InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kikyos eyes or Kagomes smile ❯ Kikyo by the waterfall ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kikyos eyes or Kagomes smile
Chapter 1
It was a warm night. Inuyasha and the rest were looking for a good place to build a fire and sleep. They had just came back from fighting an other demon so they were pretty tired.
“lets just settle down here.” Kagome said anxiously
“Cant we go just a little further incase we find a nearby village?” Inuyasha said with an annoyed expression.
“Inuyasha we are to tired to take the risk of not finding a village and end up in a crappier place, not saying this place is the best, but I just want to sleep.” Kagome said wile staring into his eyes giving out a sad and sleepy look.
“Fine. We can stay here.”
Kagome smiled for her accomplishment of her manipulative sad eyes routine. Inuyasha then saw her smile and he began to crack a grin because he loves it when she dose smile. They have been going around collecting jewel shards and who could count the speechless unforgettable gruesome things they have crossed paths with plus the number of times he had broken her heart Kagome still has that loving happy glow in her smile.
They all set up for bed and go to sleep except for Inuyasha who was tired but for some reason could not sleep. while closing his eyes Inuyashas ears gave a twitch and he quickly got up and turned his head. He had a huge urge to go by the waterfall they had passed by. He decided to go there because maybe he would be able to fall asleep afterwards. When he arrived he saw a young lady standing there.
“k-k-Kikyo?” Inuyasha said in shock
“Yes Inuyasha it is I, Kikyo.”
“I thought you where K-“
“KILLED!! Yes I was . I am still wondering the same thing you are. How can I be standing here in front of you?”
Inuyasha stayed standing there gazing at the women he had loved for years. After about a minute or two a tear ran down his face and he ran towards to put his beloved in his arms. He couldn't believe she was real but she was. He has never held Kikyo like that before.
“I'm sorry my dear dear Kikyo. I never would of let Niraku hurt you like that. If only I known.”
“If you truly felt that way you must stay by my side. I have tried to live without you and go on my journey alone and I know we shouldn't be together but I need you Inuyasha.”
“I need you too but….”
He then paused and all he could think about at the time was Kagome.
“I don't understand how you could be so stupid and fall for a girl who doesn't belong to our time.”
“Yes but I can't help but love her. How can I leave her?”