InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Choice & Pain ❯ The Engagement ( Chapter 13 )

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Kagome's Choice & Pain

Chapter Thirteen: The Engagement

Kagome and Inuyasha arrived about an hour and a half after they left to go hunting with two boars, eight rabbits, and four quails. They also had found some wild carrots and potatoes as well as some lovely wild berries and some wild honey, too. This with what they already had on hand should make a good week's worth of meals.

Kagome had a small spring in her step as she entered the meal hut that Inuyasha and Kagome had built so that they all could have meals together. It was set up with a large eating area at the front of the structure with a cooking area that allowed for up to four cooks at a time. It had some wonderful features such as large cooking area that also had a place for them to cook in extra pots so they could cook several things at once. They also had taken some trees they cut down to create a food storage area, cool foods area and place to store foods in the winter that would stay extra cool all year round. This place was the most modern place in the whole village.

Sango was the first to notice the chipper mood of Kagome and even of Inuyasha who looked like he had just slain Naraku single handedly, again. He was not one to be so chipper and happy like he appeared today. He even seemed to be openly affectionate with Kagome which was something he never did when he thought the others were watching.

Miroku and Shippo also noticed this exchange between the two and knew that something big for the two young teens was about to be announced. They just didn't know that it would come to pass in such a quick amount of time. They both knew that Inuyasha and Kagome loved each other and would say as much when they believe no one was around but this was something different.

The group all sat down and where about to eat when Sesshomaru landed outside and summoned both Kagome and Inuyasha for a short discussion before then agreeing to sit down with them and have a meal. Despite the fact that Sesshomaru didn't eat food like normal half-demons or humans did he was kind enough to have a bit of the lovely food that everyone worked on preparing. It was soon after the dinner had concluded and the group was sitting outside to discuss the news that Sesshomaru had brought and the news from Kagome and Inuyasha that Sesshomaru, who had been fairly silent since arriving, spoke.

“I believe that all the preparations have been made for a summit to be held in the demon and human village just northeast of this location. Inuyasha and Kagome know the location.” Sesshomaru explained sounding just as bored as usual but less formal than his normal speech.

“Yes, that will work out well. I have explained to Inuyasha and Miroku the particulars of the council set up as well as how I believe we can be the most efficient in dealing with the aspects of the council functions for all parties involved. I will need some help for the wording of the blood binding contracts for each council member. These binding contracts are used by the leaders of the main members of the tribes who are bound by this contract. It keeps them from breaching the contracts in any way. I believe Miroku and I can come up with something of that nature that will not harm the person as long as they don't violate the council laws. What do you think with that?” Kagome asked as she turned her attentions to Sesshomaru after finishing her explanation.

“It is acceptable,” Sesshomaru said with a small nod.

“Good, then on to more personal business,” Kagome looked to Inuyasha for the okay to start speaking. He nodded and smiled to her in a way of showing support. “Well Inuyasha and I wanted you as our family to be notified that we are now intended. Inuyasha and I will be having a wedding and any kind of ceremony that is required by Lord Sesshomaru. We have not settled on a date that will be announced later on. Be just wanted you all to be made aware that we are now intended.” Kagome looked at the ground blushing madly as she waited for the response.

The reaction was not really what she expected to hear. Nearly everyone besides Sesshomaru said, “Well, it's about time,” collectively.

“Kagome, Inuyasha, Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials,” said Miroku smiling like mad at the two love birds.

“I am happy for you both,” Shippo said as he hugged Kagome and clapped Inuyasha on the shoulder.

Sango was happy and ran up to hug Inuyasha, Shippo and Kagome all at once. Kagome and Inuyasha were like a brother and a sister to her and Shippo was like a nephew. She was happy they could finally be a true family. She wasn't sure what Inuyasha truly thought of Shippo but she knew he would be a good man to him no matter what.

Kohaku who was watching this was smiling but made no move to embrace them. He was shy and awkward around them, and only spoke if it was needed. He was a great hunter and would take care of the village with his sister while the others worked out other issues. He didn't want to be a part of anything that would cause himself to be a part of evil again. Besides, with Sango being a mother, it now fell to him to be the fighter this time around.

Everyone had smiles and seemed happy with news that their friends where finally going to be both married and mated. Sesshomaru, despite outwardly appearing to the opposite, was very happy that both Inuyasha and Kagome would become official mates in all sense of the word. He had much to explain to Inuyasha before the mating was to happen. However, that would have to wait till he knew the intended date.

“Inuyasha, when you have selected a date you are to inform me right away,” Sesshomaru said though he keep his voice fairly monotone, he did have a slight smile, that reached up to his eyes but by passed his lips, as he spoke.

Inuyasha nodded and smiled at his brother. While they would never be “friends” he still was glad his brother was there with them. “Kagome do you want to go with me for a while I want to speak with you again.” Inuyasha asked as he stood and started to walk away.

“Sure,” Kagome said as she walked in the same direction as Inuyasha.

Once they were far enough away from the village, Inuyasha stopped the walking and turned to Kagome, “I want to set the date as soon as possible, if that is alright with you.”

“Sure I understand we have waited a long time as it is. And I would like to have us married and mated before this battle starts which is getting closer by the day.” Kagome left that and the stretched up on her tiptoes to place a loving kiss on her husband/mate to be. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Inuyasha returned her kiss and smiled against her lips.

“Let's get married, and mated in two weeks ok. I don't think I can wait any longer.”

“If that is your wish my dear girl,” Inuyasha laughed at his use of formal tones.

“I think that is a wonderful idea, Brother,” Sesshomaru said as he glided into view from his spot near a tree.

“Sesshomaru,” shrieked Kagome and hid behind Inuyasha from sudden fear.

“My apologies I did not mean to frighten you,” he said and then looked at Inuyasha. “We must talk tonight then I must take my leave as I am going to need get some items for you both before the mating/wedding.”

“Ok,” said Inuyasha with sigh. “Kagome, go back to the village I will return when we are done.” Kagome nodded and turned and left heading in the direction of the village. When she was no longer in view, Inuyasha turned to Sesshomaru. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“You mate to be is young and beautiful, you will want to make sure to make her from the chance of losing her, by force of another. However, this must be done lovingly or she will forever fear you. Even if she loves you now she would fear additional mating or even being pupped by you should you harm her or not explain the rougher parts of the mating. You know of sex and lust I am sure from the sense of self-fulfillment I smell on you from time to time. However, when in the middle of the mating you will have little control over you demon side as it needs to take control to make the mating complete. She will also need to allow her demon side takes control; she must do so in order for her to be able to mark you as her mate as well. Once the mating is complete you need to renew the mark every day for 90 days and not miss a day. This also ensures her being pupped in the first three months of her mating with you. Finally on the 91st day you will need take her one more time for an hour and release your seed in her then you will not be allowed to touch her for 5 days while she remains in a hut alone. She may not eat or drink during that time. These days are when she must gain control over herself and learn who she is and what she wants out of life. It is very important that no one has contact with her during that time. This is the final thing to do before the mating is complete and she is free to walk at your side again.”

“So basically I have to have sex with every day for three months plus one day then I will have to lock her in a hut for five days with no food or water doing that time? Then I have to let her free and see if I am still what she wants?”

“In a nut shell however, you do not have to have sex with her every day just renew the wound on her neck or thigh, where ever you choose to leave your mark. You just have to have “sex” with her on the first day and on the 91st day. That's all it depends on if you want her pupped in the first three months as too how often you sleep with her.”

“Ok and am I allowed to explain that to her? Or are you going to do that?”

“You may, I believe she would be more comfortable with you explaining it than if I did. She maybe a half-demon she is a female and would be more comfortable discussing this with her intended or with her female friend the former demon slayer,” Sesshomaru advised.

“Ok, I will try to discuss it with her. Is there any times that I can or can't get her pregnant that I should be aware of?”

“No though there are some rules on that as well.” Sesshomaru said with his usual bored sounding voice. “Human children are conceived on the nights of the new moon. Demons are conceived on the nights of full moon. Half-demons are conceived on the other nights. Two nights before and after the new and full moon will allow for the corresponding children.” Sesshomaru turned towards the village leaving Inuyasha to digest the information that he had been given.

Inuyasha was dumbfounded that he had gotten any answers from his brother but he was grateful for that. He turned and headed for his favorite tree to think over what he learned. He knew that before the week was out he would have to fill Kagome in with the information that he had learned. He only hoped that he was able to explain it to her without having too much trouble and without making her too embarrassed.


~~~Wow I am surprised I could get this part written. Writing blocks really don't help much. Well I am finished with this Chapter. Please note I am hoping to finish the story soon. While there are some unanswered questions that will be addressed in the upcoming sequel and I hope that the sequel will be just as good as this one. It's been great writing for you all.