InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kouga's Promise... ❯ The Song of Sadness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
1¾«"Goopqq qÐ Chapter 1:The song of sadness

**I don't own anything related to Inu-Yasha, and this 3 chappie fic I found while surfing for fic's of the like. I don't claim this to be my own, but I decided to re write it so that it could be more easily understood. Of course, I did add a few things, but I surrender them to the public domain. Enjoy!!**
On the night of the full moon, Ayame sat under the tree staring up into it's luminescent face. She couldn't help thinking about Kouga, the yokai that will never care for her. She knew that her feelings for Kouga were true, because he had saved her. She was younger then, and he had promised that he would take her as his mate, when she had grown. But some time had passed since then, and he had forgotten the promise to the little yokai girl he saved. She had loved him, and had waited for him, and now that she was grown, had come in search of him so that the promise would be fulfilled. But this was never to be and her heart was torn in two. He told her that he found someone else, a human, and that he was in love with her, and only her. The human's name was Kagome.
But hope remained, and she still loved him, just as she always had. "Your mate can only be me." Ayame thought. She considered their last conversation, and sighed.
"My mate has to be someone who can see the Shikon Shards, and Kagome can!" Kouga's words screamed through her mind.
"Then I'll learn how to see them too! I'll learn just for you, because I love you. Just wait for that day!" Ayame had yelled back, regretting instantly the force attached to her words.
But that was three months ago, and not matter how hard she had concentrated and tried, no matter how much she had practised, she could not see the shards as Kagome could, and this devastated her. She pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging her knees tightly. Her hidden loneliness and pain coursed through her veins with every beat of her broken heart. Looking up with closed her eyes, she tryed desperately to hold in the inevitable tears.
"Ayame..." said a vioce to her right. She turned to see who it was, and smiled at the familiar face.
"Grandpa" she said. The old wolf smiled back at her.
"Ayame, I am old. I grow older every day. You should find mate to marry. I want to see you happily married before I die. I want to make sure that you have someone by your side, and that you are not alone."
"Please don't say that grandpa, you're not going to die..."
The old wolf sighed and sat down. "We need to face the truth Ayame, and that is that I don't have very much time left. I want you to go, Ayame and find the mate that's right for you." He looked up, watching a silent tear slip down her cheek. "Go find Kouga and bring him back here. He is the mate for you. Find and marry him before I die, to that I can see you two together again."
Ayame froze at her true love's name. "M..marry Kouga?" she stammered. He'll never marry me! Oh! Poor grandpa, he doesn't know about Kagome! I can't break his heart by telling him. He really likes Kouga. Oh! What I am going to do?!
"Ayame? are alright?" asked her grandpa, concern shadowing his face.
"Oh! yes! I'm fine!" she lied.
"Good!" he replied, "Then go find him."
Ayame nodded. She didn't know what else to say. She stood up and started running in the direction of Kouga's last known lair, the other members of her pack falling in silently behind her. They ran through the night and the next day, stopping to rest before continuing on. She needed to find him, and time was running out.
"Kouga! Where are you going?!" called one of his comrades.
"For a walk!" Kouga snarled back. He started off at a run, slowing to walk through the forest, alone with his thoughts. He abruptly stopped, and leaned against a tree, a faint sound of music filtering through the under-story. "A song?", he queried silently to himself, listening intently. "It's sounds so sad." He decided then and there to follow the sorrow filled music to it's source. Walking swiftly after the quickly fading lullaby, he crested a hill that overlooked a small grove with a crystal clear hot spring pool in the centre. It was here, on the top of the hill that he could hear the song well. "I must be close." Gazing down the embankment, he spotted something he did not expect, and his cerulean hued optics growing wide in astonishment. He saw someone, a girl who was wearing little more then a short, white towel that barely covered her from chest to knees. She was sitting on a large grey rock, her legs dipping into the hot water the small pool contained, singing the song to herself and staring at the sky.
"Ayame?!?" Kouga softly mumbled to himself, a sudden urge to sweep her into his arms overtaking him. He was surprised that he hadn't smelled her as he approached, but he realized that she was in the hot spring and the water masked her scent. "So," he voiced, "it was you who sang that sad song." He frowned "Why does she look so sad?" But he already knew the answer. She had slipped into a depressed state since their last meeting, and the effects were evident on her soft features.
Her appearance had changed, and Kouga hated to say it, but she was a beautiful girl. "Why does a pretty girl like you" he thought, "love someone like me?" She continued to sing, but the sound faltered as a tear slipped down her cheek, followed closely by another. "She's crying!" He whispered. She wiped the tears away and slipped into the hot spring, the towel still wrapped around her slight frame. Kouga felt a pang of sorrow race through his heart, his cruel words of their last meeting reverberating in his mind. He continued to watch her, his head aching with thought.
Ayame's eyes flew open because of the sharp pain shooting up her leg from her left ankle. "AHHHH!!" She screamed, then was violently pulled under the surface of the lake.
"Ayame!" cried Kouga. He knew instantly that something was wrong. Running as fast as he could from the crest of the hill, he reached the lake in time to see her slip into the water and dove in after her, himself. He spotted the water snake that had attached itsel to her appendage and wrenched it off furiously. Kicking as hard as he could, he brought Ayame's limp form back tp the surface, watching the snake swim away, defeated. He pulled her up onto the shore and laid her down, the towel just barely holing on. He placed his ear against her chest and listened hard for something...anything...
"She's still breathing!" he whispered, relief drowning out all of his worry. He glanced down her figure, his eyes resting on her left ankle. He saw blood oozing from the wound, accompanied by a greenish liquid. He recognized it right away, realizing the reason for her unconsciousness. He didn't waste any time. Taking off his headband, he tied it around the upper part of her leg, cutting off the circulation to it. He went to work, sucking the poison out of her ankle and spitting it out, again and again. "That must be it" he breathed, the taste of the venom out of his mouth. He untied the headband and watched the blood flow freely into the injured leg and out the wound. Finally, he tied the headband over the puncture holes left by the water snake's fangs and he laid down beside her, preventing her from moving too much. H knew that if she were to move, it could aggravate the injury, and that she needed the warmth to recover.
Ayame struggled against the grogginess that enveloped her. She blinked a few times then opened her eyes, looking to see who was laying so protectively beside her. "Kouga?!" she exclaimed, weakly. She couldn't believe her eyes. "I must be dreaming! I feel so weak...Is that you, Kouga?" she stammered. "I'm so tired, I must be dreaming! What's wrong with me? I ... I ...can't move!"
Kouga smiled, happy to her lovely voice once more. "Yes Ayame its me, Kouga" he replied, worry creeping back onto his features. "How do you feel? Does it hurt?"
She sighed, then tried in vain to return a strong smile "I'll be fine, but what are you doing in my dream?"
"Dream?" asked Kouga, curiously, wrapping his arms around her shivering body. "Why do you think you're dreaming?"
"Because", she replied, turning away, "you'll never be this close to me outside my dreams." The sorrow threatened to envelope her once more, but she sniffed back the tears and curled up closer to Kouga's warmth, reviling in the vague reality of his touch.
"A...Ayame... I..." Kouga didn't know what to say. "Maybe it's best ," he thought, "that she remember this embrace as a dream. I don't want to hurt her anymore..."

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