InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ Good News and Bad News ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 3 Good News and Bad News
“Well I have good news and bad news what one do you want to hear first” asked Sango. “The good news” said Kagome. “Ok Miroku proposed” said Sango. “Really when” asked Kagome. “When we got into my well our house last night” said Sango. “Ok bad news now” asked Kagome. “Well Miroku had some bad news, our high up sponsor wants us to have another guitar and Kirara is dropping out” said Sango her voice turning sad. “Oh man I hope we don't have a concert soon” said Kagome.
“We don't I made Miroku cancel all concerts until we can get this worked out” said Sango. “Ok well let's think if we know anyone before we do anything rash, see if any old friends play instruments” said Kagome. “Well I will let you get back to Inuyasha now” said Sango. “Ok bye” said Kagome, both girls hung up. “Uhhh… I will worry about this in the morning im going back to bed” said Kagome flopping back down into the bed and resting her head on the pillow. Inuyasha again put his arm around Kagome and they fell asleep. A few hours later Kagome woke up. She got out of bed and went to the bathroom and walked downstairs. She walked to the stage and pulled out her guitar.
She started to play and play and make up things and write stuff down. She thought about her band and other things in her life. She eventually came up with the song called `Can't Stop the Rain'. Then she thought of Inuyasha and started to sing and write. Pretty soon she came up with a song she was happy with she called `A Never Ending Dream'. Finally she stopped and sat on the couch to think. She thought about Inuyasha and how much he meant to her and then she thought about her band breaking up.
Kagome got really sad at the thought, not remembering that Inuyasha could feel her every emotion. Inuyasha's head bolted up from the pillow when he felt Kagome's happiness go to sadness and instantly quietly walked down the stairs to see what was wrong. Kagome was sitting on the couch hugging her knees with her head resting on them. Inuyasha snuck up behind her and gave her a big hug.
“You ok” asked Inuyasha. “Yeah im fine just thinking that's all, I forgot you could sense my every emotion” said Kagome. “Yeah well thinking doesn't normally make people sad” said Inuyasha. “You know what im going through everything is crushing beneath my feet, I need someone to play the guitar and possibly sing and I need someone to play the drums, we all have to be able to get alone and not fight” said Kagome covering her head with her hands. All of a sudden the phone started to ring, Kagome walked over to the kitchen to answer it. “Hello” she said trying to sound cheerful. “Hey Kagome one problem solved, we found a new drummer turns out that Miroku use to play the drums and can still read the music, so all we have to do is give his Kirara's music which she dropped off, she I guess is moving to America with her family” said Sango.
“Yeah one problem solved, what about the other guitar player, I want another singer, preferably a boy because I have written something's I think a boy would sing well” said Kagome. “Well we will have to get to work on that” said Sango. “Ok well I have to go, bye” said Kagome hanging up the phone. “Umm… Kagome there is something I wanted to tell you” said Inuyasha. “What is it” asked Kagome. “Well I use to play the guitar see me and Miroku use to have a band with this kid named Shippo but Shippo like Kirara had to move and our band broke up, it was a small band and we weren't famous like you guys are” said Inuyasha. “Would you like to be the guitar in our band, oh and can you sing” asked Kagome. “Yeah I was lead singer” said Inuyasha.
“That's great” said Kagome her mood was happy again. She called Sango and explained it all and they were both going to help the boys to play right. “Good thing Kirara also dropped off her black drums, and I have a bass over here” said Sango. “How many basses do you have” asked Kagome. “Four why, one at your house, one for my house, and two for onstage” said Sango. “You always have a backup that way” said Kagome, in truth she had four also she just liked giving Sango a hard time. “Sweet well I have to start teaching Inuyasha, good thing we have copies for music over here, im glad someone came up with the idea to make copies” said Kagome laughing and hanging up the phone.
“Let's get learning” said Kagome walking over to the stage. She pushed the chair close to the stand and pulled out some music to the song `Story of My Life'. “This was one of the songs I said a boy should sing” said Kagome. “So you write all the songs” asked Inuyasha. “Yeah pretty much sometimes others write them but mostly me” said Kagome. The got cracking and found that Inuyasha was good at bass and electric guitars. “Witch one do you like better” asked Kagome. “I like them both” said Inuyasha.
“Well that could work some songs we need more bass others we don't” said Kagome. “Ok” said Inuyasha setting down the guitar. “Now you need to sing” said Kagome. “Uhh... good luck with that one” said Inuyasha slumping down in his chair. “Oh come on I'll play the song on my guitar and you will sing, I'll sing too” said Kagome. They finally got started. Only after Kagome promised Inuyasha that he was her first true love. After only about two hours Inuyasha could sing along with the song as Kagome played. “YEAH! I can't believe that you learned that so fast” said Kagome leaping into his arms. “Not that hard” said Inuyasha. Kagome called Sango and told her and Miroku to get over here and practice.
Sango and Miroku got over Kagome's and immediately started to practice. Miroku learned his part of the song to `Story of My Life' on Kirara's practice black drum set they rehearsed and played over and over until both boys had it memorized. “Ok now to the store so we can get new stuff for the stage” said Kagome. Sango made some calls telling her head to sell Kirara's stage drums and that boys were joining the band and they were going shopping with company money.
After Sango got off the phone Kagome and Inuyasha were already changed and they left. They got to the music store and it was no cheap music store the cheapest instrument was like 10 grand. They decided to split up Kagome with Inuyasha and Sango with Miroku so that they would get done faster. So Sango took off with Miroku to the drums section. “Ok Inuyasha first we need to get you an amp for at practice since we just plug into a large amp at the performances” said Kagome looking at amps. Kagome's stage guitar was baby blue, Sango's stage guitar was purple, and Rin's electric piano was sandy orange.
Kagome already had an idea what Inuyasha was going to wear, blood red so she needed to find a guitar to match. They finally picked out an amp that was like Kagome a G-deck. Then they went over to the guitars they looked around and finally came upon a guitar that he liked it was blood red and shaped like an X.
Sango and Miroku on the other hand were done fast Miroku walked into the drums section and immediately fell in love with a shiny silver drum set so they got that. They waited at the checkout until Kagome and Inuyasha came. In total they spent $35,000. “Sango I want to buy a new guitar” said Kagome. “For onstage” asked Sango. “Yeah” said Kagome. “Let's go then” said Sango they left the boys to stay by the instruments while they looked. Sango came upon a purple bass with a large sliver streak across it and it was also in the shape of an X. Kagome went looking and found almost the same thing as Sango except the guitar was electric and blue with a large blood red streak across it.
The girls made sure they paid in the back so the boys wouldn't see the guitars. They both together costed $30,000. They went to the front to get the boys and they somehow crammed everything into two cars and they drove home Inuyasha and Kagome, Sango and Miroku to drop there real stuff off, but Sango and Miroku had to make an added trip to the managers office to drop off the drums because they couldn't bring them to the performance, while there Sango grabbed her and Kagome's old guitars and Sango put hers in her house and went back over to Kagome and gave her hers.
Again they were practicing. But this time the boys were learning the music for the songs `Bad Boy', `Can't Stop the Rain', and `A Never Ending Dream' witch had to be written right there because Kagome just made up the songs but never the less all of them got memorized. So they started to look at some old stuff like `Haunted', `Welcome to the Jungle' witch Inuyasha again had to learn how to sing, `Complicated' Inuyasha also had to learn how to sing, `Novacaine' Inuyasha had to sing again, and lastly `Dance, Dance' by that time Kagome felt bad because she also made Inuyasha sing that song.
“Sorry im making you sing so much” said Kagome. “It's ok I actually like to sing” said Inuyasha. “Really, I think we have memorized enough for one day, im so happy that we all can memorize fast” said Kagome. “Ok but im going to go now I need to get home” said Sango. “Ok bye Miroku and Sango” said Kagome. Both of them called bye before walking out the door. “What do you want to do now” asked Kagome. “Either swimming or music writing” said Inuyasha.