InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ The Reunion with Future Sesshomaru ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry for the incredibly long wait! Some things came up, but hey at least I’m going to finish what I started…eventually…

Inuyasha: Slow wench!

Turtlequeen2: *glare* Perhaps Kagome will be interested in hearing about this eh?!

Inuyasha: O.O; Uh…no, not really.

Turtlequeen2: Good then. Thanks for your patience everyone!

Miroku: Please Ladies, I would appreciate lovely reviews for my beautiful friend Turtlequeen2.

Sango: HENTAI! *smacks his head with hiraikotsu*

Turtlequeen2: *rolls eyes* I do not own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does however…


Last time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

“It is a known fact that the more a youkai ages, the more experienced and more powerful it will become. Maybe you should rest up and train a little bit,” Sango explains.

“Keh! Fine, if it will make you all shut up,” the hanyou said, crossing his arms. “Two days and that’s it!”

“Hai,” Kagome agrees. ’Wow this is weird. I never thought he would ever want to rush to my era, but then again I do too,’ Kagome thought.

They all walk back to Kaede’s hut to tend to wounds and rest up. In two days, the battle may continue, but will it be for the better or for the worst?

This time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Chapter 5

The Reunion with Future Sesshomaru

******Yukio’s POV******

After another ‘great’ outing with that human wench, Keiko, I went to see my master to tell him what I found out from her. My master’s residence is in the Tokyo Bank office building in which he owns. Secretly, it is a business in which all of the youkai working for Master Seiko goes. I walk up to my master’s office and knock on the door.

“Come in Yukio,” he says behind two huge French quarter doors. He is a great dragon-youkai who was InuTaisho’s former enemy. He made deals with Naraku to get back at his sons.

“Seiko-donna, I come to offer you news,” I say calmly.

“Go on,” he pushed. I told him about how the plan in dating the wench and how I think the well is a portal in between time based on meeting that half-breed, Inuyasha. I told him about how the miko, Kagome who was Keiko’s daughter.

“They may prove a problem,” Seiko says.

“Indeed. What shall we do Seiko-donna?”

“I leave it up to you. Once we bring Naraku to this time, I’m sure he will want to deal with them on his own. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun with them,” he sneers.

I smirk, getting the jest of it,” Hai, Seiko-donna.”

“Any more information you get, bring it to me immediately.”

“Of course Seiko-donna.” I walk out of the building, smirking at the brilliant plan I’ll have in store for those two. Firstly, I’ll have to send message to the half-breed’s brother, Sesshomaru.

******No one’s POV******

Kagome and Inuyasha hopped out of the well and ran into Kagome’s shrine house.

“I’m home,” Kagome called out.

“Oh, Kagome you’re here so soon? Inuyasha’s here as well,” Keiko said, smiling.

“Yep,” she said with cheerfulness.

“Hey,” mumbled Inuyasha.

Souta then ran into the room and smiled up at Inuyasha,” Inu-no-niichan you’re back! Hey sis!”

Inuyasha smirks,” Hey kid.”

“How long are you staying,” Souta asked.

“I honestly don’t know,” Kagome answered truthfully.


Yukio stopped in front of Sesshomaru’s castle. He was still reigning as the Lord of the West, only more powerful with his aging over the centuries. He closed his eyes and appeared in Sesshomaru’s office when his eyes opened.

He was stared back at with angry, narrowed golden eyes. “State your business Yukio,” Sesshomaru growled.

Yukio smirked,” My, aren’t we testy today? I just thought I’d like to offer you news about your brother, Inuyasha.” This immediately caught the taiyoukai’s interest.

“What of my brother,” still waiting for the perfect time to swipe Yukio from existence with his claws.

“It is true that you haven’t seen him for over 500 years,” Yukio continued.

“Humph, I thought he would have been dead by now,” Sesshomaru said.

“Oh, no! As a matter of fact, I have had meetings with him as well as that miko that traveled with him, a couple of days ago. Funny thing is that he still wears that horrid haori and carries around that large fanged sword. That girl looks exactly like she did 500 years ago.” Sesshomaru and Yukio dressed in modern clothing of the time. Sesshomaru, sporting an expensive suit and his hair cut short like most of the other men of the era. He wore a youkai concealing charm so only humans couldn’t see his markings and gold eyes. Over time, his left arm grew back.

“Tetsusaiga,” the lord murmurs. He then glared at Yukio,” How do I know that you tell the truth?”

“Believe what you wish. If you wish to see for yourself, go to the Higurashi shrine in Tokyo.” At that word, he disappeared out Sesshomaru’s office, leaving the taiyoukai to his thoughts.

‘Is what Yukio says true? His words seem impossible. My brother’s wench should have been dead long ago by now. It should be quite interesting to see my little brother again. I guess there’s only one way to find out about this for sure…’ he smirked.

He pressed the call button to his most faithful servant.

A scratchy voice breaks onto it,” Yes Sesshomaru-sama?”

“Jaken, prepare a ride for me to go to Higurashi Shrine.”

“Right away M’lord.” He pressed the end call and smirked.

“It will be nice to meet you again, dear brother.”


In uyasha and Kagome were in her room, discussing what they should do to Yukio.

“I’m worried about telling my mom. I don’t know how she’s going to react. Her date being a youkai servant that works with Naraku,” Kagome sighs. “Like that’s going to go over well.”

“Well I’ll be there with you Kagome,” Inuyasha reassures her.

“I know, but my mom seemed to be getting along with Yukio a lot. You think he changed over time?”

“Keh! Don’t make me laugh. A worker of Naraku change? That’s one of the stupidest things I ever heard you say.” He crosses his arms and glares at her in annoyance.

Kagome glared back at him,” It could be possible.”

“Doubt it wench.” She groans out of frustration and falls back onto her bed.

“All right, I’ll tell her, but Yukio can’t be around.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure of that.” He flexes his claws and smirks in anticipation. They sit there in silence until he starts growling.

Kagome sits up and asks,” What’s wrong Inuyasha?”

“What the hell? Sesshomaru’s here,” he growled, jumping out of the window and landing on the ground outside, clutching Tetsusaiga’s hilt.

“What? Did he say Sesshomaru?” She ran downstairs, and out the door to see Inuyasha growling at a man she felt she knew. He wore a suit and had short black hair.

“Nice to see you after 500 years, little brother,” the man smirks and uncovers his concealment spell, reveling his markings, silver hair, and gold eyes.

“Sesshomaru,” they both explained in unbelief. They were shocked to see his newly formed left arm as well.

“Ah, I see the miko is here as well. Yukio was right after all,” the lord murmured.

“What the hell did you just say?! Do you work with him now or something,” Inuyasha demands, holding Tetsusaiga in front of him, ready to fight.

“Be not a fool, Inuyasha. This Sesshomaru shall never will work for anyone,” Sesshomaru, says narrowing his eyes at the hanyou. “I see you still have Tetsusaiga.”

“Keh! What of it? Why are you here anyways? If you‘re here for my sword, then forget it!”

“I no longer wish to posses the Tetsusaiga. As I’ve aged, I’ve become more powerful than our own father. You also noticed that the arm you cut off, grew back. I only wished to figure what Yukio meant when he said you haven’t aged. You look exactly the same from the last time I saw you.”

“Well you saw, now you can leave or should Tetsusaiga shove you out, cutting off more than just your arm?”

Sesshomaru, completely ignoring the brooding hanyou, then turns his attention to the miko,” How come you haven’t aged since I last saw you? You are merely a human wench.”

“Uh, well…” she stuttered out, trying to think up a lie. She knew that he couldn’t be trusted for keeping the well a secret.

Inuyasha catching on, says,” Why should we tell you bastard?”

Looking rather amused, the taiyoukai responds,” You are trying to hide something from me? Quite interesting. I will find out either way. Nice to know that you’re alive, little brother.” Inuyasha just growls back in response.

Sesshomaru turns away, but Inuyasha stops him. “Sesshomaru, do you know anything about Seiko or Yukio?”

“Why should I tell you anything? You hold secrets from This Sesshomaru as well.”

“We can’t tell you because Yukio might find out. It’s very dangerous to us if our enemies were to know. It would serve as our disadvantage,” Kagome explains.

He nods, seeming to understand,” Very well then, but I will figure it out eventually. Seiko is a powerful dragon-youkai who wants revenge on us since our father defeated him many years ago. I, myself am still trying to figure out what he is up to. If you wish to find him, look somewhere in Tokyo, but don‘t expect easy victory.”

“Thanks for your help Sesshomaru-sama,” Kagome says smiling up at him.

“Humph,” is all the taiyoukai says before turning around and walking away. Before getting into his limo in the street, he calls out,” I expect to see you soon, Inuyasha.”

“Keh,” is all Inuyasha says, crossing his arms.

“That was weird,” Kagome comments as the limo drives away.

“Yea. I wonder what he’s up to,” Inuyasha ponders.

“Should we go search for Seiko? You know when Sesshomaru says that someone is powerful, he isn’t bluffing,” Kagome pointed out.

“Keh! Like anyone could stand a chance against Tetsusaiga,” he cockily said, while inside his mind, he was thinking the same thing as Kagome. ‘Kagome’s right. We’ll just have to be more careful since the monk and Sango aren’t here with us.’

Kagome rolled his eyes at him and pleaded,” Just please be more careful. Let me go get my arrows and Shikon shards.”

He nodded at her saying,” Just hurry up wench!” She glared back at him for calling her that. She hurried back and rode on his back, searching for Seiko’s lair. They finally stopped in front of an office building when he growled out,” This must be the place. It reeks of youkai.” They busted through the doors and saw people staring back at them in confusion.

All Kagome could do was blush out of embarrassment. She was about to ask Inuyasha if he was sure about this building, when she sensed something. “I sense a faint presence of a Shikon-no-Kakara up those stairs,” she said pointing up the main stairs. He nodded and started to run up the stairs. However, halfway up, he stopped and looked on to see a few undisguised youkai standing in front of them.

One of the youkai, a cat demon, said,” I’m afraid you won’t be able to go any further, half-breed. Prepare to die!” All of the youkai charge at him at full speed with Kagome still on Inuyasha’s back.


Meanwhile, back at Sesshomaru’s castle, the taiyoukai was in his weapon room, surveying his swords, Tensaiga and Tokijin, which were enclosed in glass cases.

He opened the case of Tokijin in its sheath. He ran his hand over it and felt it pulse, awakening after hundreds of years. ‘Tokijin pulses? It wants the blood of someone nearby,’ he thought.

Sesshomaru smirks, pulling Tokijin out and tying it to his waist, saying,” I think its time to come out of retirement.”


To be continued…

CLIFFY!!! Sorry for those who hate them, but I just couldn’t resist! Wow, didn’t expect future Sesshomaru did ya?!

NOTE: The honorary “donna” means master so Yukio is calling Seiko,” Master Seiko.”

Now an epic battle will begin between Inuyasha and Seiko. Will Sesshomaru intervene? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON Kagome’s Mom’s Date!

Hope you enjoyed! REVIEW PLEASE!

Ja ne!