InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Kikyo in Danger and Naraku's Involvement ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: Sorry I would’ve gotten this out sooner, but my computer was down for two days because of phone line problems. Please review! Oh and much love to vbollman who helped me edit this chapter!

Inuyasha: What are phone lines?

Turtlequeen2: Well, they are what connect talking devices, such as phones or the Internet on the computer. It connects them to all over the country and the world for global communication that’s quicker than sending letters.

Inuyasha: @.@ …

Turtlequeen2: *sigh* Why do I even bother? I don’t own the cute, clueless Inuyasha here, but I do own Yukio and Seiko. Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha and pals.

Inuyasha: What do you mean clueless?!


Last time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

It was near sundown when the group decided to make camp. As they began to relax, Inuyasha caught the scent of two familiar people.

He jumped out of the tree and then heard the scream that sent chills up his spine. “Kikyo,” he exclaimed. The rest of them heard the scream too.

“That’s Kikyo’s and Yukio’s scent,” he shouted. The rest of them grew alert. Even though Kagome hurt from him wanting to protect her, she knew that it had to be done. She prepared to go with him along with the rest of them. She would do what it takes to make sure that Kikyo was safe for Inuyasha’s sake. Then she sensed the familiar pull of Jewel Shards. ’Inuyasha, you better be careful. Yukio has even more shards than before!’

Inuyasha ran at full speed towards Kikyo’s scent, but before he got her, he saw a bright blast of energy rip through the trees. He screamed,” KIKYO!”

This time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date:

Chapter 8

Kikyo in Danger and Naraku’s Involvement

Inuyasha jumped just in time and pushed Kikyo out of the way.

“YOU BASTARD, PREPARE TO DIE,” Inuyasha shouted angrily, holding Tetsusaiga out in front of him. It glowed with a vengeance.

“Ah, Inuyasha. I’m glad to see you so soon. Now I can kill you all,” Yukio shouted, preparing his sword to strike again. The Tatsumaki (A/N: I finally found a name for Yukio’s sword!) had demonic light whip around it. Then he released it back at them all. Inuyasha looked back to see Kagome and the others just arrive to see the blast go towards them.

“DAMN,” Inuyasha shouts, counterattacking with,” BAKURYUUHA!” Tetsusaiga’s attack rammed into Tatsumaki’s. “Get out of here,” he shouts to the rest of his companions. They take heed and run to a safe side of the battle. Yukio’s attack was pushing Inuyasha’s Bakuryuuha back and Inuyasha’s feet slid back against the hard forest floor. The hanyou grunted, trying to keep his ground. He brought Tetsusaiga back and unleashed another attack. “KAZE NO KIZU!” He still needed more power. The Kaze no Kizu only kept him standing.

“I’m going to send you to hell by your beloved’s sacred arrow,” Yukio cackled, sending out purifying arrow energy to warp around Inuyasha’s attack.

Before Inuyasha was close to getting thrown back, an arrow sailed above his attack out of nowhere. Inuyasha then watched in fascination as Yukio was engulfed by the powers. The demon howled out in pain as his body parts were getting destroyed. But as the light cleared, you could his piercing red eyes glare behind Inuyasha.

Inuyasha looked behind him, to find Kikyo still holding out her bow and notching another arrow into place.

Kikyo, then proceeded to fire the arrow, striking Yukio’s neck, knocking out jewel shard. “I shall send you into the netherworld, Yukio,” Kikyo proclaimed.

“I’ve had enough of your interference, miko. It’s time you die,” Yukio growls out, sending a blast towards the undead miko.

“YOU BASTARD! You’re supposed to be fighting me,” Inuyasha shouts, jumping in the way of the blast, holding out Tetsusaiga in front of him. The attack threw him a few feet back, into a tree, snapping it in half.

“INUYASHA,” Kagome shouted.

“Don’t tell me you’re weakening already?! I’m just getting started,” Yukio exclaimed.

“Shut the hell up,” Inuyasha shouted back, staggering up. His haori was tattered and he had various cuts on his face.

“Let’s see you dodge this one, hanyou,” Yukio screamed, sending another attack from Tatsumaki.

“Keh! Take this! KONGOUSOUHA,” Inuyasha cried, slamming Tetsusaiga down and unleashing diamond spears at his opponent. It shattered through Yukio’s attack, but the demon put his sword in front of him to block off the spears. They spun on them and then ricocheted off into nearby trees. Some spun towards the Inu-Tachi and Inuyasha used Tetsusaiga to stop them from hitting his friends. Kikyo fired more arrows towards Yukio and he blocked them all off.

From the sidelines Miroku whispered,” It seems that Yukio is limited to how many arrows he can absorb.” Kagome and Sango nodded.

“You think I should fire one,” Kagome asked, gripping the hold on her bow.

“It wouldn’t hurt. I can hit him with my ofudas also,” Miroku replied, pulling the sutras out of his monk’s robe.

“Houshi-sama, put them on Hiraikotsu. They’ll fly faster,” Sango suggested.

“A great idea,” Miroku commented. He placed the ofudas on the boomerang bong and Sango prepared to throw it. Kagome placed an arrow on her bow and pulled back on the string.

“GO,” Kagome shouted, letting go of the string and sent the arrow flying, surrounded by purifying energy.

“HIRAIKOTSU,” Sango shouted, throwing her weapon with Miroku’s ofudas on them. Yukio, too busy avoiding blows from Inuyasha and Kikyo, didn’t notice the attacks coming at him. As they approached them, only did he notice, and they hit him dead on. He shouted out in pain. As the smoke cleared, Yukio had only half his body left.

“I told you guys not to get involved,” Inuyasha shouted at the group stubbornly, but his facial expression showed otherwise. He looked thankful. The rest of them saw his face and only nodded.

“Now you die, bastard,” exclaimed the hanyou, charging at him with his sword raised high over his head. He slammed it down, shouting,” KAZE NO KIZU!” The attack surrounded Yukio, but before it could hit, a barrier surrounded him, knocking it off course.

“Where did that come from,” Sango asked. Miroku and the rest of them looked as shocked as she did.

“Dammit,” Inuyasha growled. Kikyo looked emotionless, but it was evident that she was annoyed as well.

Then Saimyoushou came into view, flying overhead. It answered their question on where the barrier came from.

“Saimyoushou,” Miroku murmured in shock.

“Hmm…it seems like Naraku wants me to hold off on your deaths,” Yukio says in thought. His body gets surrounded in miasma and he starts to fly off.

“You will not escape,” Kikyo stated, shooting another arrow at the escaping youkai. He only laughed as the arrow sailed through the air after his body disappeared.

“Kikyo, are you all right,” Inuyasha asked, walking over to Kikyo after sheathing Tetsusaiga. Kagome suddenly looked away clenching her fists to her sides. It hurt Kagome to see him this way towards Kikyo when she loved him. It didn’t go unnoticed by the rest of the group either.

“Inuyasha no Baka,” Shippo muttered on Miroku’s shoulder. Sango and Miroku couldn’t help but agree.

Kikyo only glanced at him and nodded. In her same, eerie monotone, she responded,“ I am fine Inuyasha. Do not worry about me.” With that, she walked off towards Naraku’s aura with her Shinidaimachuu following behind her.

“Kikyo,” Inuyasha whispered.

Miroku suddenly shouted,” Inuyasha don’t you sense Naraku’s aura?”

The hanyou sniffed the air and growled out,” Keh! That bastard is here! It’s about time he showed his face! Let’s go Kagome.” He didn’t even notice the hurt on her face, but she reluctantly got onto his back and they sped off.

“Let’s go Kirara,” Sango said. Kirara nods, already in her larger demon form. Miroku with Shippo on his shoulder gets on with the tajiya. Kirara flies off after Inuyasha.

They arrived at the site of Naraku where Kikyo already stood, aiming her arrow at him. Kagome got off of Inuyasha’s back and also got her arrow ready.

Naraku chuckled,” It seems that Inuyasha and his group has arrived as well.”

“What is your plan Naraku,” Kagome demands. “What’s Yukio and Seiko have to do with all of this?”

“My dear Kagome, I think you already know those answers,” the evil hanyou replied, smirking. “I realize that you are not of this time period. I also know that you travel through that well, the ‘Bone Eater’s Well,’ is it called, to get through to your time.”

“B…but how…” Kagome asked in shock.

“Do you not think I can’t watch you? Kanna’s mirror can do much more than simply sucking souls. It seems that Seiko is in agreement with me. They also have interest in figuring out the secrets of the well. I wonder what it is that only lets Inuyasha and you travel through it?”

“Keh! Like we’re telling you anything bastard,” Inuyasha shouts, running towards him with Tetsusaiga raised high. “KAZE NO KIZU!”

Naraku laughed as the attack bounced off of his barrier. He sent tentacles from underneath, towards the group.

Sango got onto Kirara and the neko-youkai took off into the sky so Sango could launch her weapon. “HIRAIKOTSU,” Sango shouts, unleashing the boomerang bone. It flew across the tentacles and cut most of them away. Kikyo and Kagome shot arrows to purify some of the tentacles and Miroku knocked them away with his staff.

“NARAKU! Why should you meddle in a time where you do not belong? Are you planning to change the pattern of time,” Kikyo demands. Everybody stops to stare and listen to her question.

“Ah, intuitive as ever, Kikyo. You can say I have plans of such,” Naraku sneers.

“Keh! It’s not like you could ever go to Kagome’s time! It’s off limits to no one, but me and her,” Inuyasha shouts.

“You are mistaken Inuyasha. Do you have any clue as to how you can manage to get through? That miko can travel because of not belonging to this era. You are connected to her somehow. One needs the certain amount of strength and perhaps, a good amount of Shikon-no-kakara.”

“Why don’t I just kill you now so you can’t get through,” Inuyasha exclaims, slamming down Tetsusaiga again. The sword cracks up into spears and then he shouts,” KONGOUSOUHA!” The spears launch out towards Naraku, piercing through his barrier and going through his body. Miasma surrounds him as his body reconstructs itself.

“Try as you might, but this plan will not fail,” Naraku laughed.

“You’re wrong Naraku! You will fail,” Kagome shouted, aiming her arrow at his head. She released her arrow, her purifying energy growing stronger with every closer it got to Naraku. It hit right on, making him wail in pain as miasma once again surrounded him. His form took off into the air.

“You’re not getting away bastard! KAZE NO KIZU,” exclaims Inuyasha, sending the attack into the empty air. Naraku escaped again.

All that was left was his maniacal voice that sent chills up all of theirs spines. “Once I find out how to get through to the other side, prepare for the end of your era Kagome.”

Kagome dropped to her knees in shock. “Oh no! This can’t be happening! I knew that Yukio and Seiko were planning on doing something like with Naraku, but this as his own scheme…”

“Don’t worry Kagome. I won’t let Naraku get through to the other side of the well. I promise you that. We’re just going to have to kill Seiko and Yukio before they figure out wither they can cross through the well or not,” Inuyasha says, trying to calm Kagome down. Kikyo had much interest in Naraku’s new plan.

‘You fool Naraku. You really think you can alter time? I will not allow it,’ Kikyo thought in her mind, gripping tighter on her bow and silently walking away.

The rest of the group walked up to them. “Kagome-chan, me and Houshi-sama will help guard the well. We will make sure that Naraku can’t destroy your world.”

“Thanks guys,” Kagome says, smiling at them. She slowly gets up and they begin to walk back to Kaede’s hut. Who knows what was going on in Kagome’s era with her mom and Yukio.


To be continued…

Sorry for the long wait. Writer’s block and trouble finding character for Naraku. This is the first time I wrote a whole scene with him in it with Kikyo too. Well I hope you enjoyed it.

Next time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date: Kagome and Inuyasha are about to return to Kagome’s era to find out the current condition of her family, when Kouga shows up. What is he here for? Is the Higurashi family ok and what news does Kagome’s mom have for her daughter?


Inuyasha no Baka - Stupid Inuyasha

Shinidaimachuu - Kikyo’s Soul Collectors

Tatsumaki - Tornado


Ja ne!