InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Children ❯ Trouble in Paradise ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Trouble In Paradise
“Kagome,” Inuyasha called. “Can you make me some ramen! It's weird I've lived here for 6 years but I still can't make my own ramen!”
“Inuyasha! DON'T YOU HAVE TO GO TO WORK IN 5 MINUTES!”Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs.
“Yeah I know. I can eat fast!”
“Not that fast mister now get to work or do you want to get fired or worse have to feed the girls!!!???!!!”Remember how I told you they were a handful? You'll see why in a minute.
“Bye dear!” Inuyasha said rushing out their mansion's door. (A\N: did I forget to mention their filthy rich!)
“Okay! Time to get the kids up.” Kagome sighed as she walked the long flight of stairs.
She knocked on each door and screamed “BREAKFAST!”
Anyone in a 20-mile radius could have sworn they were at the running of the bulls in Mexico.
After the stampede there were 2 small bodies. One with black hair and one with silver hair.
“Natasha! Sunny! Are you 2 okay?”
Sunny was the first to get up and say “Yes Mommy!” the silver haired girl said with a stupid grin on her face. Then she slid down the stair banister to breakfast.
“Natasha are you okay?”
“Yes Mommy” she groaned getting up from her place on the floor.
“Come on dear lets go have breakfast before I check if daddy is not killed himself yet.”
“Okay!” Natasha squealed as she skipped down the stairs with her mother.
When they got to the kitchen the rest of her children were chanting “WE WANT FOOD! WE WANT FOOD!”
“Okay, Okay. Settle down! I'll get your pancakes.”
“Hurray” they all screamed
A little while later the doorbell rang. When Kagome went to answer it she found a horrible surprise. It was Kikyo.
Sorry to leave you on this cliffy but I love cliffys!
In the next chapter you will find the answer to the following questions:
Why are there streaks in 2 of the children's' hair?
WHY THE HELL IS KIKYOU HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????????????????