InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Savior ❯ Training with the Ice Lord ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own any Inuyasha characters.

‘ ‘ represents thoughts
“ “ represents speech
italic represents Sesshoumaru’s conscious

Chapter Six

Training with the Ice Lord

Kagome’s POV

Kagome looked at him confused. “What are you talking about Sesshoumaru? I’m The miko as you so put it. I prefer to be called by my name. My name is Kagome. Ka-go-me. It’s not that hard to remember.“ Sesshoumaru looked at her with an odd look. “What are you talking about onna. You’re not the miko, you look nothing like her.” Kagome was even more confused now. “What do you mean? I am Kagome. My ototo Is Souta.” Suddenly it dawned upon her what he was talking about. ‘He’s talking about what happened when I was training with Midoriko! My body changed to accommodate my growing powers.’

“My appearance changed because I’ve gained new powers and I’ve now become an immortal. I am Midoriko’s reincarnation and I was training with her in my dream. Do you believe me Sesshoumaru?” He just stared at her with hard eyes. “If you’re the miko, then hat is the name of my half brother that you traveled with for so long? What is his sword’s name?” Kagome smirked. “His name is Inuyasha and his sword’s name is Tetsusaiga. You’ve wanted it so bad that you’ve battled him for it but you can’t touch it. “It has a seal on it and that make it that you can’t touch it for long because you get burned.”

He growled with suppressed anger. “You’re proving yourself more onna…What’s you’re supposed adopted son’s name?” Kagome glared at him. “My son’s name is Shippo ok Sesshoumaru? Are you sure that I’m Kagome now?” He looked at her with hard eyes. “If you truly are the miko, prove it. Call on your powers.” she glared at him. “You want me to deliberately hurt you just to prove that I’m myself?” He smirked at her. Her glare intensified. “Fine.” her voice was ice cold and she stared at him with cold eyes. She felt a flood of warmth flood up her body and a bright pink and blue light burst out of her outstretched hand and it barreled into him almost instantaneously. He crashed into the wall, breaking it, and he growled as he sat up slowly with the wall crumbling behind him.

“Now are you sure that I’m me Sesshoumaru? It’s really not that hard to figure out now that I’ve blasted you through that wall…” She glared at his figure that began to stand up. “Miko…You are quite the nuisance.” He growled as he stood up painfully, slowly, and brushed himself off. She half grinned at him. “But Sesshoumaru, If I wasn’t a nuisance, I wouldn’t be me….” He looked at her and growled slightly. “Miko, don’t test my patience.” she chuckled. “Patience? Heh…Lately you’ve been so damn cold and all you want to do is rush into things, It makes me think that you’re Inuyasha!” His eyes were chipped ambers of ice as he glared at her. “Never compare me to that mutt wench!” he hissed and pinned her to the bed. Kagome looked into his eyes and she gasped softly.

“Damn Sesshoumaru calm down! I don’t think that you want to destroy your own castle! And would ya let go of me?” She said as she struggled in his grip. His eyes continued to have the red tinge to them and he growled angrily. “Iie miko..” he growled out as he brought his face extremely close to hers, his red eyes shining clearly with anger and he growled again as she began to struggle more. “Stop struggling miko.” He said coldly. She looked up, dazed, and a little confused. “Why should I? All I want is for you to let me the hell go! I’ll fucking blast you with my powers if I have to!” she said angrily. She heaved out breaths and looked up with angry sapphire eyes.

His eyes were cold as he stared down at her. “You really don’t know how to control your powers do you miko? They’re just reacting on instinct. You lash out ;in anger or with your pitiful emotions and that’s when they really react.” Her eyes widened then narrowed in contempt. “You’re a total bastard Sesshoumaru. She said annoyed. “They’re not like that at all…I do know how to control my powers and the don’t react on my instincts….” she glared at him and he smirked as he saw the fire that he wanted to see come back to life into her eyes. “Now you’re acting like you’re normal self miko. If you can control your powers, become my sparring partner.” The red faded from his eyes as he said this and his normal cold, golden stare was right in front of her, staring intently at her eyes.

She blinked, surprised and a little confused. “What? Become your sparring partner? Why in Kami’s name would I do that?” He chuckled coldly. “To prove my theory. Also to prove that you aren’t weak. You won’t be training with me just to see if your powers react on instinct. You’re going to train to make you’re powers stronger because I’m not going to have a weak miko in my castle.” Her eyes hardened and she glared at him icily. “I am not weak. If all it takes to show you is just to become your sparring partner, than I’ll do it.” He smirked at her, then let go of her wrists, getting off of the bed. “You will meet me tomorrow at sunrise in the dojo miko. Do not be late.” He opened the door and disappeared quickly out of the doorway and Kagome glared at his retreating form.

“Bastard….” she hissed and rubbed her bruised wrist. Her hand glowed blue and the bruise slowly disappeared. “I don’t like healing myself, but I’m not going to let that stay there…” She muttered. She sat up more and looked towards the door as it burst open, with Rin, Shippo, and Souta barreling through.

“Hey, who are you?” Souta asked as he looked over Kagome. Kagome smirked. “You know who I am gaki“…He shook his head. “But miss…I don‘t know who you are…” He looked at Shippo and Rin and asked them also. “Do you know who she is you guys?” They shook their heads. “No…She‘s really pretty though. “ Shippo said thoughtfully. Then his nose twitched. Her scent wafted into his nose and his eyes widened dramatically. “Momma! It‘s you! What happened?” She chuckled. “It‘s a long story….”

They stood clustered in the doorway. “Well, we want to hear it!” Souta said as his eyes sparkled. She nodded and said, “Close the door Souta.” He did and the three sat down on the floor in front of her large bed. “Well, it all started in a dream…Midoriko came to me, and told me the answers to many things that I’ve wondered about myself. She told me that I was immortal, I have the powers of the youkai that was sealed within the jewel with Midoriko, I’m Midoriko’s reincarnation and the jewel itself in human form, and guess what Souta? You’re going to live as long as I am! You’re the reincarnation of Midoriko’s brother! I couldn’t believe it when she told me but hold on…” She got off the bed and touched the middle of his forehead, exactly like Midoriko had done to her.

He was encased in a dark purple light and when it faded, the Souta that everyone knew before was gone. His appearance had totally changed. He had dark purple eyes that had a ring of silver around them, silver hair with blue streaks and a white haori with black and navy blue hakamas. His eyes fluttered and he looked at Kagome in amazement. “Whoa…what happened to me?” Kagome, Shippo and Rin looked at him with wide eyes. “I guess ‘Riko wasn’t kidding….” she said as she looked him over. “You look good ototo.” He grinned at her. “Is that a compliment I hear coming from you neesan?” Rin blushed as she looked at Souta, she liked his new look a lot. She quickly turned her face and looked toward Shippo. Oh kami! I can’t do this…Her mind went into a spin and she shook her head once. “That’s better…” She whispered softly.

Kagome grimaced as she thought of what Sesshoumaru did earlier. The three looked at her in worry and Shippo sighed as he feared the worst. “Oneesan…Are you ok?” Souta asked as he saw the expression on her face. She nodded and at first a grim expression flashed across her face, then her normal emotionless expression took over where that expression was just was. Shippo tilted his head to the side and he asked softly, “Momma, you don’t look like you’re alright….are you sure that you’re ok?” She smiled softly at him and nodded.

“Yeah Shipp, I’m ok….I just had a bad run in with the ice prince, that’s all…” She said and looked at the trio with a soft look. The three shared a look and a warning signal went through all their minds. Oh no! If Kagome and Sesshoumaru hate each other, there’s no chance for them to be together! This is bad…We need to get them together no matter what! Souta’s eyes glistened a bit and he glanced briefly at Shippo and Rin. We’re going to have to talk about this later…We can come up with a plan then. We gotta make Kagome-neesan happy again!

She grinned slightly and waved towards the bed. “C’mon! come and sit with me. I want to know what you’ve been up to…” she trailed off as they jumped up on the bed and settled against her. “Well? Are you going to start or am I going to have to ask you some questions?” she asked as she looked pointedly towards Shippo and Souta. Shippo grinned and Souta looked at her a bit cross-eyed. She glared half heartedly at both of them and looked at Rin. “Will you tell me what you’ve been up to Rin-chan?” Rin smiled. “Yes, yes Okaasan!” She nodded enthusiastically. Souta and Shippo looked at her like she was the devil. “Rin no!” Shippo hissed and Souta stared at his sister as she looked at them very interested. “What’s such a secret that you have to keep it from me you guys?”

All three of them looked at her with a straight face. “Nothing!” They said quickly. Rin got the hint not to say anything of what happened with Rei and she stayed tight lipped. “Oh so nothing is a secret eh? So ototo, you’re not keeping a secret from me? If I ask Shipp later and he tells me, you still will be telling the truth?” He nodded albeit he shouldn’t have. She smirked at Souta. “Hmmm…We’ll see about that ototo…” Shippo fidgeted and he sweated a bit as he thought of Kagome asking him about what happened earlier. He couldn’t talk about their plan but he couldn’t lie to his adopted mother either…Then his emerald green eyes lit up. I’ll tell her half truths, but I just hope she buys them…

Rin giggled as she thought of torturing Jaken with a game of tag. “Kagome-okaasan! Can we play tag? And Jaken too?” Kagome looked down at Rin with a devious smirk on her face. “That sounds wonderful Rin. “He will definitely play. I’ll make sure of it.” The three jumped off of the bed and Kagome followed them, walking through the winding paths of the white and blue castle. “Jaken! Where are you?” Rin called as they passed the kitchen. Jaken hurried around the corner as he heard Rin’s voice. “What do you want you horrible excuse of a human child!” Kagome glared frostily at him. “Jaken, never speak to Rin like that.” He looked up at her and shrieked. “Who are you?” he asked and he fell to the floor.

She chuckled coldly. “You don’t remember me you little green toad? That saddens me…I’m going to have to work harder if you don’t remember me…Maybe if I do this…” She came behind him and grabbed him by the scruff of his haori and kicked him all the way down the hall. He screeched as he crashed into a statue and a large bump formed on his head where he hit. “Stupid human wench…” he mumbled and his head swirled with pain. “Heh, back to normal eh stupid toad? Shipp, Rin, bring Jaken, we’re going to the gardens so we can play tag!” Kagome and Souta walked towards the gardens and they stopped as they heard Rin’s voice.

The two ran up to Jaken a grabbed his hands, dragging him towards the gardens. “Kagome-kaasan! We have Jaken-sama!’ Rin shouted down the hallway as they caught up to Kagome and Souta. “Let’s go Kagome-kaasan!” Kagome nodded and led them to the doors that led to the large enclosed gardens. “Here, now let’s lay Jaken out until he wakes up again…Then we can get that game started…” Rin and Shippo lied Jaken out on the stone floor and they hovered over him, waiting for him to wake up. He fidgeted in his unconscious state and mumbled as well. “Stupid ningen wench…annoying pest of a little girl! Shouldn’t be around my lord…” Kagome had enough of it. She kicked him and he was sent flying into the rosebushes. “Aaaahhhh!” he screeched as he woke up with the pain and the thorns were cutting into his flesh all over. He jumped out of the bushes and glared at Kagome “What in the hell did you do that for you stupid wench? I still don’t know who you are! I should fry you with the staff of heads for treating the almighty Jaken like this!” He screeched haughtily.

Kagome looked at him amusedly. “Jaken, for Kami’s sake! Shut the hell up! You’re becoming annoying with all of that useless chatter. I am Kagome and that is that.”

He looked at her aghast. Spluttering he replied, “Never speak to me in that tone wench, Lord Sesshoumaru…“ He trailed off as he registered what she just said. “That wench? You’re Inuyasha’s wench? I don’t believe it! You look nothing like the stinking ningen!” All four of them glared at Jaken now. Grabbing him by the throat, she glared at him frostily and her voice was like ice. “Watch your mouth when you talk to me toad. I was never Inuyasha’s wench so don’t call me that. Never call me a wench period. Do you understand?” She tightened her hold on his neck to prove her point. “Yes Kagome-san.” He muttered as he struggled for breath. “Good.” She said and let him fall to the floor unceremoniously.

Rin was a little scared when she saw Kagome hold Jaken like that but her fears eased when Jaken was released. “Whew…I thought that Jaken was going to turn all purple and we were going to have to take him to the healers…” She said softly. Kagome, Souta, and Shippo looked at her curiously. “Huh? What are you talking about Rin?” Shippo asked. Rin looked at him with watery eyes. “Jaken-sama was hurt really bad before and Sesshoumaru-sama saved him, but we had to take him to the healers because his wounds were so bad…” Her eyes began to tear and Shippo gave her a hug to try and calm her. “You ok Rin-chan?” She nodded slowly and snuggled into his loose hug. His eyes were soft as they stared at her and he took his attention off of her as he noticed Kagome staring at him.

“Are you ready for that game of tag? I can teach you a new kind of tag and I’ll be the referee if you want.” All of them looked at her interested except Jaken. “What kind of tag Kagome-okaasan?” Rin queried. Kagome gave her a half grin and then she smirked at Souta. It’s called frozen tag. It’s one of my favorites.” Souta groaned. She always used this game to target him when they were younger. “I know this game….” He said softly. Shippo heard this and he looked at him with a little surprise. “You do Souta? How do you play it?” He grinned at Shippo. “Heh…If I tell you, Kag’s going to kill me…”

Kagome smirked from the sidelines. “Good choice Souta, very good choice.” She stiffened as she felt a youkai aura coming up behind her that felt unconsciously familiar to her. ‘But how can that be?’ Her eyes widened as she stared at the black haired Inuyoukai male and she tilted her head to the side. “Who are you? I think I know you from somewhere, I just can’t place it…” Her eyes showed her confusion and he couldn’t help but want to tell her who he was. “My name is Akito milady.” She nodded and her eyes still showed slight confusion. “Ok I know your name but why do I get the feeling that I know you from somewhere?” He chuckled at that. “It’s most likely because Rei told me to take you back to your room when you were asleep by her side.” Her eyes widened at that. “You took me back to my room?” He nodded. “Yes I did milady. It was something that didn’t bother me.” She gave him a true smile. “Thank you Akito. I most likely would’ve stayed right where I was and I would have been so out of place when I woke up…”

He nodded. “It was no trouble at all milady. Now, to get to the reason to why I was sent here. Lord Sesshoumaru requests your presence.”

Her eyes narrowed as she thought of Sesshoumaru. “Do you know what he wants Akito? I really don’t want to go anywhere near him right now…” He shook his head. “I do not milady…You must go to his personal study. I shall escort you.” She glanced at him, and then the kids. “Well if he wants to see me these three need to go and play with Jaken but please have Rei-chan watch them too. I don’t trust that toad as far as I can kick him.” He glanced at her with surprised eyes. She was a spitfire that surely seemed to get brighter the more that you made her angry. “I will make sure that Rei comes and watches the children also.” His blue eyes flashed silver and the link that he had to Rei opened. ‘Hey bird brain! Are you asleep?’ Rei’s eye’s flashed and she replied ‘No you egotistical inu! What do you want!?’

He chuckled. ‘Lady Kagome is to go and see Lord Sesshoumaru. She does not trust Jaken to watch the children so she wants you to. Will you come to her gardens?’ She grinned mentally and giggled. ‘Yes, I’ll come. That toad doesn’t know the first thing about caring for children and he has three on his hands!’
The link cut off then and Rei walked out of her room fast, half afraid of what she was going to find when she reached Kagome’s gardens and afraid of what Jaken could do as well. She walked through the open door and she sighed as she found that nothing happened. “Thank heavens…” She said as she looked around. Kagome looked at her amusedly. “What Rei-chan, did you think that something terrible would happen?”

Rei looked at the beautiful woman and her eyes widened. “Kagome-sama? Is that you?” She smirked and then the smirk turned into a half smile. “Yes, you got that right Rei-chan.” She looked at her with amazement. “What happened?” She smirked. “Well, basically I’m immortal now. I’ll tell you the rest later.” She looked at her pointedly and Kagome nodded. “It’s pretty interesting…”

Akito walked over towards the doors and he waved his spear towards them. “Lady Kagome, it’s time to go.” She nodded. “Ok, ok…I’m coming.” She followed him out the doors and through the hallways back through the way that they just went. Then they took many different turns that Kagome almost couldn’t count how many. They stopped in front of a huge set of engraved doors and Akito knocked on them, then ushered Kagome inside.

Kagome leaned against the door and glared at Sesshoumaru’s form.

Sesshoumaru’s POV

‘The miko is angry at something…‘She glared at me and her tone was sharp as she spoke. “What in the hell am I doing here Sesshoumaru?” He glared at her harshly. “Miko, do not speak to this Sesshoumaru in that manner. You are here because I need you to do something for me.”

She looked at him surprised. “What? Why don’t you get one of those annoying girls that like to hang off your arm? I don’t feel like going anywhere if that’s what you’re going to say…” He growled at her. There was no way in hell that he was going to the regular gathering that the Eastern Lord Hatori held with an annoying twit of a female. She was at least tolerable. “You are going, and the children will go as well. They will be occupied by the children of the cardinal families.” Kagome glared at him. I don’t want to go you stubborn egotistical inu! Don’t go and decide what I’m going to do for me!” He smirked at her. “You’re going to disappoint Rin? I already told her that she was going. And when she asked if she would be able to play with the children there I said yes.” Kagome sighed and nodded her head. “Fine, I’ll go. But this is only because you told Rin-chan about it…”

As she turned towards the door, his smooth, baritone voice stopped her. “Miko, get some sleep. I will not have you falling asleep during our intense training.“ Her head snapped towards him and she glared at him with fire in her eyes. “I will be fine Sesshoumaru! Good Night!” She opened the door and then slammed it as she walked out of it.

Akito’s POV

Akito looked at Kagome with emotionless eyes but asked a question that helped a lot. “Are you alright milady?” She shook her head. “No, the Ice Lord is being a total ass…and a jerk.” He walked up to her and glanced into her eyes for a second. “Milady, you shouldn’t talk about the lord like that. He’s not all bad, he just sheltered his heart and emotions. It made him very hardened.” She smirked at him. “Yeah and it made him a total ass to others.” He shook his head. “I’m not going to change your mind about talking nicer about the lord am I?” She shook her head. “Nope”

“Well milady, where do you wish to go? There is about an hour and a half left before the children’s bedtime but just enough time to do something if you‘re going to read to them.” Kagome shrugged. “Not sure, you know what? None of that milady stuff. Just call me Kagome or Kagome-chan. It’s more friendly.” Akito looked at her with a mixed expression on his face. “But milady, that’s the rule…” She grinned at this. “You haven’t broken a rule before?” He looked at her dumbfounded. Of course I have.” She nodded. “Well then, break this one too.” His eyes widened at the thought of what Sesshoumaru would say when he heard what he would call Kagome and froze. “What?” Kagome asked. He looked at her and said one word. “Lord Sesshoumaru.” She chuckled and just shook her head. “Don’t worry about the Ice Lord, I’ll deal with him if he says anything about it ok?” He nodded slowly as he thought about it and she grabbed his hand, leading him down the hall in a random direction. He had no idea where they were going.

“Where are you taking me milad-Kagome-san?” Akito asked as he was led past her personal gardens, then past the kitchens. She looked back at him. “Hmm…I was thinking about going to visit Ah-Un, that sounds like a good idea to me…” Akito looked at her amazed. “You want to see Ah-Un? He practically attacks everyone but Miss Rin and Lord Sesshoumaru…he’s gotten used to me but with everyone else…” He trailed off with shock evident in his voice. She chuckled. “Yes. He likes me, my ototo, my musuko, and hasn’t attacked us at all. Does that surprise you?” He nodded. “Yes, it does. With unfamiliar people, he is very ferocious towards. He almost always tries to snap at their head or goes for their throat…” Kagome chuckled again. “That gentle thing? He was as tame as a butterfly.”

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His lord’s dragon tame? Gentle? Never! That was preposterous!” He just shook her head and led her out of the castle towards the stables.

Kagome’s POV

I looked around in wonder at everything around me. ‘For everything that Sesshoumaru is he has all of these animals? Geez…He even has twenty different horses!” They passed the horses and came to Ah-Un’s stable. Kagome went right up to him and began to pet Ah’s head. “Heya Ah…I bet that you needed some company, it gets pretty lonely without anyone here…” Un nuzzled into her arm, feeling left out. Kagome looked at him in amusement. “What’s the matter Un? Feel left out? Don’t worry…” She ran her hands against his smooth scales and smiled as he let out a content growl. “Well, I’m glad that someone’s happy. Maybe if someone else would get that way things would run a little more smoothly…”

Akito looked at her with amazement and confusion. “What do you mean Kagome-san?” She glanced at him briefly, then focused her attention back to Ah-Un. “I’m just saying if Sesshoumaru would loosen up a bit, you know? Maybe just so that he’ll be easier to get along with….” He could see where she was going with this. “Kagome-san, it would be hard for Lord Sesshoumaru to change.” She tilted her head to the side as she turned around and looked at him. “Why? I know that if I tried hard enough, I could get something out of him…” He looked at her baffled for a moment, wondering why she’d want to try and change his lord and answered her. “Because he’s been this way ever since his mother died. It would be very hard to change years of shutting yourself in so that you can’t be hurt, and encasing your emotions and your heart.”

Kagome’s eyes softened a bit as she thought of what happened to her. “I know what that feels like…But damn, he still needs to loosen himself up!” “You’re a very stubborn woman Kagome-san.“ Akito’s eyes were soft as they looked at her. “Do you want to go and see the children now? It’s just about their bedtime…” He said as he looked out one of the stable windows and at the full moon. “Yeah, c’mon Akito I have to go and read to all of them or they’re going to gang up on me tomorrow when they wake up…It’ll get almost ugly…” he laughed and they walked back to the castle with no words exchanged. It was a comfortable silence.

Akito stood guard outside of Rin’s room and Kagome came inside the cracked doorway. Rin was sitting up in her bed, under her covers, waiting for Kagome. She looked up as she heard a noise and smiled. Kagome-okaasan! You came!” she said excitedly Kagome smiled softly. “Yeah Rin, did you have doubts?” She shook her head. “No! I was just waiting so you could tell me a story…Plus I wanted to see Okaasan before bed…” Kagome smiled inwardly at this.

“I have come to tell you a story Rin, but you will have to lay down.” Rin lied down and Kagome settled down against the chair that was by her bed. “Well, here’s the story that I was going to tell you…It all starts with three little pigs, they were all brothers. One pig built his house out of straw. The next pig built his house out of sticks. The third and final pig built his house out of bricks. They were quite happy in their own houses until a hungry wolf came by. He blew the house of straw down and the little pig had to run to his brother that had the house of sticks. Chasing him, the wolf arrived there at the house of sticks and blew that house down too. The two little pigs barely made it out of his clutches but they ran to their brother that made his house out of bricks. When the wolf arrived there and saw them through the window, he tried to blow the house down but couldn’t. He gave up and the three little pigs were happy and lived joyful lives…”

Rin looked at her with sleepy eyes. “That was a happy story okaasan…What was it called?” Kagome smiled a bit and got up to brush the bangs out of her eyes. “It’s called The Three Little Pigs.” Rin smiled and her eyes closed as she drifted off to sleep.

Walking away quietly from Rin’s bed, she opened the door without a sound and closed it the same way. She went into Shippo’s room and found that he and Souta were already sleeping. The blankets were at the foot of the bed and their limbs were stretched all over in weird angles. She smirked and crept over, pulling the rich, decorated covers over them. Kissing Shippo on the forehead and gently brushing Souta’s bangs from his eyes, she whispered softly, “Sleep well” and went back out the door.

Akito’s head turned toward her as she closed the door. He could tell that she was fatigued and he adjusted his spear as he addressed her. “Kagome-san, you should get some sleep. You look very tired. I know that both boys are sleeping in there and you really need your sleep now.” She looked at him with tired eyes. “I guess that you’re right…” She yawned widely and walked down to her room with him. She opened her door and saw that he was still standing outside. “So you’re my guard now? …I guess I can deal with that.”

She went over to the huge closet and opened the doors. Looking through the many sleeping kimonos she found a beautiful silver and blue one that made her eyes sparkle. Getting undressed she quickly donned the sleeping kimono and walked over to the bed. Pulling the covers back, she settled down underneath them and pulled them up to her chin. Her eyes fell shut not too long afterwards. She was more tired than she thought she was.

Sesshoumaru’s POV

‘Where is that wench? She was supposed to be here…And why didn’t one of my servants wake her up?’ A smirk crept itself onto his face and he walked silently out of the room to Kagome’s. Opening the door silently, he saw that Kagome was sleeping comfortably. His footsteps were quiet as he moved towards the head of her bed. “Miko…wake up.” his silky voice said in an annoyed tone. All Kagome did was stir and his gold eyes continued to concentrate on her form. He sighed to himself and walked out of the room and into the adjoining room. He came back with a glass of water in his hand and dumped it straight on top of her head. She sat up almost immediately, spluttering angrily.

Kagome’s POV

“What in the hell? Why am I soaked? Souta! This better not be one of your stupid pranks!” she shouted in anger and looked around for her little brother. She didn’t find him but found Sesshoumaru, at the head of her bed, glaring at her and growling. “You are late miko…And stop the yelling or I will make you.” She glared at him. :”You’ll make me huh? I’d like to see that…Why in the hell am I wet Sesshoumaru!! You didn’t have to dump a glass of water on me!” His face was emotionless as he answered her. “You would awaken no other way. Now, go and change into something suitable for training, and meet me in the dojo.” He left the room and Kagome grumbled as she got out of bed. “Damn Sesshoumaru…I’m wet, cold and tired and he wants to train…I know what I’ll do…I’ll take a bath…”

She went to the closet and opened the doors in a rush, looked around in it, ignoring all of the beautiful kimonos. She found a black and silver fighting haori and hakama that looked perfect for Sesshoumaru’s ‘training’. Grabbing them, she shut the doors again and walked to the door opening it so that she could slip through it. Slipping through it, she grinned inwardly as she saw Akito outside standing guard there. He reminded her a lot of Shippo in some ways and that was cute to her. “Hey Akito, can you take me to the hot springs The way that the ice lord‘s been acting, I think he‘s wanting you to follow me around.?” He nodded. “That’s right. Yes Kagome-san, follow me.”

Leading her to the onsen, he opened the shoji screen and she stepped inside, as she did she looked at him with appreciation. “Arigato.” She whispered softly and closed the shoji screen behind her.

Kagome walked barefoot on the cool stone floor and as she reached the rim of the onsen she sat her clothes down and walked around to where the soaps and cleansers were. She slowly set the mint, vanilla, and rose leaves down at the rim and chose the vanilla and rose soap. Undressing, she sank into the hot spring savoring the heat.

“Mmm” She murmured “This feels greeeat.” her head tilted back and her eyes slowly slid shut. She sat up quickly as the shoji screen door was opened and shut again. “Who’s there? I’m trying to take a bath here…Go away!” She said irritably. Sesshoumaru’s baritone voice answered. “Miko, I told you that you were to meet me when you changed, but you came here instead. Get out and you’re coming with me.”

Kagome looked up in surprise and crossed her hands over her breasts. “Where are you, you fucking hentai!” He growled and she stayed where she was in the hot spring. “I’m behind the changing walls and behind the next shoji screen. Now change miko.” She glared towards his way and huffed as she got out of the water, and got a towel that was folded near her clothes. Drying off, she dressed in the fighting haori and hakama, and she pulled some tabi onto her feet. She walked out to where Sesshoumaru was and looked at him impassively. “Are we going or what?” He just nodded and the two exited with no words.

The dojo wasn’t far away and Kagome cursed as they reached it. It looked like the traditional one, but on the eastern wall, it was covered with weapons. She walked up to them and looked around, her eyes glinting as she saw all of the weapons that she could possibly use. The sais and the pairs of katana that were used in ryoutou interested her as well. Her eyes stopped as they caught a particular katana that was emitting an energy that drew her to it. It was beautiful, engraved and jeweled with many designs and gems in its handle. She grasped it off of its shelf and he looked at her with something that looked to be amazement. “Why did you choose that particular katana?” She glanced at him briefly then smirked. “It called to me. It drew my powers out.” His eyes flashed in understanding but he growled anyway. “You were able to touch my mother’s sword so that is one way that you are proving that you aren’t weak. For now. You must prove your worth. Unsheathe the Kurenai and come at me.”

She unsheathed it fluidly and to her, she didn’t know how she was parrying his extremely fast attacks. It was like it was coming naturally to her but she couldn’t attack with how fast he was going. ‘We’re just sparring, so I shouldn’t use any of my powers…That’ll really make it unfair…’ Sesshoumaru was attacking mercilessly, his sword clashing against hers. “I thought that you were going to prove that you weren’t weak miko? All you’re doing now is defending and parrying…Is that all you can do?”

Kagome glared at him over their swords and pushed back with everything she had and sent a tiny bolt of miko powers through the katana. This sent Sesshoumaru stumbling back, and Kagome sprung at him, going to attack his unguarded area, his chest.

She didn’t get her desired hit in and Sesshoumaru pinned her to the ground. She struggled to get free. “Chikushou, Sesshoumaru! Let me go!.” He stared into her eyes and flatly said, “No.” Smirking a bit, he gripped her wrists a little tighter and said to her, “You have to find a way to escape. It’s part of your training.”

------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------

Gloss ary
Ototo- little brother
Onsen- hot spring

Sorry that it took forever for me to get this chapter out…I’ve really been having trouble, but I’ve made this chapter longer than normal (11 pages) hope that you like it.