InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Story ❯ What Are These Feelings? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well here we go chapter 5. Hope you all enjoy it.

Disclaimer-I do NOT in any way own Inuyasha!

"Kagome, where are you going?" Inuyasha asked as he ran and grabbed my arm. "Well I'm going to find Some food because I'm hungry and what just happened…was weird…it won't happen again so don't think it will." I replied as I pulled away from him and walked further into the village.

"Why Ms. Kagome, how are you?" Miroku asked as he walked out of a hut and stood in front of me. "Well actually Miroku I'm kind of hungry…do you have any food you could spare me?" I asked in a polite manor. "Of course, um Inuyasha would you like something as well?" Miroku politely asked.

"Yea monk I'm hungry so go make some food." Inuyasha snarled as he turned away, folding his hands in the process. "Don't mind him, he is just being a jerk right now." I said to Miroku as I turned and glared evilly at Inuyasha. "Trust me Kagome I learned to not mind Inuyasha since I met him." Miroku replied with a giggle then walked away into a hut.

I walked over to Inuyasha and sat next to him, the grass was finally dry from the yesterday rain so I wasn't too worried about getting my skirt all wet. "Inuyasha, why are you so mean?" I asked as I turned and looked into his eyes.

"Shut up wench, I can act how ever I wanna!" Inuyasha replied as he turned his head away from me and let out a sigh. "Gees you could at least look at me when I'm talking to you." I yelled as I grabbed his arm. "Shut up!" He replied as he turned around to face me.

At that moment something came over me…like a strange feeling. I think I actually like Inuyasha…but how could this be? I thought to myself as I looked into Inuyasha's golden eyes. "Inu…yasha?" I whispered as I leaned close to his face.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha replied as he placed his hands on my shoulders. "Snap out of it!" He yelled as he stood up and smirked. At the moment I quickly jumped up and yelled, "Don't ever yell into my ear again…Sit!" The Inuyasha slammed face first into the ground.

"Haha." I laughed devilishly as I started to walk over to Miroku's hut. "WENCH!" Inuyasha said to himself as he stood up and walked behind me.

But I quickly turned around to be face to face with Inuyasha. "Why do you insist on sitting me all the time?" Inuyasha said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and glared at me. "Well maybe if you weren't always so mean then maybe I wouldn't have to." I replied as I looked up at him.

"You are just so…" but before I could finish Inuyasha leaned in a kissed me. As I fell into his embrace he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. But the kiss was broken when Miroku yelled. "Inuyasha, Kagome the food has been prepared…please come and get it before it spoils.

"Well you heard him, lets go eat." Inuyasha said as he walked towards the hut. "Why do I feel this way about him? I barely know him but I think I'm already falling in love with him. Well I hope we get closer." I thought to myself as I stood and watched Inuyasha walking away and then I smiled.

"Kagome come on!" Inuyasha turned and yelled to me as he smiled. "Coming." I replied as I ran to catch up with him. "Miroku this food is great, thank you for making us some." I said kindly to Miroku as I put my head back down to eat the fish.

"Thank you Kagome, Do you like it Inuyasha?" Miroku smiled then turned to Inuyasha waiting for a response. "Yea it's ok." Inuyasha said as he quickly eat his fish. "Well I was wondering if I could come with you two on your journey…where ever you are going."

Miroku asked as he took a bit out of his fish. "Well I don't think…" "Sure why not!" I quickly said, cutting off Inuyasha.

"Great, well lets rest here to night and we will leave first thing in the morning, but for now I will go fetch some fire wood to last us threw the night." Miroku replied happily as he stood up and walked out of the hut and into the forest.

"Why did you tell him he could?" Inuyasha said as he turned and looked at me. "Well because he seems so nice and he could help us on our journey…which makes me come to the question…what journey are we exactly making?" I asked as I looked at Inuyasha in confusion.

"Well I'm making a journey to find Kykio, so I can kill her…for bounding me to that tree for 50 years." Inuyasha said as he turned and looked out the window. "Ohh I said, I fiddled around with my fingers, trying to avoid eye contact with Inuyasha.

"Kagome…what on your mind?" Inuyasha asked as he scooted over to me and placed his hands on my shoulder and smirked. "Ohh nothing, nothing just thinking about earlier" I replied as I lightly blushed and looked away.

"Oh early as in opposed to Kaede's hut?" Inuyasha said in a seductive like voice. "Umm…well" I started to say but was cut off by Inuyasha grabbing me and started to kiss me. "Kagome…I know what you want…so just relax." Inuyasha whispered into my ear and then started to kiss my neck.

Then Inuyasha started to slide his hand up my leg and other which wondered to my breast.

He started to massage my breast and kiss down my neck while sliding down my panties. "Oh Inuyasha." I gasped as I threw my head back. Inuyasha then started to slid his fingers along my clit, which made chills shoot straight up my body instantly. Then he started pumping his fingers in and out of my vagina, getting faster and faster with each minute.

"In…u…yas…ha." I gasped again as orgasms shoot threw my body making me lose control and falling onto my back. But suddenly Inuyasha stopped and hopped to the other side of the room. "Inuyasha…why did you stop?" I asked as I sat and pulled my panties up and turned to the door.

"Miroku is coming so just act like nothing happened." Inuyasha whispered to me from across the room as he grabbed the fish and started knawling on it again. "Hello, I'm back with the fire wood so now we may rest until tomorrow." Miroku said joyously as he sat and started to light the wood.

"Well good night Inuyasha and Miroku." I said as I smiled at Miroku then turned to Inuyasha and winked. "Good…night." Inuyasha replied in a confused voice as he looked at me then quickly threw his head down onto the ground.

"Well good night to both of you." Miroku said happily as he lay down and fell asleep. Then I laid down and started to drift off to sleep until I felt a hand slid up my skirt.

"Inuyasha." I whispered as I looked into his direction. "Sorry I just want to finish what we started." He replied quietly as he started to pull me closer to him. "No we have to sleep…so go to bed." I said angrily as I pulled away from him and slapped his hand.

"No fair." He whispered as he crawled back over to his spot and curled up into a ball…falling fast asleep. "I wonder if this is all a dream? I wonder why Inuyasha hates this Kykio woman so bad…and I wonder…" But before I could finish thinking I fell asleep.

Ok there is No Cliffy on this one because I didn't feel like making one…but all I have to say is that Inuyasha and Kagome are some horny ass people. But please R&R my chapter and tell me what you think…. trust me you never know what I'm going to put into the next chapter so keep checking up!

Xo RiKKu oX