InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Savior ❯ The Vanishing Kit ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I don’t own Inuyasha!

Chapter Eight

The Vanishing Kit

Falling down as he stared at the now decimated target, Shippo grinned widely. “I’ve gotten better!” he whispered, amazed at how strong his kitsune bi had really got. “I should show okaa, but I need to learn how to control it better…” He mumbled, lazily looking around the garden from his spot under a shady sakura tree. “Its so pretty…” He felt so at peace here, so safe. That he was lulled into a light slumber.

Not knowing how long he was actually in the dreamless sleep he was in, Shippo lazily opened his eyes, and he was greeted to a beautiful sight. It was now early evening, and everything was painted in shades of red and orange. Looking around the vast garden with wide eyes, Shippo grinned happily as he caught sight of the different colored flowers. A smile quickly bloomed on his face as he found a walkway scattered with lilies, his okaasan’s favorite flower.

“Okaasan will love these!! I hope she will smile again…I love okaasan’s smiles…” he murmured to himself, and quietly knelt down. Looking for the brightest flowers to pick, he almost dropped them as he sneezed violently due to the amount of pollen in the air.

“Bless you.” came the slightly muffled polite response.

Not paying any attention to who actually said this, he smiled goofily and continued to work on picking the prettiest lillies for his okaasan. “Arigato!” he chirped, and brushed some pollen away from his twitching nose.

“Now kit, is that any way to thank someone?” the muffled voice asked again, and he giggled as a butterfly landed on top of the brightest lily in his hands.

His happiness was shattered by his hands being roughly grabbed, causing him to drop the beautiful lilies. Despair filled his thoughts as he heard a light crunch, and as he glanced down, he began to cry as he saw the crushed flowers. “Why?!” he cried out, looking up with teary eyes.

Blinded by his tears, he stood there, shaking in a mixture of anger, lost hope, sadness, and fear. He had no idea who was with him in the garden, and now that he wasn’t busy, he became extremely wary. “W-who are you?” he asked, managing to get out these three words before he burst into tears again.

“It is none of your concern kit…just know that you will be used to drag your mother and Lord Sesshoumaru into something that they won’t be able to come out of alive.”

Struggling in his unknown assailant’s grip, Shippo whined in pain as his hands were slightly crushed by its strength. “W-who are you?!” He repeated again, this time his voice was filled with shaky anger. He whimpered in fright, noticing that he couldn’t see anything. “I-I can’t see!!! OKAASAAN!!! HELP ME!!” he yelled out In fright before he fell into blissful unconsciousness.


Kagome’s eyes widened in shock, coupled with fear. “Shippo!” She shouted worriedly, automatically getting to her feet and hurrying to where she heard the girl scream. “Shippo, Shippo!! Where are you?!” she muttered, searching for any trace of her adopted son. She cursed internally, and scanned the gardens with calculating eyes. Hissing sharply as she caught the aura of unidentified youkai, she felt anger well inside her. Shippo better not be hurt! An angry side of her hissed darkly, and she couldn’t help but to agree.

Running past Akito, she almost yelled in frustration as he stopped her. “Kagome-san, what’s the matter?” Smelling the scent of salt, he almost stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed that the normally stoic priestess was crying.

Looking up at him with tear-filled eyes, she whimpered in distress. “I can’t find Shippo anywhere!! H-he might be hurt, and I don’t know where MY kit is!!!” She cried out, not noticing or caring that she was crying now. “Akito, please help me find him!!” she pleaded, clinging to him for support.

Nodding quickly, he picked up Kagome bridal style, smiling slightly at her. When she glanced at him in confusion, he laughed lightly. “It will be easier to travel this way. I will find Rei, and she will help as well.”

Nodding in agreement, Kagome hardly noticed the scenery flashing by them, her only focus was on finding Shippo, and making sure that he was safe and unharmed. Shippo…“My kit…I need to find my Shippo…Shippo-chan…Where are you?” Kagome constantly murmured, and never noticed the worried look that Akito was giving her.Being so focused on finding Shippo, she barely noticed that they had arrived at Rei’s room.

“Rei! Get out here you damn bird!” Akito rolled his eyes as he heard the curses that was thrown at him. Coming out of her room highly annoyed, she raised a brow as she stared at the two. Her sarcastic remarks were frozen as she caught sight of Kagome’s tearful expression.

“Kagome-chan? What’s the matter?” She asked gently, pulling the crying girl out of Akito’s protective hold and into her arms. Not ready for the breakdown that occurred at this question, she glanced at Akito helplessly. “Akito, what’s going on?”

Scowling, Akito resisted the urge to hit Rei over the head in his annoyance. “Kagome-san’s kit is missing….She has no idea where he is. There is no way that he isn’t in the castle still unless someone masked his youki while they kidnapped the kit. I have a feeling that there is a spy in the castle Rei.” He said seriously, glancing at her with narrowed eyes.

This shocked Rei immensely. “A spy?” her thoughts suddenly went to the tense situation that they had with the southern lands. “Lord Kanaye! He had to have sent the spy if there is one in the castle!”

Almost instantly agreeing with her, he glanced at the now silent Kagome. “She’s cried herself to sleep. Rei, I’ll take her back to her room, you go and look for the kit.” he took Kagome back into his arms and walked swiftly back to her chambers.


“Souta-kun….Souta-kun!! Do you know where Shippo-kun is?” Rin asked through the large oak doors of the young immortal’s room.

“Huh? Rin-chan? What is it?” Souta replied, opening the door and looking at her boredly. For him, there wasn’t really anything to do, and from what his oneechan said earlier, he needed to read the three books that were on the nightstand beside his bead. Not only were they written by Midoriko-sama’s ototo, Takashi, they described the changes that he went through when his sister revealed to him that they were made immortal by the Shikon.

“Souta-kun, I’m looking for Shippo-kun!” Rin repeated, looking at him annoyed. “Do you know where he is?”

He shook his head. “No Rin, I don’t know where Shippo is. He could be with oneechan….he said he was going to practice his fox magic in the gardens though…” he replied, watching as she brightened considerably.

Hugging him tightly, she smiled up at him gratefully. “Arigato Souta-kun!” she quickly disappeared down the hall, heading towards the gardens, leaving a slightly flustered immortal behind.

“Yeah…You’re welcome Rin.” he said to himself, then disappeared back into the confines of his room.


“Okaasan!” Rin called out, running to Kagome’s room. Kagome’s door opened, and Akito stepped out.

“Rin, please be quiet. Kagome-sama is sleeping.”

Rin glanced at him in confusion. “Sleeping? Why is Okaasan sleeping?”

Patting Rin’s head, he smiled slightly. “She found out something today that made her sad…she ended up crying herself to sleep Rin.”

Looking up at him curiously, her face suddenly brightened with her newfound idea. “Okaasan is sad? Rin will go and pick flowers for okaasan!” The girl said happily, and she quickly disappeared down the hall.


“Sesshoumaru-sama!! Sesshoumaru-sama!” Rin called out, scouring the taiyoukai’s personal gardens for any sign of him. “Sesshoumaru-sama!!” she called again, smiling brightly as she caught sight of his long silver hair.

“What is it Rin?” he asked, glancing at his ward idly.

“Have you seen Shippo-kun? Rin was looking for him earlier, and no one knows where he is! Kagome-okaa has been sad lately, and we were going to pick flowers for her. But, since I can’t find Shippo-kun, I asked Souta-kun, and he doesn’t know where he is either. I was going to ask Okaa, but Akito said she cried herself to sleep because something sad happened!” she stopped to breathe, and she looked up at him sadly. “Can you help okaasan, Sesshoumaru-sama? I don’t want okaa to be sad anymore…”

Standing there silently, staring at the taiyoukai imploringly, she clenched the flowers that she had in her hands closer to her. Feeling the all to familiar comfort of her lord patting her on the head, she smiled as he swept past her. Arigato Sesshoumaru-sama.


Brushing back Kagome’s hair from her face, Akito stared down at the slumbering miko with confusion. “Imouto.” He whispered fondly, smiling as she cuddled closer to him. Wondering exactly why he called her little sister, he suddenly came to a realization. She was just like his younger sister Nika, who had been attacked and killed by a rogue panther youkai when they both were just mere pups. They even act and look alike. He thought wryly, settling against the headboard as he held his newly proclaimed sibling in his arms.

Mumbling, Kagome swatted at something imaginary that was bugging her. “Ngh…go away!” she muttered, burying herself into the cocoon of warmth that she was encased in. Whimpering slightly as she felt the soothing warmth pull away from her, she held on tightly, sighing in relief as it stayed. “Niisama…don’t leave.” came the almost completely muffled breathy whisper, and as soon as she felt the pleasant feeling of someone’s fingers running through her hair, she sighed contentedly and fell back into a deep slumber.

“Sleep well Imouto.” Akito said softly, before slipping into a light doze. I can’t shake the feeling that I knew her as a child…he thought sleepily, yawning tiredly.


“Lord Sesshoumaru. Something that could be possibly be dangerous is happening.” Rei had appeared in front of her lord, bowing slightly. “Kagome-san’s kit is missing, and the strong possibility that he was kidnapped by a spy is extremely high.”

This caught his attention quickly. Someone had infiltrated his own castle and had left, taking the kit with them? He had felt that something was out of place, but with everything that had been going on lately, he hadn’t thought that things would’ve escalated this far so rapidly. That must’ve been what Kanaye expected.

Hearing the rustling of silk, Rei glanced up and shuddered mentally at the look of extreme annoyance flashed across her lord’s face. “Find out anything that you possibly can. I will talk to the priestess.”

Visibly relieved, Rei nodded in agreement. “Hai. I will depart right away.” she replied lightly, disappearing quickly.

The miko should be in her room. That is, if she isn’t dragging Akito around.


Akito shifted as he registered the presence within Kagome’s room. “Lord Sesshoumaru?” he asked softly, not moving so he wouldn’t rouse the tiny slumbering miko.

Sharp golden eyes swept over the lavish room, finally coming to a stop at the slightly messy bed. “Let her sleep. When she awakens, bring her to my study.”

Blinking as he processed what his lord just said, he nodded, and his hold on Kagome tightened slightly. “Hai. It will be done.”

The door closed almost silently, and Akito was slightly comforted by the sounds of Kagome’s even breathing.

Just what is in store for you now Kagome-san? You seem to draw danger to you like a moth to a flame. I will watch over you as best as I can, but you also need to be careful.

Burying himself deeper amongst the covers, he sighed. I need to sleep as well. he thought tiredly, yawning as his exhaustion finally took hold of him.

“Shippo-chan….where are you my kit?” Kagome murmured, snuggling deeper into the comforting embrace of Akito. She felt safe, but her dreams were full of worry.