InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Children ❯ Want him back ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I Want Him Back Even If It Means…
Flashback: It was Kikyo
“What are you doing here? Don't you realize he's mine!”
“Is that anyway to greet an old friend and sorry to say he's mine!”
“You were never my friend! I have to call Inuyasha to make sure he's okay.”
Kagome ran away from the door to the phone and began to call her mate.
Hey Kagome.”
“ Inuyasha thank GOD your there! Kikyo's here and AHHHHHHHHHH”
Kagome! Kagome!KAGOME!!!!!!!!!”
The phone went dead and Inuyasha got on his car and rushed home.
Once home he found Kagome on the ground with a knife sticking out of her back.
Inuyasha rushed over and began to shake her in attempts to wake her.
She weakly opened her eyes and said “ I'm so …glad your home. Call 911 and tell the officer I'm hurt and…and…Kikyo did it”
“Okay. Just hang on.” Kagome nodded as he picked up the telephone and called the people.
Yay! I love Cliffys!
Inuyasha: This is cruel and unusual punishment! Kagome could die!
Me: oh Inuyasha I wont let her die!
Inuyasha: but….but…
Me: Don't be such a worrywart! Anyway read and review.
Inuyasha : But . What about Kagome!
Me: Oh now I remember. The children have those hair colors because since they had… ya know Kagome is half-dog-demon too!