InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kyoumu ❯ Miko Dream Battle ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
No, I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the characters on his show. Rumiko Takahashi does. Enjoy!

Inuyasha blinked lazily as he awoke. The lingering blackness before his eyes caused him to snap to attention.

Where in the seven hells was he?

Blinking a few more times, the hanyou realized that he was not blind, but that he was somewhere very, very dark. He sniffed and swiveled his ears simultaneously.

Aggravated, he swore vividly in barks and growls. Neither his ears nor his nose was working.

Instantly, he realized he could not move.

Growling in frustration he looked down to find that he was being held to a tree in the standing position by some invisible force. His attention returned to the vast darkness as two spots began to burn on the ground. Slowly, like the flow of the tides, two figures rose through the solid soil. Spotlight illuminated the figures, revealing them to the poor, confused hanyou.

On the left, in her traditional miko robes with her hair tied up, was Kikyo. Her bow was taut, and an arrow was notched.

Inuyasha’s eyes widened as he glanced to the right. There Kagome stood, dressed in the same robes, her hair also tied up. Her bow was also ready to be fired.

Neither girl seemed to notice Inuyasha impossibly tied to a tree. Rather, each had her arrow aimed for the other’s heart.

Inuyasha’s heart lurched. Were they going to kill each other?

Summoning all his strength, he pulled, and was rewarded with a snapping sound from the tree behind him. Frantic, he gave another tug, only to be dragged back down by a heavy weight.

Looking down, he found Kikyo’s soul skimmers on his left side, tying him to the tree. On his right was a long row of prayer beads, which he noticed were missing from his neck.

Another lurch jerked his heart, and he closed his eyes in pain. They were really going to kill each other?!

Inuyasha swallowed hard, trying to get the lump out of his throat.


Could he still speak?!

Before he could open his eyes to look at them, before he could open his mouth to scream and beg for them to stop, he felt a heavy thunk in his chest.

The hanyou’s eyes snapped open, and he looked down in horror at the arrow protruding from his chest.

Inuyasha looked up cautiously, expecting the traitor to still be looking at him, but neither girl seem bothered by the ancient arrow, an eerie facsimile to the one that had pinned him to the Goshinboku for nearly fifty years. Every nerve on Inuyasha’s body felt on edge as the tension in the room seemed to grow.

Then the room began to spin.

Or rather, he began to spin.

His tree began to rotate around the mikos, just outside what appeared to be their arena.

Dizzy and handicapped, Inuyasha nearly missed the arrows being fired, clashing with each other in a swirl of pink and cream-colored miko energy. Together the energies burned a holy white as the arrows disintegrated each other.

Then, one energy seemed to overpower the other and the ball of miko power hurled itself at one girl, who shrieked and fell to the ground as the energy exploded. Inuyasha could taste blood run down his throat as he bit his lip in anxiety.

Without a sound, the miko power lit up the room, nearly blinding Inuyasha in the process.

The hanyou forced his eyes open, despite the pain, as the remaining miko walked toward him, her face down. Her hair bounced in its tie and her miko robes swished in the deafening silence.

Inuyasha felt the soul skimmers disintegrate and the prayer beads return themselves to his neck. He clinched his eyelids together as the miko yanked the arrow from his chest.

Before he could reopen his eyes, she pressed her fingers against them gently. Inuyasha cursed his senses for going haywire. He could not smell if this was Kagome or Kikyo. He couldn’t hear or see correctly.

Then a pair of lips softly caressed his own.

Kikyo sat up quickly from the boughs of the willow she had been resting in. Nimbly and hastily she jumped from them and started off to where she knew Inuyasha would be.

Inuyasha rolled out of his own tree rather violently, waking the rest of the group below with loud crashes and vile curses. Kagome, on the other hand, stared at the hanyou with wide eyes as Kikyo entered the clearing.

Rubbing his head, Inuyasha flinched as he noticed nearly everyone he had ever cared about was gathered in their campsite, Kikyo included. His heart practically stopped as he realized whose lips had kissed him, who had won the duel, and who had been defeated.

Inuyasha stared long and hard at Kikyo, his past love who had returned as the walking dead. Turning to stare at Kagome, his new love who had given him back his life, he gave a violent shiver.

High above them on Mount Hakurei, Naraku watched through Kanna’s mirror the scene that he had orchestrated .

“So…” he laughed maniacally, running his hands through his wild ebony locks, “Kagome was the winner…”

Well, review if you liked it and I might just continue it. Until then, Ciao.
~Live The Paradox~