InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Kidnapped! ❯ Kikyou's hurtful words ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~3 days later~
*Why isn't she back yet?* Inuyasha wondered and jumped off the roof of the hut to go and investigate.
He was approaching the well and he could faintly smell Kagome's scent. He got right up to the well and found her yellow bag leaning up against the rim. He sniffed around.
*Kagome was definitely here, no doubt about that. But why did she leave her bag here?*
Then he smelt a scent that made his blood boil. Naraku! Naraku's scent was on Kagome's bag and the grass beside it.
*That bastard! He's taken Kagome!* he thought angrily as he quickly started following the scent.
“Don't worry Kagome, I'm coming!”
~With Kagome~
-“Let me go you creep!” Kagome yelled, trying to get out of Naraku's grip. He had her slug over his shoulder with her legs in front of him and her head facing behind him. “Where are you taking me anyways?!” Naraku chuckled.
-“I'm taking you to my castle, isn't it obvious?”
-“You won't get away with this! Inuyasha will come and-”
-“I doubt he even knows your missing yet. But when he does come, I'll be certain to kill him myself.” Naraku said coldly, inwardly hoping that would shut her up.
Kagome went silent for a few seconds before pushing Naraku's negative thoughts out of her head. *He'll come and save me, he always does....*
~Meanwhile, with Inuyasha~
*Kagome's scent is getting stronger. They must be close.* Inuyasha thought as he jumped from tree to tree. *She better be okay, for Naraku's sake.* Inuyasha landed on the ground and sniffed around.
-“Inuyasha?” He quickly turned around and gasped.
-“Kikyou? What are you doing here?” he asked and slowly approached the dead priestess.
-“I'm here to take you to hell with me Inuyasha.” Kikyou said and reached up to touch his cheek. Inuyasha backed up enough so she couldn't reach him.
-“I....I can't go to hell with you Kikyou....” he said softly and looked into her eyes. Kikyou frowned and brought her hand back to her side.
-“It's that reincarnation of mine, isn't it. She's stolen your heart from me.” she said coldly. Inuyasha nodded slowly and turned to walk away but stopped when he heard Kikyou whispering something. “I hope Naraku kills that wench, she doesn't deserve to live.” Inuyasha turned back to look at her.
He had been uncertain before but now he was sure, this was not the Kikyou he had fallen in love with 52 years ago. This was just a clay replica full of painful memories. He knew that he wanted nothing to do with her right then and there.
So Inuyasha turned and ran as fast as he could towards Kagome and Naraku's scent. Kikyou watched him leave and left herself once he was out of sight.