InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lady Kagome ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This chapter contains a very disturbing scene. If you are not much for violence, then skip the chapter. This story is rated M for Mature, so you were already warned before reading.

Souta was kicking his soccer ball with Hitomi in the central terrace of the shrine. He loved it when Hitomi would kick the ball back to him and giggle. Her big brown eyes would sparkle and light brown curls bounce.

'She is so cute when she does that.'

“So, when is your big sister coming back? She’s so cool,” Hitomi smiled, receiving the soccer ball and preparing to kick it back.

“Oh, she’s suppose to be back this evening for supper. Not sure how long she will stay though,” he scratched his head.

He missed Kagome. Despite them arguing, she was his big sister and had been there for everything. Lately, she was only coming 1 full day a week and it mostly consisted of her helping out with the shrine. Last week he volunteered to help her as he wanted to spend any time with her, even if it was working. His sister was slowly becoming different. She use to be so happy and carefree. Now, he caught her deep in thought and at times in tears. She still smiled and seemed the same, but he knew whatever was happening on the other side of the well was effecting her. He did not resent her going there, but he wished her journey could end so she could come home.

He also missed seeing Inu Yasha, who usually came along with Kagome through the well, but he had not seen him for a couple weeks, since during one of Kagome’s visits. Kagome had explained that she was training under Inu Yasha’s older half brother, Lord Sesshoumaru. Souta thought he sounded scary. Well, definitely, considering that Kagome had told him that he had tried killing her and Inu Yasha a few times. But now, it seems this Sesshoumaru character wanted what was best for his big sister so he only hoped she was being treated well. She did look healthy and came back in fine kimonos that were usually worn during festivals these days. She even looked to be gaining some muscle, but he figured that was to happen as she was diligently training.

After receiving the ball, he kicked it back. Hitomi stopped it and looked up. She noticed a big burly man behind Souta.

"Souta, some big man is behind you," Hitomi said, pointing.

"It's probably the gardener. He is a day early though," Souta said turning around. "Hey, you're not the gardener mister!"

"No I'm not," the brown haired man said.

"Did you need to speak with the head priest? We have a sale on Shikon no Tama keychains this week," Souta said, using his sales pitch.

He usually was good at suggestive selling and most people did buy, saying how he was such a cute kid. He resented being called a cute kid, considering he was a boy approaching his teenage years, but kept mum as his act worked for now. However, this man was to the point and did not seem to even be interested in what the shrine had to offer.

"Yes, that will do fine. I wish to speak with him and perhaps any other adult," his blue green eyes penetrated the boys eyes.

Souta eyed him warily, trying to figure out who the man was. The guy had a black trench coat that covered a black and white suit.

'Maybe he is a government official?'

"Okay mister, this way. Bye Hitomi. I'll call you later," Souta waved at his girlfriend.

"Mochiron, Souta-kun. Kisses," Hitomi blew kisses at him.

Souta smiled and made a gesture as if he caught them as Hitomi giggled then turned to the shrine steps to go. He hated to let Hitomi go early, but he did promise to keep watch out for people entering the shrine and she was only there to say hello. He would have invited her to dinner, but he hated how his big sister gushed over him and Hitomi saying how cute they were. It was embarrassing to both of them.

"Okay mister, follow me," he beckoned. "Mom! Ji-chan! Some guy is here to speak with you."

The man was way too silent and it was kind of freaking Souta out, so he picked up the pace and led the man to their home. His mom opened the door.

"Souta, don't yell. This is a shrine, not a rock concert hall. Well, come in," she said, taking in the sight of the man, but smiling. "Who are you sir and why do you wish to speak with us?"

"I'm your worst nightmare bitch," the man growled and lunged forward.

Mrs. Higurashi screamed as the man clawed her deep in her stomach and started beating her. Souta was in total shock. The only thing that registered in his head was to run, but the man was blocking the door. He could not figure out why the man wanted to hurt his family. His family was quiet and had no known enemies, at least to what Souta could recall as he was only a boy.

He watched the man snap his mothers neck and he ran for his mother sobbing.

"No, okaa-san!" he cried.

The man punched him before he could reach his mother.

"No use crying over her. You're about to join her," the man smirked, cracking his knucks.

It was not until then that Souta saw the man's ears, they were pointed. Kagome had told him about demons before. He knew he could not so anything to evade this man. He had no spiritual powers or super strength. In that moment he wished with all of his heart that his sister or Inu Yasha would appear, but his stomach sunk in despair as he knew that they would not come in time.

"Demon!" he shouted, trying to kick him, despite him knowing his efforts were ineffective.

"Damn straight!" the man said, and Souta drifted off into unconsciousness after being thrown into the wall across the room.

"Demon be gone!" Ji-chan rushed in throwing a sutra on the demon.

"Old man, you are foolish. These are harmless and now you will die," he said, grinning menacingly, his fangs glinting.

It did not take much as the youkai only hit the elderly priest and he went into cardiac arrest.

"What an easy job. Now I play the waiting game for that miko," the youkai laughed.