InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's... Reincarnation?!? ❯ "It is Time..." ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome's... Reincarnation!?!

Hello! This is the Prologue, so it might be strange but the answers will be reviel
later in the story! ^_~ Enjoy! Oh, and I don't own Inuyasha!!! *cries*

Prologue: "It is Time..."

The young girl, in her hot-pink kimono, races down the path away from her so-called "home". As she ran, she
can hear the footsteps behind her getting louder and faster all at once.

The young girl looked behind her shoulders,
her cat ears twitching when her foot stepped on a twig. She winces slightly when the twig's sharp edges slices lightly
on her pale skin. It wasn't a twig at all! It's some piece of a rose!

Torns begins to pierce fiercly behind her foot, her tears
begins to sting her eyes, footsteps are getting louder and louder by the second!

Finally, she reaches the Sakura Festival.

It was all so strange; One minute she was at a place that looks like it
wasn't part of Earth, all cold and lonley and dark, and now she's at a festival, rich delicious smells were to be racing
in the air like the wind and booming voices of friendly people, mixed with childish giggles and girly laughters and chattering.
The young girl, slightly embarrased, dusted the below of her hot-pink kimono, straightend up, and walked mindlessly foward.

As the young girl wanders, she realizes that people were whispering to each other, hands over their cheeks and looking worried.
The young girl, still walking, blinks as her grey eyes drifted to one person to another.

Suddenly, some snotty girl, in a yellow summery
kimono, walked up to the young girl and snorted, "What kind of eye contacts did you buy?"

The young girl blinked; She had absoloutley
NO idea what the hell this dumbass girl was talking about!

The snotty girl snorted again, "Allow me to introduce myself; My name is
Monoca-Chan, leader of the Bone-Eaters Well!" she giggled darkly, her hands over her glittery lips.

The young girl, one of cat ears
flinching, was getting annoyed now! What is it with this whole "Bone-Eaters Crap"?! So many stupid stories were to be heard almost
all her life!

But oddly it seems, the young girl smiled cheerly and replied, "My name is MikoYoukai," and she bowed her head slightly, "Kathy-Chan

Monoca-Chan's friends came besides and behind Monoca-Chan, snickering and chewing bubble gum. Monoca-Chan, all of a sudden,
gasps, with her white hand slightly on her blushing cheek, "Oh, Kathy-sama! What a beautiful necklace you have! And that blue jewel
looks glorious!"

Kathy-Chan blinked absently for one second, seized the blue jewel with a firm grasp. "Why, thank you. This was given from my..."
Kathy-Chan paused, bitting her lower lip while her cat ears hung back.

"Your what?" Monoca-Chan questions, her hand on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently. The other girls glared at Kathy-Chan
deathly, gritting their teeth and arms crossed.

Kathy-Chan looks up with a frown, "Excuse me, Miss High and Mighty! But I have the right to not to tell you my secret! And I don't
friggin' care if you are dying to know it! And get outta my way, bitches!!"
and with that, Monoca-Chan and the other girls nearly hoped out of Kathy-Chan's path.

Kathy-Chan smirked while walking foward, her hand still grasping her baby-blue jewel.

It was that moment when the smell of rich smells or rice and chicken and fish and the sounds of giggling and laughter is beginning
to fade away slowley. It was the cause that Kathy-Chan was walking away from the festival and was heading 'home'.


Kathy-Chan reaches the modern shrine, openinig the door and mummered a bit lazly, "I'm home..."

Kathy-Chan's kitten, Mao, ran quickly towards her, leaping in the heavy air and landed perfectly in Kathy-Chan's
arms. Kathy-Chan looked down and smiled, "Konninchiwa, Mao-kun..."

Mao meowed almost silently, the tiny bell on his glittery collar rings a little. Kathy-Chan skipped foward to the kitchen.
Kathy-Chan's family was laready sitting in the small table.

Kathy's mom's head shot up and glances at Kathy, "Kathy-Sama! You're a half an hour late! Where were you!?"

Kathy-Chan sat down, "Gomen, mother, I was lost in the forest..." she paused and glances at her stepfather, whose
eyes gazes at her coldly and deathly, muting Kathy.

"Well, now that you're here and alive, I'll forgive you this time. But no more excuses!" Kathy's mother chuckled softly as she
poured some remen in the perfectly-white bowl.

Kathy nooded at nothing and uses her chopsticks, picking up a piece of carrot and quickly ate it, nibbling soundlessly.


At school, Kathy-Chan was as silent as the dead itself. It had concerned alot of her teachers and her friends as well.
It was Lunch period, and Kathy ate silently, gazing down ruefully.

One of her friend finally spoke up, "Kathy-Chan, is everything alright?"

Kathy-Chan just nooded silently, nibbling her riceball. All of her friends exchange glances with such concern
in their eyes.


Kathy-Chan ran to a shortcut home, little did she knew that she made a HUGE mistake!

The pale, bricked path is beginning to fade with greeness of grasses and tiny flowers, and up
ahead was a small hill.

"I never been here before, but," Kathy began to walk up the hill, "I'm dying to know what's
on the other side of this hill! My little sister kept nagging me to come here anyway..."

By the time she got up, her boot landed on a rock, slipped, and Kathy-Chan shrilled
as she rolled down the hill.

It was a strange instant that she hit something by her back and her rolling stoped magically.
She groaned softly and struggles to get up, wiping her eyes.

She opend her grey eyes and stares absently beyond her, and there stood, before her very eyes,
was the Bone-Eather's Well. She couldn't believe it, the silly stories of the well was true then!?

Kathy, eyes widen and her mouth hung open slightly, stared at the well shockly. There was a long
pause, a queer pause, as if the whole world itself was muted by a click of a button from some remote control.

Kathy gasps silently, rubbing her eyes again, to see if the well was just an illusion. She opens her eyes again
to see the results.

The well was still there.

Hard to believe, yes, but Kathy scampered towards the well. She touched the over sized vines with her hands.
That's when it hit her. Her grandmother's words echoed in her mind, "Falling stars and growing roses, Isolated tears
and rare smiles, I command you to open your vines for miles and miles! Open up to ______'s reincarnation!"

What was it again? Kiwi? Karoro? Kamimi? Arrgh!! Kathy hold her head and shaked her head mentally. She sat by
the rim of the well and thinks very hard this time.

That's when she notices her vision became pink, and her baby blue jewel brightens up a blinding light! Her whole body
was to be lifted magically. "Hey!! W-What's going on here?!?" Kathy shrilled when the skies turned white and black
lightning slashes trough her heart.

Her heart quickend, just like the footsteps of her stepfather's, her eyes widen inhumanly. The lightning was cut off,
her body floats there in mid air. Her eyes looked lifeless and dull, distant and blankly.

Her whole body glowed a soft pink, a pink aura...

Then, her body motions itself towards the well, her body turning around so it can face the well.

Suddenly, even when her vision was blury and covered with white polka dots, she saw that the oversized vines
open up like green hands being seperated. The hole of the well was dark and old, so frightening and yet so wonderful.

There was a long pause, and Kathy mouthed the word, 'Kagome...' and an instant, the whole place brightens up and
her body slowley emerges into the hole of the well. The magic worked itself to put Kathy in sitting position, slowley
and steadily into the hole.

'Kagome..." she mouthed the word again and again, closing her eyes and went to a deep, lifeless sleep.

Yup! That's pretty much it! >_<;; I will update again later! Just R/R for me, will ya!?! ^_~ - Gatomon