfect your powers then we will head out ok. Yes ren good night. Good night kagome. As kagome laided there she thought of the last three and a half months.

(flash back……………….)

Kagome reach the a of a dark forest it seem like she traveling for days. All of a sudden she was attack by a demon . give me the jewel child you don't need it. NO screamed kagome and she ran. She didn't get far before the youkai attacked and was about to take the jewel when kagome saw a blue energy ball fly out and destroy it and that was all she could remember. When she awoke she found her self inside a cabin deep within the dark woods. Where am I thought kagome? Who saved me? To answer her questions inu-hanyou spoke up. I saved you and you are in my home deep deep with in my forest. Kagome turned and saw who was talking. What she saw took her breath away. There stood. A beautiful Inu-hanyou. She had long chest nut hair with gold highlights in it. Her ears were the color of her hair and the tips were gold. She was tall and very shapely. On her forhead was a gold star. Her eye lids were painted pink. Her eye color was strange to kagome seeing that she was a inu-hanyou she would of think that they would have green eyes. But this one did. Which stood out amazingly against the tan color of her skin. And her lips were painted a light color Pink like her eyes. This made her lips look full. But what really freaked kagome out was that she had a tall. And that she wore a outfit like inuyasha's but for the fact that instead of pants she had a long skirt but on each side of the legs it was sliced up to her hips.The outfit was all black except the border around it which was gold. All of a sudden it spoke which made kagome jump.

My name is Ren. What is yours child.

Kagome looked up Kagome.

Well hi kagome how are you? And how did you come to the edge of my forest for you see no one ever comes in here they are afraid of me I'm half miko and half Inu-youkai. And a powerful one at that. Not to brag or any thing.

So kagome told her of her story and about inuyasha and how she wanted him to love her and not kikyo. And that she wanted to be useful in the battle against naraku. Finally after awhile of talking and listening.

Kagome I know of a way in which it would make you powerful and also may help you atrack inuyasha. But its very important that you think about it for a while cause once it happens you cant change it or go back. You will have my power along with your own and you also will become like me.

Ok Ren I will think about it and I will tell you in the morning.

(the next morning)

Kagome awoke to find Ren making breakfast. Its smelled good to her she got up from her spot and went over to Ren.

Well Kagome have you decided about what you want to do.

Yes and I want to become like you.

Ok after we eat we will got out side and we will perform the spell.

They ate there food in silence. After cleaning up and putting every thing away. They went out side. There kagome found a very beautiful lake and trees and flowers she was amazed that a dark forest could have such beauty in it.

Are you ready

Yes, Will this hurt Ren.

No Kagome its not very compicated but you must be a very powerfull youkai do perform it.

Oh stated kagome.

And with that they preformed the spell. Kagome listen as Ren said chanted words she didn't know. All of a sudden kagome was ingulfed in a bright blue light. And she felt strange her body tingled all over. Then it was over.

Come kagome I want to show you want you look like.

Ok said kagome. And they went inside the cabin. To a full length mirror. And this is what kagome saw. A now taller her with raven black hair that went down to her butt and baby blue high lights through out it. Fuzzy ears with the tips blue. Her once brown eye were now a ice blue. Her eye lids were now painted a violet color. She had claws and fangs. She looked and a tail black with a baby blue tip. And on her forhead was a blue star like Ren's .

Oh Ren I love it thank you so much.

Your welcome but now we have lots of training to do because now you're a youkai and a miko that I awake all your powers. So we must train hard. And that's how things came to be.

(end of flash back)

It was morning now. And Ren was trying to wake kagome.

Kagome wake up we must train today you finish your training and I have a gift for you to when you finish. Ren told the sleeping kagome.

Ok ok im up. Just let me get dress. Ok

Ok I'll be out side waiting for you