InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's CDs ❯ ''All By Myself'' ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagome's CDs
Disclaimer: If I DID own Inuyasha, Kikyo would have been dead by now…and I mean, 'dead-and-never-come-back-to-disturb- Inuyasha-and-Kagome-again' dead. But since she still graces us with her presence, I guess I DON'T own Inuyasha. (sigh)
Song = All By Myself…and yes…it's by Green Day!
Enjoy and don't forget to R&R! ^^
Italic words are lyrics
---Chapter 2 ~ All By Myself---
(In Inuyasha's P.O.V.)
I grumpily walked back to where the others were.
It's so annoying when she does this, why does she have to run away? Why does she never stay and listen to me explain?
When I got near the tree, where we slept last night, everyone else was gone. They probably left to find food in the village.
I noticed that Kagome had left her yellow bag beside her sleeping bag. I glanced at it and saw her strange device sticking out of the side.
I reached out, grabbed the device and jumped into my tree. Not bothered to put the weird head ban on, I placed it on my lap and pressed the triangular button and another song came out of the black circles.
I was alone, I was all by myself
No one was looking, I was thinking of you
I flashed back to this morning…the reason Kagome left me, once again.
---Flash Back---
I woke up very early this morning, just like every morning. But today, the air was different. It was filled with a different scent. I sniffed the air and could pick up the smell of clay, bones and dead spirits…
I looked down at Kagome, sleeping peacefully with Shippo on her belly. It was still very early, the others won't wake up for quite a while…it wouldn't hurt to go see what Kikyo was doing.
I decided to go see her. I couldn't help it. After all, I did love her.
I jumped off the tree and followed my nose into the directions of the miko. I wondered what she was doing here, the scent seem to be leading me into the deepest part of the forest.
Kikyo already sensed me coming, she didn't even have to open her eyes as she greeted me.
''Inuyasha…long time no see.''
I walked nearer to her. She was sitting on the ground, leaning on one of the trees.
We stayed silent for a while, before I started talking again.
''So, what are you doing here?''
''I was going to visit Kaede. But I was too tired, and I needed more souls, so I stopped here for the night.'' She answered, holding out her hand and indicating one of her snake-like soul collectors.
''Are you better now?''
For some reason, it felt so awkward and weird when I talk to Kikyo now. I seem so…formal, but then again, it could just because I'm rude in front of Kagome. But the way I talk in front of Kikyo wasn't as natural as when I talk to Kagome. And the way Kikyo talks are also very different from her reincarnation. Kikyo talks very formal, with a cold tone in her voice. Kagome's voice is cheerful all the time. Even when she's serious, her voice still seems gentle. Kikyo's voice sounds the same every time she talks, only when she's talking to me does her voice goes a bit softer.
''Inuyasha, were you worried about me? Is that why you came?'' Kikyo asked, bringing me back out from my thoughts.
''I was just…yeah, I was.''
That was just a downright lie. Now that I think about it, I didn't really come here because I thought Kikyo was in danger. I came here out of pure curiosity. The thought of Kikyo in harm didn't even cross my mind once. I sometimes worry about Naraku hurting Kikyo, but so far, Kikyo's been able to see through Naraku's trickeries and protect herself. Where as Kagome, she just seems to be the type that needs to be protected.
Kikyo must have sensed me lying. She walked over to me and stared into my amber eyes.
''You're thinking of her, aren't you?'' Kikyo asked, a hint of hurt in her voice.
I remained silent.
Kikyo wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close to her cold body. Like the other time I embraced her, I could smell her old fragrance. But her scent just wasn't like it used to be, now her scent was mixed with dead souls.
''Inuyasha,'' Kikyo whispered.
''Do you remember what you promised me?''
''Of course. I promised you that I'll always protect you from Naraku.''
I hesitated. Is Kikyo trying to ask what I think she's asking? Is it time already?
''…I promised…that I'll go to hell with you, if it is truly your wish.''
''Then why are you thinking about that girl?''
I didn't know how to answer her. I mean, what could I say?
''Inuyasha, do you still love me?''
''Kikyo,'' I wrapped my arms around her waist and continued. ''…You know the answer to that question.''
That was the best answer I could come up with to avoid saying that I love her. I just couldn't bring my self up to say it. Like I said, I DID love her…a long time ago.
Kikyo was about to answer me, when I suddenly realized there was a different scent in the air.
It was Kagome.
I let go of Kikyo and spun around. Sure enough, Kagome was standing there, looking at us with a hurt look in her watery eyes.
Kagome didn't answer; she turned around and ran away, just like the last time.
''I'm sorry, Kikyo. I have to go after her, she might get hurt.'' I apologized.
Kikyo didn't answer, she called out to her soul collectors and they carried her away.
''Go after her, but remember that no matter what happens, you'll still end up with me.''
I didn't care about where I end up right now, all I wanted was to catch up with Kagome and explain to her.
I took off, right after Kikyo flew away with her soul collectors. I followed my nose and pretty soon, I caught up with Kagome. I could see her green skirt darting here and there between the trees.
''Kagome!!!'' I called out to her.
Kagome kept running.
''Kagome, wait!!! Let me explain!!!'' I tried again, catching up to her.
''NO!!! I don't want to hear it!!!...'' She yelled back, still running.
I rolled my eyes, why does she keep running? She knows I'll be able to catch up to her sooner or later.
…as long as she doesn't say the s word.
I crashed right after the words left her lips, sending me face down to the hard ground.
''SIT, SIT, SIT, SIT!!!'' Kagome kept yelling.
When the spells finally wore off, (and I climbed back out of the hole I made), I couldn't smell Kagome anymore. I followed the faint smell she left behind and the scent led me to the well.
---End Flash Back---
I sighed.
She went back to her time again.
Oh yeah, did I mention I was all by myself

All by myself...
All by myself...
All by myself...
As I continued to listen to the song, I flashed back to when I followed her through the well.
---Flash Back---
When the scent led me to the well, my first instinct was to follow her. I needed to explain to Kagome. When I jumped out of Kagome's well house, the first scent I caught was Kagome's tears.
I felt a stab of pain in my heart. Kagome was crying over me again. Although she wouldn't admit it, I've caught the scent of her tears a few times. Mostly right after my short meetings with Kikyo.
I got out of the well house and jumped onto her windowsill. But she wasn't there. I couldn't sniff out her scent in the house. I opened her window and jumped in.
I took a big sniff of her room and filled my nose with Kagome's sweet scent. Oh, how I love her scent. It was the sweetest smell I could remember, other than my mom's. But even though her scent smelt good, it was nothing compare to the actual Kagome.
I went to your house, but no one was there
I went in your room
I was all by myself
I walked over to Kagome's bed and sat down. This room brings back a lot of memories. There was that time when Kagome was mad at me and I was supposed to come here to get her, but ended up breaking her alarm clock instead. And that time when I ran in here with Souta behind me because the water was too hot. I smiled at all those memories.
You and me had
Such wonderful times
---End Flash Back---
I came back to the feudal era when I was sure Kagome was no where near her house. I wanted to go look for her, but even though I would never admit it, Kagome's time did scare me.
So now I'm back in the branches of my tree, banging my head against it's trunk a few times.
How stupid can I get? Why did I have to go to Kikyo? If I weren't so curious, nothing would have happened.
And as I stare down to Kagome's empty sleeping bag, I know it's going to be one of those days again.
Those days without Kagome…
When I'm all by myself,
All by myself
Another chapter done!
This chapter might have been a bit confusing though, with all those flash backs. I hope you guys understood it.
But anyways, someone asked me if this fic actually has a story line to it. And my answer is yes. This fic will have different parts to it. If anyone hasn't guessed already, this first part I've been working on is about the relationship between Inuyasha, Kagome and Kikyo. I'm guessing about…4 more chapters before I'm done with this first part. The second part would be a collection of song fics based on Inuyasha's view on being a hanyou.
Maybe in between each part, I'll add some odds and ends. Just little song fics that doesn't really have a story line to it, but a little one-shot that relates to the story.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please Review!