InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Mom's Date ❯ Kouga's Visit - Mother's News! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Turtlequeen2: I know it’s been awhile, but I’m back! Please leave more reviews!

Inuyasha: Keh! Slow wench!

Turtlequeen2: *glare* Why do I even bother? *sighs*

Inuyasha: You like torturing me…

Turtlequeen2: Well maybe…*smirks* I do not own Inuyasha. He is owned by Rumiko Takahashi. I only own Yukio and Seiko.


Chapter 9

Kouga’s Visit - Mother’s News!

Kagome had trouble sleeping in the hut. She kept thinking only of Naraku’s plan and her mother’s condition. Inuyasha knew about her stress, but knew nothing that could calm her fears. He felt so helpless. He decided to take Kagome back to her time, yet again, to see her mother.

The next morning after that long night, the group started out towards the well.

“Are you feeling any better Kagome,” Inuyasha asked, his tone unusually caring.

“Yea, a little,” Kagome responded,” Thanks for asking.” Sango and Miroku would’ve smiled for the couple if the situation weren’t this dangerous. Shippo was saddened that Kagome had to leave again. Kirara was worried about their friends.

They stopped in front of the well. “Are you sure you are up to this Sango-chan? Miroku-sama?”

“Don’t worry, Kagome-chan. We will make sure that no one can get through to the well,” Sango said, trying to reassure her friend. Kagome nodded.

However, before Kagome could jump in, she mentally sighed. She sensed the familiar pull of two jewel shards. “I can feel two Jewel shards,” she said.

“Dammit! It’s that wolf,” Inuyasha growled as he caught Kouga’s scent. The familiar cyclone of wind appeared before the group. When the mini tornado disappeared, Kouga appeared holding Kagome’s hands in his.

“Uh, konichiwa Kouga-kun,” Kagome greeted meekly.

“Hey Kagome. I just decided that I’d pay my woman a visit,” replied Kouga smoothly.

“This is the millionth time I tell you wolf, Kagome’s not your woman,” Inuyasha growled, catching Kouga’s attention by hitting the wolf on the head, leaving behind a bump.

Kouga turned around and growled at the hanyou. “Oh, hey Inukkoro, how could I not miss your nauseating scent?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, flea bag,” Inuyasha shouted back. They were glaring daggers at each other. The group behind them sighed out of frustration.

“I’m sorry to interrupted you too, but I’m going back to my time now,” Kagome shouts, catching the feuding canines’ attention.

“Why are you going back,” Kouga asked, catching onto Kagome’s meaning. He figured out that she wasn’t from his time a while back. “Did that mutt do something to you?”

“What the hell are you trying to say,” Inuyasha demanded, fighting the urge to claw him out of existence.

Both Kagome and Kouga ignoring Inuyasha, the girl began to explain her situation with Naraku, Seiko, Yukio, and her mother. After she was done explaining, he growled.

“Naraku! That bastard! He would try to do something that stupid,” he demanded more to himself.

“At first I thought it was just Seiko and Yukio’s plan, but when Naraku came the other day, we learned that it was his intention too,” Kagome continued. “Inuyasha was trying to let go back so I can check on my family and so I can tell my mother about Yukio who she’s currently dating.”

“Dating,” Kouga asked, unfamiliar with the word.

“Uh, it’s like courting here,” Kagome explained. The ookami nodded in understanding.

“You need more help guarding the well,” Kouga wondered.

“Keh! We don’t need your help,” Inuyasha snorted, crossing his arms.

“I wasn’t asking you, dumb ass,” Kouga replied, glaring at the hanyou. “I was asking my woman.”

“Actually, I wouldn’t mind,” responded Kagome honestly.

“NANI,” Inuyasha exclaimed, outraged and surprised a the same time.

“Think about it Inuyasha. We need all we can get on protecting the well. I think Kouga would be a great help,” Kagome explained. Kouga’s chest puffed out as ’his woman’ praised him. Inuyasha rolled his eyes noticeably.

“I would have to agree with Kagome-chan,” Sango spoke up. “Kouga could help fight off the youkai that Naraku might send.”

“I, or course, agree with my beautiful Sango,” Miroku said, smoothly, making Sango blush.

“Keh! I still say no,” he huffed out stubbornly.

“Your group’s against you Mutt. You miles well give up. I won this time,” Kouga bellowed out. The hanyou muttered incoherent words under his breath and responded,” If you want your world to be destroyed, then go ahead and hire the wolf.” Kagome glared at Inuyasha, making him wince in nervousness. If looks could kill, Inuyasha would be in his grave now.

With a vein popping out of her head, she clenches her fist and shouts,” OSUWARI!” After the hanyou plummets towards the earth, the girl yells,” How can you be so insensitive, you baka!” Kouga would’ve laughed, but actually felt sort of sorry for the poor hanyou facing Kagome’s wrath. Key words being,‘ felt sort of sorry.’

“Baka,” Shippo mutters under his breath on Miroku’s shoulder. The rest couldn’t help but agree. After the spell wore off, Inuyasha felt slightly pained that she would let Kouga stay to watch over the well. Even more so, when she defended that wolf!

“Whatever, let’s go,” he grumbled, not wanting to cause him more humiliation in front of his rival. Kouga smirked triumphantly at his victory. Kagome nodded and jumped into the well, Inuyasha following before Kouga could protest further about the hanyou following his love alone.

******On the Other side of the Well*******

Inuyasha silently helped Kagome out of the well. He then proceeded to hop away to the Goshinboku, grumbling something about stupid wenches.

Kagome was angered at the hanyou also. How dare he fight over her when he still pined for Kikyo?! Still, part of her felt bad. Making Inuyasha angry at her was not a good feeling. Even though he was a stubborn, jealous jerk!

She opened the door to her home, shouting out,” I’m home!” Souta and her grandfather ran up to her, welcoming her back.

“Where’s mama,” Kagome asked, noticing her mother’s lack of presence.

“On another date with Yukio-sama,” Souta spat out, his mood instantly darkened.

“Come now Souta, Yukio-sama isn’t that bad,” their grandfather said.

Kagome had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes. ‘I wonder how you’d feel when you find out that Mom is dating a youkai,’ she sarcastically thought in her subconscious.

“Is Inu-no-niichan with you,” Souta asked his sister, hoping he’d have someone to hang out with.

“Yea, the baka is up in the Goshinboku, sulking,” she growled out.

“You guys fought again,” her brother wondered, the words more of a statement. Kagome sighed and nodded her head meekly.

“Can I talk to you alone, Souta,” the girl inquired. She wanted to ask of his opinion of Yukio. Her jii-chan let them have their alone time and went outside to pray over the shrine grounds.

“So what did you want to ask sis,” her bother asked.

“What do you think about Yukio?”

His gaze once again darkened at the mention of the man’s name. “I don’t like him. I don’t know what mom sees in the guy. He acts like a know-it-all and it seems like she hangs on to his every word. They are always together. He makes mom look vulnerable. He just gives me the creeps. What about you?”

She nodded in agreement with him. “I agree with you Souta. Although, at first I was happy that she was enjoying herself, but now…now I see this guy as unfit. I don’t like his appearance. He gives me an uneasy feeling. I’m surprised that jii-chan can‘t feel it.” ’Should I tell Souta about Yukio being a youkai,’ she asked herself.

“I thought I was the only one that felt like that…” he sighed in relief.

“I say that we come up with a plan to separate those two.”

Souta’s eyes widened. “We could do that?” She nodded and smirked.

All the sudden, before they continued, Inuyasha slammed open the back door. He stomped in, growling, his hand griping Tetsusaiga’s hilt.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome asked.

“That bastard’s here,” Inuyasha growled.

“Inu-no-niichan, who are you talking about,” Souta asked. Both siblings were scared that he would actually brandish his weapon in their house. Both Kagome and Inuyasha ignore Souta’s question as the front doors opened. Kagome’s mother’s laughs could be heard, along with the false chuckles of Yukio.

Kagome narrowed her eyes in anger. How dare that bastard act like he enjoys her mother’s company when he is only using her? How could he live with himself?! Souta winced in fear and worry on where his sister’s anger was directed.

At the front door, Keiko and Yukio were sharing another ‘pleasant’ moment in each other‘s company. “Yukio-kun, would you like to come inside,” Keiko asked. Unknowing to the woman, Yukio caught the scent of the pissed miko, Kagome and the hanyou, Inuyasha. Not wanting to reveal himself to her yet, he decided it wasn’t the brightest of ideas.

“I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline. I have another meeting with a client and I don’t want to keep them waiting. You think you can tell the family yourself? I’ll promise to come by tomorrow and accompany you,” Yukio replied smoothly, inwardly praising himself on the good lie. She smiled sadly and kissed him shyly, before shutting the door behind him. She leaned against the door, with a huge grin plastered on her face. Her joy was short lived when she heard the growls of a certain hanyou. She walked into the living room and found Inuyasha with his hand, still on the hilt of his sword. Kagome and Souta, shouting at him not to take it out in the house. Jii-chan was throwing ‘ofudas’ at Inuyasha, trying to ‘calm’ the demon’s spirit.

“What is going on here,” Keiko demanded, glaring at the group. They all immediately stopped their actions and stared at her. “I had some good news to tell you all.”

“Where is he,” Inuyasha snarled out.

“Yukio-kun? He just left,” she respond, her eyebrow raised in curiosity on what he wanted with her boyfriend. Inuyasha was about to charge out after the demon when Kagome’s hand held him back.

“Inuyasha, don’t even think about going out there by yourself! We can bother with him another time,” Kagome shouted.

“What are you two talking about,” Keiko pondered, her hands on her hips.

“Uh, well,” Kagome stuttered out, not sure on how to break the news to her mother. “What was the news,” she wondered, trying to stall it.

“Well, since you asked, I’ll tell you. I know you all might think this too early, but Yukio proposed to me. And I accepted…” She expected them to be rejoicing or slightly confused, but reaction she got was, really unexpected.

All through the shrine grounds, there was a resounding,” NANI,” heard. Kagome looked like she was going to pass out, Inuyasha looked shocked and disgusted at the same time. Souta had a shocked, yet saddened look on his face. The only one really happy was Jii-chan, but the look of confusion on his face was evident.

Kagome only had one thought running through her head. ‘This can’t be happening!’


To be continued…

Wow! That was unexpected! What the hell will happen?! Much apologies for the long wait also!


Konichiwa - Hello

Ookami - wolf

Jii-chan - Gramps

Nani - What (in the exclaiming sense)

Next time on Kagome’s Mom’s Date: Kagome and Inuyasha confess Yukio’s true intentions. What shall Keiko and the rest of the family’s reactions be? On the other side of the well, what happens when Kagura and Kohaku arrives, intent to kill of those in Naraku’s way? FIND OUT NEXT TIME!

Please review!

Ja ne!