InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Band ❯ I Can Explain, Concert Prep ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 5 I Can Explain, Concert Prep
Kagome screamed only until she felt his lips on her mark and something inside told her to stop screaming. Kagome wiggled out of his grip and spun around to meet Inuyasha's face. “Hey what are you doing here” asked Kagome. “Well you did say that you didn't know what to do without me and to answer your questions” said Inuyasha. “Oh” said Kagome leading Inuyasha out farther into the water. Pretty soon they were out farther then Kagome could touch but Inuyasha still could. So Inuyasha picked up Kagome bridal style and held her there.
“Ok well when you agreed to become my demons mate it pretty much meant that you loved all of me, but when I bit you well that means in the demon world that we are married, is that ok because if it isn't then we can get it revoked” said Inuyasha looking sad at the last part. “No Inuyasha I love you all of you and if you truly want me to become your mate so be it because it love you too” said Kagome. “Thanks Kagome im happy to hear you say that because not many people would want a half demon like me” said Inuyasha. “I love you all of you” said Kagome. “That's good” said Inuyasha kissing her.
Inuyasha walked out of the water still carrying Kagome and grabbed her towel that she brought and set her and her towel on the leather seat of his blood red car. Then he got in the drivers seat and drove home. They got out and went inside. “I have a song idea” said Kagome running over to the blank music and writing a song. “Whats it called” asked Inuyasha. “The song is called `Unwritten'” said Kagome. “Why is it called that” asked Inuyasha. “Well I figured that our lives are unwritten there what we make of them and there is no set pattern to them” said Kagome putting everything away.
“Good point” said Inuyasha. “I have one too” said Inuyasha grabbing blank music and starting to write something down. “It's called `Move Along' because what ever life throws at us we have to move along and deal with it no matter what it is and get on with our lives” said Inuyasha. “That makes sense” said Kagome. “Hey we need to get Sango and Miroku over here to practice this music because we wrote it all and they still have to memorize it along with us” said Inuyasha. “Good point, I'll call them” said Kagome getting up and setting her guitar down and went to the phone typing in Sango's number and waiting for her to answer. Inuyasha on the other hand was looking at Kagome's unopened guitar. `I wonder why she won't open that yet, same with Sango they didn't even bother to open them up when we got home' thought Inuyasha. Kagome had just reentered the room after calling Sango.
“They will be right over, and yes I know you want me to open the guitar and show you what it looks like and how it plays but no you and Miroku will see me and Sango's guitars on stage at our concert” said Kagome. `I still wonder why Sango left her guitar here instead of taking it home, probably because Miroku would open it without Sango being there' thought Kagome with a smile. But soon after she thought that she looked up to see Sango and Miroku already sitting on the couch. “Hey I didn't hear you guys come in” said Kagome. “We have stuff for you” said Inuyasha grabbing a crap load of sheet music and handing them to there proper owners. “Oh my gods how do you guys come up with this stuff” asked Sango. “I don't know ask Kagome” said Inuyasha. “And more surprisingly how they know how to write drum and bass music” said Miroku.
“Ok maybe a few years of music school helped a bit, yeah I can write in drum and bass because one of the projects in class was to pick 2 other instruments and learn how to play them” said Kagome blushing. “Kagome you rock” said Sango hugging her. “Yeah but let's get down to business we need to play through all of these and find the ones that we like the best for the concert” said Miroku. “Ok let's do it” said Kagome getting set up. Everyone took there places and they first took out `Jesus Take the Wheel' and played through it. Then they took out `Holiday' and played it then after that they did `Have a Nice Day'.
“Next `I Must Not Chase the Boys'” said Kagome. “Why did you name it that” asked Sango. “You'll see” said Kagome and they played that song. “Oh I see” said Sango as they were putting it away and pulling out `Only Hope'. After they played that song they pulled out `Unwritten' and played through that. “Whats next” asked Miroku. “A song I wrote called `Move Along' it kind of goes with the song Kagome wrote called `Unwritten'” said Inuyasha as they played it. “Now for the old songs we wrote” said Kagome pulling out another folder packed with crap. “Oh No” moaned Miroku and Sango in unison. The first song they pulled out was `Goodbye to You'. Then `Then Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is A Press Conference'.
Then Kagome pulled out `Girl Next Door'. “Ok this is the last one I promise” said Kagome pulling out a song called `Walk Away'. “Ok now we can take a break to look over our music and then we will each pick our 3 favorite songs and then me and Sango will come up with the order for the show and give you guys a list ok” said Kagome. “Yeah ok” said everyone as they went through there music. About a half hour later everyone was ready to give there 3 favorite songs. “Ok let's have Miroku go first” said Kagome. “Ok I like Complicated, Welcome to the Jungle, and Holiday” said Miroku. “Ok now Sango” said Kagome. “I like Bad Boy, Can't Stop the Rain, and Unwritten” said Sango. “Ok now Inuyasha” said Kagome. “Well after a hard decision I have decided I like Move Along, Novacane, and Dance, Dance” said Inuyasha. “Ok I guess I like Goodbye to You, Jesus Take the Wheel, and Walk Away” said Kagome. “Yeah we have our songs” said Sango.
“Yeah now we have to go make the list it should only take a few minutes” said Kagome leading Sango over to the couch with a piece of paper. About 5 minutes later they came back over to where the boys were sitting and talking. “Ok we decided in this order Welcome to the Jungle, Walk Away, Holiday, Novacaine, Can't Stop the Rain, Dance, Dance, Complicated, Bad Boy, Jesus Take the Wheel, Unwritten, Move Along, and Goodbye to You” said Sango. “The reason we put Jesus Take the Wheel, Unwritten, Move Along, and Goodbye to You last is because it all has to deal with the hard times in life and we figured it would be cool to put them all together” said Kagome.
“Ok works for me” said Inuyasha. “Same here” said Miroku. “Hey you guys I didn't tell you yet but in 2 months on this day we are going to be performing at the Jewel Dome” said Kagome. “You mean the largest dome ever made” said Sango. “Yeah” said Kagome. “Oh my god we've been waiting like forever to play there” said Sango. “I know that's why we all must practice our parts and all meet over here until then from 12 to like 3 or something like that we need to be ready, I heard that once our tickets go out on sale people will flock to buy them” said Kagome. “Oh my gods were going to have a full house” said Sango. “Yeah but I think we should all take a break for today we already learned out order I made and copy and Sango made a copy Sango take your copy with you along with the music and both of you practice” said Kagome.
“Ok bye Kagome” said Sango as her and Miroku made there way out. “We still need to get my stuff from my house want to get it now” said Inuyasha. “Sure” said Kagome as they exited the house and got in the car. They drove over to Inuyasha's house and got his things. Well really his clothing because that was all he had, he had no furniture except a bed that came with the apartment and he only had half a bar of soap in the shower and a towel. But once they got his stuff packed in the car Kagome started to talk “what about the food and the payment” asked Kagome. “Well there is no food there never was I always eat out and as for the payment I called earlier and went to talk to the owner about that this morning that's why when you woke up I wasn't there, he said just to leave and never come back” said Inuyasha.
“Oh” said Kagome as they both got into the car and drove back to Kagome's. Inuyasha and Kagome both took Inuyasha's stuff up to the guest bedroom and put it away. “You know I do stay in your room we can put it in your closet you know” said Inuyasha. “Good point” said Kagome as they moved all of his stuff to Kagome's room.