InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kitsune?!? ❯ Hot Spring Aventure ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Hot Sping Adventure

The day started out like any other in Fuedal Japan. It was a sunny spring day without a cloud in the sky. Sango, Kagome, and Shippou silently got up and snuck off to the nearby hot spring for their morning bath. They look furtively around to make sure that they were safe, and seeing no one, undressed and stepped into the steaming water. As they were relaxing, Sango saw some bushes rustle. Sango nudged Kagome and they submerged as they silently watched. All of a sudden, they heard someone grunt and say " Aw come on!". "Hentai!", the girls squealed, and Sango picked up Hirokotsu and flung it right at the bushes with a satisfying thud as an end result. The being in the bushes groaned and fell out. "That'll teach you to peek Miroku!", Kagome hollered. "If you value your life, you'll turn around and go back the way you came houshi-sama!" Sango says, as she menacingly hefts the Hirokotsu. As he scrambles away, The trio fall about laughing. "Do you think he'll ever give it up?" Shippou says wonderingly. They all thought a moment and said "NO!" and laughed some more. They made their way leisurely back to camp. "Where have you been? We should be out looking for shards right now!" Inuyasha growls as he meets them on their return. "Bathing" the three reply. "Must you bath every day?!?" he growls. "YES!" the trio reply. "Feh" is all he says. "Let's go before we waste anymore time!" "All right, all right," they grumble, "Let's go."

*How did you like chapter one? Was it good? If you have any comments, please review! And be nice, this is my first fic! So not TOO many flames, okay? Byes for now!* Skye