InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kagome's Warning ❯ Author's note ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Corin: Hey I'm sorry everyone but all my fics have to be put on hold for a good while…It's not my fault but my parents are fighting for custody over me. (I have terrible spelling…^^''') anyways…. I know I haven't updated in months…. *sees people with swords and other weapons* Ehehehehehe...but in a good couple of months I will be back to updating…and no writers block is going to get in the way…MUWHAHAHHAHAHAH AND AHA!!!!

Koda: Umm…please forgive her folks…she's-*looks at Corin who is laughing like a maniac* umm…she has had terrible writer's block...and the 'death' of her last muse hasn't helped…-.- he's not really dead…she just sorta scared him away…Corin can do-*ish asleep now*

Corin: anyways…*holds her bat* I will be back in some months…and I promise that I will update all my fics…okay? Bai bai. ^_^