InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kaigen ❯ Home... ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, or the characters in it. I may have some original settings, or characters, and those are mine.

Note: This idea was sprung from my crazy mind, and inspired by two fics, Out of Time by Irony-chan (92540), who has the awesomest remakes of Inuyasha (England) and Fruits Basket (US), Bittersweet by Knives (92912) who has written the most awesome (but incomplete) Grownup Shippo fic, and For Such a Time as This by Wingsong (215919), who has the awesomest Groundhog Day-ish Inuyasha fic.


Kagome turned to the well... 'Mama, Jii-chan and Souta will worry if I don't return soon... I should go back for a night or two...' she thought. 'I'll go tell everyone right now, I can be home in a few hours...' A cool wind made the trees move around, and a little dust cloud formed around her. She left it coughing. She rushed from the cloud, and burst into a run towards the village.

"Inuyasha! Sango! Miroku! Shippo! Kaede-baasan!" she called, running towards them waving a hand. The familiar village was quiet, as most of the men and women were traveling to a nearby festival. Sango was standing, supported by a wall, holding (small) Kirara, and Kaede was sorting herbs on a little sea

"Kagome! Inuyasha's beating on meeeeeeee!" Shippo whined, jumping into her arms. She just barely caught him.

"Inuyasha! Ouswa-" Catching a glance from Sango, Kagome had a feeling that something was... fishy...

"I didn't touch the little brat!" Inuyasha called from the path, walking towards them. "He's been bugging me since you left!"

Kagome looked at Shippo. "Is that true Shippo?" she asked softly.

Shippo looked down. "Yeah... Sorry Kagome..."

"It's not me you apoligise to, it's Inuyasha. He's the one you annoyed, right, Sango?" Kagome turned her head to her best friend.

"As far as I cold tell, it was that wa- HENTAI!" Suddenly, there was a monk on the ground. "Ahhhh, gomen, Houshi-sama..." Sango bit her fingernails. She looked at Kagome. "I didn't mean to hit him THAT hard..."

"Feh. So, Kagome, any shards nearby?" Inuyasha called out to her, runnig quicker.

"Actually, I think I'm going home for a bit!" she called back.


"What!?" she asked, turning her head, looking at the staring faces. She looked annoyed. "Can't I go home sometimes?"

"Kagome! You went home last WEEK!" Shippo whined from her arms. He, apparently, didn't like it when she left.m He hugged her arm fiercely.

Sango looked at her, raising her eyebrows knowingly. "You did, you know..."

"However, Kagome-sama may want some time to rest up..." Miroku said, getting up. "Fighting youkai is hard work, and Kagome-sama is probably near exhaustion... Her powers have been used heavily these past few days..."

Inuyasha raised his ears in an annoyed fashion, then turned and bounded off. Kagome, before watching him run off, noticed he seemed a bit... hurt? Did he think...? No, he was just annoyed at her leaving so soon. She went into the hut to pack up some stuff.

~~ An hour later ~

Kagome, having made her short goodbyes, stepped lightly along the path, breathing deep and filling her senses wiyth the smells of nature. She loved the evening air, and the sun was just setting. She heard a small sound of leave whirring around, and felt a presence beside her. She looked up...

"Kouga-kun!" she yelled, and hugged him around the neck. Kouga and Kagome had recently gone from (him possesive, her faking) to real friends. She had confronted him about his possesiveness, and his lack of noticing her personality, and he had explained that he was a wolf youkai. They weren't very expressive of their feelings, really.

"Kagome!" he hugged her back lightly. "Ready to be my woman yet?" he smiled, and let go of her. They started walking towards the well.

Kagome looked at him while rolling her eyes. These strange ways of speaking would always remind her of his youkai-ness. That, and his tail...

"Kouga-kun..." Kagome's voice took a scolding tone. "I'm not your 'woman', as wolf youkai term it, and won't be, at least not in the near future. I-" Shre was interrupted by him sputtering "It's that stupid dog, isn't it!"

She sighed. "Kouga-kun... Let's just enjoy the sunset..." she said. It was true, the sun was setting... they had reached the well. They sat on the edge, looking up at the sky, as the warm orange and gold was invaded by the violet of the night sky.

She turned to him. "Kouga-kun, I really should-"

"Kagome!!!" Inuyasha had appeared on the path, callin out, "Watch out! A youkai-"

A crash interrupted him, as the youkai burst into view behind Inuyasha. "Idiot, you led it to us!" Kouga yelled, grabbing Kagome and lifting her into his arms. Kagome saw the youkai and gasped.

It was like a human... except or the mottled, green-gray skin, and the sagging face. The light blue hair was hanging limply of the thing's skull, and its face was bearing many scars. It was carrying a sword... Tetsusaiga!? No, but remarkably like it!

Suddenly, the youkai got a burst of speed, and thrust the sword... through Inuyasha...

Kagome screamed, tears falling from her eyes closed shut. Kouga's face was covered in signs of shock, and he started shaking. Inuyasha was gasping for breath, his claws coming up to his chest, grasping the blade...

The beastly youkai swung the sword, and Inuyasha flew off, unobstructed, right towards the two shocked figures standing by the magic well, and all three were knocked into the well...

The last thing Kagome saw was a burst of bright, pink light...
