InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Killer Past ❯ Found ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is my 1st Inuyasha fic so please r&r

Killer Past

Chapter 2- Found

50 years later…

~ Kyoto, Sunset Mall ~

"Lena, what do you think of this outfit"? "It's not your color, try this on baby blue dress" said Lena handing the blue dress to her.

The girl looks at it then holds it up to her while looking in the mirror and smiles. "You're right, what would I do with out you"? "Probably be tacky" Lena muttered to herself.

"What was that?" the girl asked looking suspiciously at Lena. "I said you would probably still be beautiful, Mandy," Lena said smiling.

"You're right I would still be" Mandy said going back to her reflection. `She is such a stuck up, why am I friends with her?' Lena thought until she heard a big commotion coming her way. "I wonder what all the commotion is about".

"I hope it is a hot guy, I haven't had a good one in a while" Mandy said smirking as she dropped the dress and walking over to the source of the commotion. `It's probably another old rich guy showing off his money'.

Lena thought to herself slowly following Mandy. What she saw when she turned the corner was a hot guy surrounded by almost every woman in the store. He had gorgeous white hair, his eyes were covered with sunglasses; he was wearing a cap, blue jeans and a t-shirt.

The man was winking and smiling at the women until reached where Lena was standing. Walking forward, smiling he gave a quick bow to her as he takes off his sunglasses revealing his sun-kissed eyes.

Lena almost gasped when she saw his eyes, `Where have I seen those eyes before?' Lena thought as the man smiled at her shocked expression.

"Are you Ms. Lena Naga"? "Who wants to know"? Lena did not like the feeling she was getting from him, she had a feeling her was here for a purpose.

"That does not matter, now please come with me". "No". "Don't mind her she is a little off some times but I would be glad to come with you, Mr. Takashi", Mandy said coming up next to the man smiling seductively.

He glanced at her for a second before, look back to Lena. "I will only ask you one more time, please come with me now". "I said no, can't you take a hint".

For an instance the man glared at her but just as quickly it came, it vanished off his face as he took her by the arm and pull her out of the store. "LET GO OF ME, HELP, SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME". The two continued to walk until they got to a silver Lexus convertible.

"Get in". Lena looked up at him and stepped a little closer, then screamed, "NO".

By now the man's patience had snapped; he tightens his grip on Lena's arm. He leaned close to her ear, "Look here, girl, if you don't stop this acting, and get in the car, you will be in for a world of pain".

Nodding her head, Lena got in the car. `Finally, this is one stubborn bitch', the man thought getting in on the driver side and drove off. After about 10 minutes of silence the man spoke up, "Why so quiet, Ms. Hirgurashi".

That made Lena turn and glare at him. "Who are you"? The man looked at her surprised.

"You don't know?" "If I did, would I ask you". "Wow, I thought at least every woman in china and Japan knew who I was".

"Sorry, I don't keep up with who the most conceited men in the world are". The man was about to say something when his cell phone rang.

"What do you want?"

"Did you get her, Inuyasha?" A cold male voice answered.

"Yeah, I got her".

"Have you told her yet?"


"What is she doing?"


While Inuyasha was on the phone, Lena had taken the liberty of trying to run them off the road. "I won't let you take me back to that bastard" she said driving them straight into a pole. Inuyasha thought fast by pushing her back to her side of the car and turning the car just in time to avoid the pole and park the car.

After he had calmed down his heart, he turned to Lena. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"

"I will not let you take me back" she said trying to open the door. "Inuyasha". Inuyasha put his phone back to his ear.


"Let me talk to her and unlock the car door"

"Just do it".

Inuyasha growled as he gave Lena the phone and unlocked the door. Lena looks at him confused, but puts the phone to her ear. (AN: Name change coming up.)


"It's been a long time, Kagome"

Kagome quickly got out the car and closed the car door.


"I nice to know you remember me"

`That's where I remembered this guy's eyes from' Kagome thought.

"Why did you send someone after me?"

"I need you to come back"

"Never, I finally got out; I'm not going back".

"Yes, you are".

"How are…."

Kagome passed out from Inuyasha knocking her out. He quickly caught her and the phone before either hit the ground. After he put Kagome back in the car, he put the phone up to his ear.

"She is out, we are coming in". Inuyasha then hung up and got into the car and drove off.


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