InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Life Endangered ❯ Kagome's Life Endangered ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's Life Endangered
Kirameki Izumi

"Why Inuyasha?" Kikyo was slowly walking along a gurgling stream as she thought of the past. She felt a sharp pain as she thought back to that time when she had almost succeeded in having Inuyasha with her for all eternity. The whole scene was replaying through her head now.
She had placed a barrier to keep all out but Inuyasha before she had drifted off to sleep in the boughs of a large, old tree. But as she slept she was disturbed by another presence. Kikyo opened her eyes and stared in shock as she came to find that Kagome was staring up at her.
"You were able to break through my barrier?" Kikyo said as she stared at Kagome with cold eyes.
"Barrier? Was there any such thing?" Kagome said in surprise, for she had not seen the barrier and had walked through it with extreme ease.
"What are you to Inuyasha?"
"Huh?" Before Kagome could say anything more, Kikyo placed a spell upon her that kept her from moving or speaking. She then thought back to Inuyasha's final words before the spell from the kiss she had given him took affect. Inuyasha held her in his arms as he said in a soft voice "I can't save you. If I cannot do anything for you…to stay like this…how I wish time could stop!"
"Would that be alright? If time could stop?"
"Yeah… I don't care… if I'm with you." Inuyasha fell unconscious as a great sucking wind began to form around them, causing them sink down into the ground.
"Inuyasha…I will never let you go. Come with me to Hell."
" I would have succeeded, if it weren't for that girl"
"Do…not…touch…Inuyasha! Kagome yelled in anger. Suddenly, Kikyo felt a painful throbbing in her chest. She had no control. The souls she had collected were now bursting from her body.
"This girl…she's taking my souls once again! Before this body is completely emptied…"
"Inuyasha! Come!"
"Inuyasha! Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled in panic as she saw Inuyasha being dragged even deeper to the depths of Hell.
Inuyasha's eyes slowly began to open. "Kagome's voice…Kagome's…here?" Inuyasha then looked up to see Kagome lying on the ground surrounded by Kikyo's soul collectors.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha hurriedly ran to Kagome's aid as Kikyo stared after him with a sad glare.
"Is that girl more dear to you Inuyasha?" The picture of Inuyasha's earnest face faded from her mind as she turned her thoughts to the path ahead of her. "Why did you hesitate? Has that girl clouded your mind Inuyasha? Well, she will no longer. I'll see to that."
"It's getting late." Kagome said as she looked out at the red, setting sun.
"We should find a place to rest." Miroku said as he also took a look at the sun, which was now barely peaking over the mountain.
"What's the big hurry? We'll just rest outside." Inuyasha said impatiently.
"Oh! Outside again?" Kagome moaned.
"Well excuse me for being such a tyrant about making you all rough it a little! I suppose you would rather take advantage of people and lie about there being an ominous cloud over their house like that letch of a monk!"
"Pardon me?" Miroku said as one of his eyebrows began to twitch.
"I'm not saying that! It would have just been nice to sleep on some nice bedding for once that's all!"
" Just forget about it okay! Let's just sleep on the edge of the forest tonight." And with that the companions started to make there way towards what looked like a good resting spot.
" I never take advantage of the common man." Miroku said sulkily.
" Just give it up already Miroku. We all know it's true." Shippo said with exasperation.
"Not you too!" Miroku said with a sigh.
That night everyone was asleep soundly. Shippo was snoring comfortably next to Kagome in her sleeping bag. Sango lay next to her Hiraikotsu and Miroku sat upright with his staff in his hand. Inuyasha of course took his usual place up in the tree.
Kagome turned on her side as her eyes slowly blinked open. Something was coming, but what? Kagome sat up and looked around. There was no mistaking it. A demonic aura was approaching closer and closer. Kagome began to feel uneasy and went to the tree where Inuyasha was sleeping.
"Inuyasha? I think something's coming this way. A demon I think." There was no answer.
"Inuyasha? Inuyasha!" There was still no answer. Inuyasha just twitched slightly and went back into a deep sleep. "Something's wrong. Inuyasha wouldn't just ignore me." Kagome turned and tried to wake the others. None of them would rise from their sleep either. Kagome began to feel panicked. What was going on? Why wouldn't anyone wake? Kagome then felt something move behind her. She turned quickly, ready to strike; she was surprised to see that it was one of Kikyo's soul collectors. The soul collector stared into Kagome's eyes for a split second and turned towards the forest. It then sat poised, as though waiting for her to follow. Kagome sat in hesitation, wondering what she should do. Should she follow it? "I don't know. Should I leave them here like this? But maybe Kikyo could help." So Kagome began to slowly follow after the soul collector. It led her carefully past trees and roots, as it made it's way deeper into the forest. It seemed like it had been hours before the soul collector stopped in a small meadow. The soul collector turned around to stare at Kagome, checking to see if she had kept up. After confirming itself on her presence, it quickly disappeared into the trees.
"Wait! I need to talk to Kikyo!" Suddenly Kagome felt something fly past her head as it struck into the trunk of a tree not too far from where her head had been. A sacred arrow! Kagome gasped and turned to look behind her. Kikyo was standing in front of her with bow raised. Kikyo stared at Kagome with a look of extreme loathing and began to aim another arrow.
"Kikyo please! Inuyasha and the others need your help! They're under some sort of spell! I tried waking them but they wont move! Please you've got to help!"
"Foolish girl." Kikyo said scornfully. "Of course they won't wake. I'm the one who placed the spell on them."
"What? Why?"
"I could not afford to have them interfere."
"Interfere? Interfere what?"
"You are nothing but a reincarnation, walking the same path as I did. But you haven't walked the complete path yet." Kikyo began to pull the quiver back tightly as she aimed the next arrow at Kagome's heart.
"Kikyo what are you doing?" Kagome said as her voice began to shake with fear.
"It is because of you that Inuyasha has become uncertain of his desire. You have the damnation to take my place in his heart? Do you wish to live my life so much? Then you shall suffer and die just as I did!" Kagome began to back away. Her heart was beating so fast now that it felt like it was about to burst forth from her body. Kagome was so transfixed by Kikyo's horrifying glare that she did not notice the root behind her as she tripped over it. A sharp pain shot up her ankle, she had sprained it. Kagome tried to get up and run but the sharp pain rising steadily up her leg prevented her from doing so. Kagome looked up in panic as Kikyo took one last aim at her. She was smiling now. "Prepare to die."
"Kikyo please don't!" Inuyasha was still sleeping soundly until he heard Kagome screaming out in plea. His eyes shot open in horror as he realized what was happening "Kagome!" He then shot off like a bullet to Kagome's cries for help.
"Please Kikyo!" Kikyo let the arrow go with a twang and smiled as it raced speedily towards Kagome's heart. Therefore causing her life to end. Kagome closed her eyes and covered herself with her arms, hoping to block some of the impact of the arrow. She sat waiting for the point of the arrow to pierce into her body. Causing her precious life to flow out of her. But the arrow did not come. Kagome opened her eyes to see blood dripping on her knee. But what was bleeding? She looked up to see Inuyasha gasping in pain as he held Kagome protectively in his arms with the arrow protruding from his back. He had jumped in the way at the last second.
"Inuyasha!" Inuyasha smiled at her as he gasped for breath.
"Are you alright Kagome?"
"Yes but you're hurt."
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it. I've had worst." Suddenly a great surge of energy began to flow through his body. His eyes were flaming with anger as he turned to Kikyo.
"Kikyo, you tried to kill Kagome again?"
"And if I did? What would you do?"
"You did try to kill her then!" His hands were clenched tightly in anger now.
" I did. So what will you do now Inuyasha?" Inuyasha's claws began to pierce into his skin and cause his hands to bleed as he clenched his fists even tighter. His anger was now rising to a boiling point.
"If you ever try to harm Kagome again, I swear, I'll kill you." Kikyo stared at Inuyasha in pure fury for a few moments and then disappeared within a blue flame.
"She's gone." Inuyasha's expression softened as he turned to Kagome.
"She didn't hurt you did she Kagome?"
"No I'm fine. Are you alright?" Kagome noticed that the sacred arrow in Inuyasha's back had disappeared.
"I'm fine." Inuyasha said quietly. Kagome tried to get up but her ankle still pained her horribly from when she had tripped over the root.
"There's no way you can walk in that condition stupid." Inuyasha walked towards Kagome and gingerly picked her up in his arms as they walked back to where they set up camp.
"Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you and Kikyo fight."
"You don't need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong."
"But if I hadn't…"
" Would you quit arguing with me and just listen for a minute! I'm going to protect you! I don't care who it is! There's no way in Hell they're getting away with it! You got that?" Kagome stared at Inuyasha in surprise for a moment and smiled.
"Thanks Inuyasha." and Kagome rested her head on his shoulder. Inuyasha began to blush.
"How's your ankle doing?"
" It's feeling better now." They walked for some time before they reached their camp. Everyone was still asleep, but not the deep sleep they had been under earlier. Inuyasha looked down at Kagome to see that she had already fallen asleep. Inuyasha then lied Kagome carefully down on her sleeping bag and covered her with his red kimono and sat down next to her. She was sound asleep now. He would watch over her the rest of the night to make sure nothing else would happen to her.
"I'm glad you're alright Kagome."